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Re: Recovery stories ? A Diatribe

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Kristi, unfortunately your father is more right than he is wrong

Right in that most (99.25%) alternative health care professionals not

only have no idea how to treat mercury BUT when they do try to treat

it, treat it incorrectly which is 100 times worse than doing nothing

and then they think they can get away with charging exorbitant fees

as no one else can help us. It is a racket, a scam and they should

all rot in h%ll

I spent likely $15-25,000 and to date have lost 4 years (been very

sick for 4 years...averagely sick for likely 20 years) of my life

getting bad treatments and supplements with these morons. I think

part of it is gross incompetence and the other part is most of these

practioners do not make money off of mercury patients that get better

(ie so they can keep practising on us and giving us worthless


I was told by last practitioner that my mcs (mult chem sensitivities)

weer incurable and that the only solution was to move up to oregon or

Washington coast where there was no pollution. He had at least one

patient that did this and got better

Within the first week of taking what Andy recommends (niacinamide,

grapefruit juice) l was able to live with my chemical problems and

was at the point where I could work a few hours each day

My story is not unusual, its just another statistic..many people on

this site have more debilitating problems. It is a big secret. I,

like all the other people here are real and this forum has

tremedously helped implement my AI protocol. I am not trying to sound

melodramatic when I say it saved my life. I used to be able to do 7-

10 mile hikes/ 20 mile bike rides. I can not right now as my adrenals

are messed up,,,BUT I have recently began to think about how fun it

would be to be on a hike and feel more optimistic...This after about

3.5 months of following the protocol and supplement and treatment


I am a business owner and CPA so lack of energy/brain problems were

never an issue.

I had multiple doses of anti parasitic drugs that didn't too anything

but likely cause more liver problems as many drugs do not work woth

mercury toxic people. Dopey pill popping dr's...

More recent tests revealed serious deficiencies of zinc and taurine

just like AI says and I belived they also have helped me. In 5 years

of medical tests no dopey Dr had even pointed this out or mentioned it

that it might be part of my problem

BAD PROTOCOL's just about killed me (sulphur foods/cilantro/chorella

amd fish diet). The only thing that kept me from jumping off a bridge

was my financial affairs were not in order and I did not want to

leave a messed up estate for my girlfriend and grandmother to deal

with but the thought was on my mind every day. You search on the web

for solutions to mercury and you will find hundreds/thousand of pages

of BS saying cilantro works. Its crap, it can kill you or mess you up

in the head so bad you will kill yourself

I have heavily supplemented with fish oil and that has helped my

brain be able to function, even though its limited...I can function

again and its rare that I have these suicidal thoughts. Why didn;t

any of these useless health care practioners tell me this??

Andy's book is amazing as is this forum. He is not one of the F'ed up

alternative health care whackos (BUT THERE ARE MANY OF THEM)

Think about it or have your father think about it...Andy's whole gig

is get the mercury out and then before/after get your body righted

from the years of mercury poisoning by taking certain supplements

based upon your body's deficiencies and also treating other mercury

related problems (adrenals/thyroid/etc)

How much does he (Andy) make from all of this..maybe $10-15 a book

after all is said and done. In his book it is an encyclopedia of

info..it can be overwhelming... There is no cost to join this forum

and no one here makes any money from the suggestions and insights

they provide. We are all learning

BTW I would only suggest the Huggins protocol for removal and this is

somewhat of a racket BUT Huggins is the best dentist on what can

happen if you do not remove your filings properly...YOU DO NOT WANT


I know from personal experince..I had a crappy dentist that used no

rubber dam (He told me he did and I did not know any better. I think

this increased my mercury poisoning problems and he was so

incompetent I ended up needing a root canal which just added more

problems and expense. I will have the root canal out this

month...again your father is more right than wrong

The supplements are pretty cheap and since its so specific are vastly

less expensive than if you get hooked up with some dopey practitioner

that has no clue what the hell he/she is giving you

Unfortunately many people who have mercury toxicity are labeled as

nutty (most of us are due to mercury) other problmes such as chronic

fatigue/fibromyalgia etc are not easy to diagnose so as Dr Huggins

book says...many people think its all in our head. Mercury toxicity

cannot be tested for which the dentists love as there is no proof of

their poisonings.

You can see from my diatribe that I spent years (Like many here) and

thousands of dollars getting worse. DO NOT DO WHAT I DID FOR THE PAST


Good luck to you and your parents. Mercury posioning is real and the

Huggins/Cutler protocol is the only one that works


> My father tends to think all alternative medicine is nothing but a


> racket. His big question for me is...do you know of any reliable


> stories? I would like to give him a website to look at. I have

the best chance of

> getting him to read the materials if I just give him one website.


> if you were me...what one website would you recommend with recovery


> being very important. I feel I need to get my parents on board as

I may need

> their financial help with all of this. Thank you so much.


> Kristi in Alabama


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