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Re: sulfur foods and restricted diet

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for what its worth I strongly believe my sulphur food problems came

about during a bad protocol from moronic health care provider that had

me on cilantro, chorella, no salts and sugars of any kinds (no carbs,

no fruit nadda) for 8 months AND had me doing a lot of probiotics and

aloe vera for gut problems so I was having huge yeast die off symptomns

I lost about 40 pounds which I understand sig weight loss can cause

mercury redistribution.

It was at this same time that my MCS became almost intolerable

So I think all of these or some of these combined to create the

problems with sulphur foods...all that mercury being moved around in

and through the GI tract had to create more imbalances

hopefully these (sulphur problems) will get better, but as or

pointed out all these supplements we are on create a high

sulphur load as well..so its a matter of balancing things out and

sulphur (I believe per ) creates or contributes to yeast

I am thinking of going off almost all my suppplements for 3-4 days

except HC, milk thistle, fish oil and my vitamin C/salt drink for the

lymes; and magnesium powder drink and see what happens

Current Diet has been curtailed to

** celery and romaine lettuce juicing (no sulphur as I understand it

and low in salicyclates)

** bananas (low salicyclates -see either File or links section)

for list of these foods

**Once a week i do make a huge pot of soup (boiled chicken;

potatoes--I know may be bad for sugar/starch; and carrots

with lots of curry and cayenne; Curry is supposed to be good for

slowing down phase 1 liver, I believe). This lasts me almost a week

* organic cashew butter alone through the day for protein and with

bananas for treats. I believe cashews are also low in salicyclates

which as i understand it, can cause inflammation (ie high salicyclates)

* baked chicken breasts

* cleavers tea for lymphs though the day and liver tonic herbal drink

in the am

Once/twice a week I have either a bag of potatoe chips (the natural low

hyrogentated fat kind which are also supposed to be low in salicyclates

or popcorn at a movie (no butter)

I think this diet has contributed to me feeling sig better in last 3

weeks and I have been able to make good progress on increased chelation

dosage so this tells me my body is better able to deal with getting the

mercury out. Much of the leg/arm/ back burning that i was experiencing

has been diminished

Keep believing,

PS my underdstanding from I believe a TK post is that these green

powders often contain chorella and spirulina and who knows what else

so its best to avoid and stick with the raw foods


> > I have Andy's list of low and high sulfur foods. Wheat and barley

> > grass are not listed. I know that he recommends against using the

> > powdered greens (he has mentioned that in several posts, but I don't

> > recall the reason, I assumed it was because of the high sulfur,

> > there could be other reasons as well like additives).

> >

> > If I remember correctly, I think I read a post a while back saying

> > that Andy didn't like powdered greens because they usually contain

> > things that can be bad for us such as cilantro.


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> dimaggio


> for what its worth I strongly believe my sulphur food problems came

> about during a bad protocol from moronic health care provider that had

> me on cilantro, chorella, no salts and sugars of any kinds (no carbs,

> no fruit nadda) for 8 months AND had me doing a lot of probiotics and

> aloe vera for gut problems so I was having huge yeast die off symptomns


> I lost about 40 pounds which I understand sig weight loss can cause

> mercury redistribution.


> It was at this same time that my MCS became almost intolerable



Is there a post in the archives where you described the moronic

treatment and your reaction in detail? If I remember correctly you

were using a different email account when you were first in the group?

I finally figured out a way I can keep track of people's adverse

reaction reports quickly without getting myself confused with all of

my files that I haven't had time to sort through. (see the new folder

in the links section)


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