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Re: Got my Thyroid/Adrenal tests back, what do they mean?

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In frequent-dose-chelation richard_furr2000 wrote:


Free T4(blood spot) 1.9 (0.7-2.5) ng/dl

Free T3(blood spot) 3.3 (2.5-6.5) pg/ml

TSH(blood spot) 0.8 (0.5-3.0) uU/ml

TPO(blood spot) 9 (0-150) IU/ml

Estradiol(Saliva) <0.5 (0.5-2.2) pg/ml

Progesterone(Saliva) 11L (12-100) pg/ml

Testosterone(Saliva) 82 (72-148(age21)) pg/ml

DHEAS(Saliva) 6.3 (7-23(age21)) ng/ml

Cortisol Morning(Saliva) 12.2H (3.7-9.5) ng/ml

Cortisol Noon(Saliva) 2.1 (1.2-3.0) ng/ml

Cortisol Evening(Saliva) 2.4H (0.6-1.9) ng/ml

Cortisol Night(Saliva) 0.5 (0.4-1.0) ng/ml

My free T3 is shown as normal and in range. But it is still on the low

end of he range. Does that mean I can/should/would benefit from taking

Armour until my level is in the high end of the range?

---------I'm not the thyroid expert and hopefully Dean will respond, but yes

it looks like your T3 could be higher. You may benefit from Armour, or some

prefer slow release T3 only. They say in the upper 1/3 -1/4 of the range to

feel best. Do you have hypothyroid symptoms? Have you taken your temperatures?

You should do some reading at Dean's website and/or at Dr. Rind's website and

's Temperature Syndrome. Here's a good post from Dean that is now in the

Links section. ----Jackie


My estriadiol, progesterone, testosterone, and dheas are all below

range or at low end. I plan on supplementing DHEA and maybe

progesterone cream. Is this the right thing to do? and What is a good

dose of DHEA?

-----------Did you order these tests on your own, or do you have a doctor who

can look at them? For the sex hormones, I would read at Dr. Lee's website,

and he has a hormone book just for men. www.johnleemd.com If I remember

right, your body can make estrogen from progesterone, so using the cream may be

very helpful. On my last test, they were both low, and I'm just using the

progesterone cream. My testosterone and DHEA were also low, so I am taking DHEA

plus pregnenolone to hopefully raise those. So I think your plan to try DHEA

and progesterone cream sounds reasonable, and pregnenolone probably wouldn't

hurt either. On page 149 of AI, Andy says for men to take 50-150mg of DHEA.

You may also want to read what Andy says about pregnenolone on page 161. It is

a precursor to other hormones and is good for the brain.--------Jackie

My adrenals looked fairly normal just a tad bit high in morning and

evening. So I am thinking there isn't much of a problem there.

-----------No they don't look bad, but this could be early signs of some

adrenal stress, especially with low DHEA. See this link, it looks to me like

you might be in Stage 2 of adrenal fatigue, with high cortisol and low DHEA,

although your cortisol isn't really high.

http://www.chronicfatigue.org/ASI%202.html So I think supplementing DHEA and

other things to support the adrenals like Vit C and B's and others,and being

aware that this could get worse, especially with chelation and possibly with

thyroid treatment. So I think it's something to keep an eye on.--------Jackie

---------Now that you have some test results, you may also want to do some

reading in AI on the sections about hormones. Some of it might make more sense

now with some numbers in front of you.----------Jackie

Thanks for your help.

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