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Re: Thoughts on Hypoglycemia (long post, sorry!)

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Hi Dean

thanks for the info about the calcium - yeah, I finally worked that

one out. It only took two years :-((( Guess I was really put off by

the high hair calcium. I could have saved myself a lot of stress and

lost sleep....

Dr Thierry Hertoghe is my hormone doctor, and I saw him last week!!

He absolutely does understand thyroid / adrenals, and is training a

posse of doctors to diagnose hypothyroidism and hypoadrenalism. He

could be a dream doctor, but he is very busy, and has a long waiting

list. He is in Brussels, Belgium, and his phone number is 00 32 73

66 868.




> Hi Nicola,

> High Hair Calcium actually means Calcium depletion in the body and

means you

> need to supplement more calcium in this case, or question why the

body is

> not absorbing it.


> I wonder, did you mention a Dr called Thierry Hertzog in a

previous post.

> If so do you have contact details. I understand he is somewhere in


> and understands adrenals and thyroid?


> Thanks,

> Dean


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> hi everyone,


> i'm having major symptoms of hypoglycemia(severe adrenaline rushes,

> heart racing/palpitations, weakness, shaking,sweating, although

> little seems to come out, anxiety, disoriented, headache, feeling

> like i could collapse,shortness of breath and can't seem to last much

> longer than 1 hour between meals.


> andy made some suggestions i.e. bcaa's, glutamine, chromium

> picolinate etc which i take. i also take 25mg of hc daily but this

> hasn't helped. also my levels of testosterone, aldosterone, and dhea

> all tested too low and i have supplemented these but without much

> improvement. plus florinef for the low aldosterone caused major fluid

> retention and i had to stop. i'm also on dessicated thyroid.


> andy suggests frequent high protein meals, but at the same time he

> says on pg 97 of AI that the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine

> are precurors for adrenaline and noradrenaline that these might need

> to be taken into account if you have too little or too much of a

> substance (in my case adrenaline). on the same page i'm not sure

> what he is saying to do esp. about the supplements and/or dietary

> modification and how i might apply it to my situation. my protein

> powder(rice based) and my high protein diet(mainly from meats)

> contains substantial amounts of these two amino acids. so what to do?

In the diet file, Andy says red meat is the main dietary source

of tyrosine and phenylalanine. Maybe sticking with protein

sources other than red meat will help. If the rice protein

powder states it is high in phenylalanine, that may not be good

either. If you look up the amino acid profile of various foods

(eg, nuts, beans, lentils, fish, chicken) maybe you can find

those that are lower in phenylalanine. Try www.nutritiondata.com

> would a amino acid panel be helpful? one that includes cysteine? I

The ones I've seen have cystine but not cysteine. If you find one

with cysteine, let us know!

> have been avoiding thiol foods but don't find it's helping the

> hypoglyemic issue. i have a blood glusose meter at home which has

> shown hypo readings esp.before eating but also sporadically regular

> blood glucose screening at the dr.'s has been o.k., but i suspect

> that they're not catching the " crash " times. my dr. put me on a beta

> blocker (for more than a year now) but dosen't help much. he is well

> aware of my hg poisoning and is open to andy's protocol. i see him in

> april and am hoping that something helpful can be done.


> also i know there's been talk about the liver detox panel at genova

> labs and the plasma cyteine test (is this the same as the aa panel?)

The plasma cysteine test is no longer available. What they do now

is serum cysteine and according to Andy this does not give the same


> and about whether they are any good now, as far as andy's concerned,

> any ideas? andy says bcaa's aren't helpful if you don't take enough

> hc, would support in another form be helpful in addition to the hc?

> i.e. adrenal cortex, or does that also contain adrenaline(which i

> already seem to have to much of?

Adrenal cortex extract is worth a try. Some people find it very

helpful in addition to HC. This has been discussed in at least

a couple of threads recently.

> he also mentions to take lots of fibre, but what kind? soluble or

> other i.e.guar gum, oats, brown rice, vegetables (hard to get

> avoiding sulfur veggies i.e.many greens) any thoughts?

I'm not sure whether the type of fiber matters - look for one that

you tolerate. If you have a sulfur problem, plenty of non-sulfur

veggies are high fiber, carrots, celery, tomatoes, just for a few


Let us know if you figure out something that helps!


> i've done 2 rounds of dmsa 12.5 mg and about to do my third and think

> i do slightly betterwhile on round esp. at the mid-point. maybe i

> have damage to my h-p-a axis and things won't improve until i rid

> myself of the hg, being that my whole endocrine system seems to be

> poisoned. sorry about the long post. anyone with any imput would be

> greatly appreciated, thank goodness for this site. i'm not that

> computer savvy and with the help of my daughter(who's also chelating)

> and on days that i'm able i will try to offer my input for others.


> i know tk was away and that linda and jackie are doing a great job.

> also if it's o.k. , if there is anyone in the toronto area or even

> canada and would be interested in commincating please feel to free to

> e-mail me privately. thanks so much, frances.


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