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hair test#141

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Hello all,

I am new to the group, and now 9 months post safe amalgam removal (6 of them).

My hair test is posted at http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_141.pdf

I include a tabular version below.

My history and my current supplement intake also are posted at livingnetwork. I

have read

Andy Cutler's books.

Would welcome help reading my hair test from DDI. Lead is highest, then

aluminum, then

arsenic, then silver. Unusual (7 bars to the right) result for counting rule 1.

Mercury is

very low, here, but its pretty clear my problems are due to mercury (see

history). Since my

copper shows high on my test, I stopped taking an excellent supplement which had


copper/day. Looking for a good replacement multivitamin w/out copper, possibly


boron since I am low in that? Any ideas?

Main point: I was hoping to avoid DMSA, but I note that my lead is highest

(probably lead

paint dust from remodeling projects 2003-2007).

Would ALA take out the lead, too? Could I do ALA alone?

If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to start at 6.25mg

every four hours including through the night on a 3 day on 4 day off schedule.

I also have

purchased ALA 25mg and ready to start at 6.25mg every 3 hours including the


Very reluctant to try DMSA because it is a drug and I do poorly with those. But

does that

sound reasonable or conservative as a start? Should I do a blood test for lead

with my

general practitioner before going forward?

I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov through


(which Cutler suggests is similar to 50mg DMSA per day) and I felt a lot better

while on,

but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less than sauna


Would love assistance or advice of any sort.


element result ref range color


aluminum 11 <7.0 yellow

antimony 0.026 <0.050 green

arsenic 0.073 < 0.060 low yellow

beryllium <0.01 <0.020 below green

bismuth 0.014 <2.0 green

cadmium 0.084 <0.10 green

lead 3.5 <1.0 high yellow

mercury 0.10 <1.1 green

platinum <0.003 <0.005 below green

thallium 0.001 <0.010 green

thorium <0.001 <0.010 green

uranium 0.003 <0060 green

nickel 0.19 <0.40 green

silver 0.20 <0.15 low yellow

tin 0.11 <0.30 green

titanium 0.38 <1.0 green


element result ref range color under/over 50%



Calcium 191 300-1200 yellow under 50%

Magnesium 59 35-120 white (in the middle heading toward over 50%)

Sodium 61 12-90 green over 50%

Potassium 13 8-38 green under 50%

Copper 35 12-35 high green over 50 %

Zinc 160 140-220 green under 50%

Manganese 0.97 0.15-0.65 yellow over 50%

Chromium 0.44 0.20-0.40 low yellow over 50 %

Vanadium 0.049 0.018-0.065 green over 50%

Molybdenum 0.057 0.028-0.056 green over 50%

Boron 0.23 0.30-2.0 yellow under 50%

Iodine 0.52 0.25-1.3 white (almost touching green, to

under 50%)

Lithium 0.004 0.007-0.023 red under 50%

Phosphorus 199 160-250 white (in middle moving to under


Selenium 1.2 0.95-1.7 white (in middle, exactly


Strontium 1.4 0.50-7.6 green under 50%

Sulfur 47500 44500-52000 low green under 50%

Barium 0.24 0.26-3.0 low yellow under 50%

Cobalt 0.012 0.013-0.050 low yellow under 50%

Iron 7.7 5.4-14 low green under 50%

Germanium 0.039 0.045-0.065 yellow under 50%

Rubidium 0.011 0.007-0.096 green under 50%

Zirconium 0.053 0.020-0.42 green under 50%

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AlA won't do much if anything for Lead. Sorry..I thought of that too

but my Lead was redlined...so I had to use dmsa too. So did my son.

His Lead was too high not to use it.

Natrol's " My Favorite Multiple " I do believe does not have copper.

There may be others...have to dig around. Also taking zinc and

molybdenum help to lower copper. I had copper symptoms that I have

controlled with the molybdenum.

Your plan sounds very reasonable. I was also apprehensive to use dmsa

at first because I react badly to everything. DMSA is just a sulphur

molecule rather than a " drug " and it's only function in the body is

binding metals...so it does not act on your brain like many

prescriptions we are all used to having a hard time with. I was

surprised that I felt no worse using dmsa than I already did anyway.

In fact, within two or three rounds I was feeling better on it than

off. I was a bit tired and less hungry on the first few rounds.

Blood Lead tests are not worth a lot. They only show the past three

days exposure. What you dump in your hair is the last three months of

what your body is dumping in Lead..The blood test will not show how

much Lead you were exposed to back when you did that work. However, it

doesn't hurt if you feel that your insurance would pay for dmsa. Bear

in mind, the copay is usually more than it costs to just buy it. So

usually people skip this.

You need to be on milk thistle to support your liver. I don't think

you will find a huge concern with dmsa versus the sauna. I tolerate

both rather well. I got better results with the dmsa though

truthfully. The liver support is excellent, it helped reduce my

chemical sensitivities and I now tolerate some medicine like " regular "

people. Sudafed used to knock me right out..which is ironically odd

since it should stimulate you. Now it doesn't bother me at all. Same

with robitussin...

I looked at your hair test and checked it with the book...you are six

to the right for rule one (the 7th bar is in the white and thus not

going to the right...and 11 in the middle (short bars in the

white/green, not elevate or low)..which meets rule 4. Even recounting

and finding 12 in the middle would meet rule 5..which is two or more

close to the rules..which means mercury. So..

This meets rules for mercury. Which confirms what you knew anyway.

The fact that you have virtually no lithium also coincides with

mercury poisoning. Since this test meets the rules, your Boron may not

actually be low. So I would not be concerned with that. Your hair

copper is not that high to be of concern. But zinc and molybdenum

can't hurt for anyone either way.

Cal/Mag up with Sodium/Potassium lower usually means adrenal problems.

Usually not enough cortisol. In your case the cal and mag are lower

than the sodium...not the potassium..so it's hard to say for sure, but

if you have symptoms of adrenal problems..then it fits. People with Hg

usually have adrenal problems.

The fact that your silver is up and you have some tin confirms your

source of mercury as being amalgam. Mercury also accounts for the rise

in aluminum and arsenic. Those will also come down with chelation.

Your Ca/P ratio is low and this usually means your a fast

metabolizer. Which goes along with making too much adrenaline.

An elevation of sodium relative to magnesium indicates too much

adrenaline also.

So check those adrenals. And yes skip the copper and iron..it's not

good for mercury people.


> Hello all,


> I am new to the group, and now 9 months post safe amalgam removal (6

of them).


> My hair test is posted at


> I include a tabular version below.


> Would welcome help reading my hair test from DDI. Lead is highest,

then aluminum, then

> arsenic, then silver. Unusual (7 bars to the right) result for

counting rule 1. Mercury is

> very low, here, but its pretty clear my problems are due to mercury

(see history). Since my

> copper shows high on my test, I stopped taking an excellent

supplement which had 2mg

> copper/day. Looking for a good replacement multivitamin w/out

copper, possibly with

> boron since I am low in that? Any ideas?


> Would ALA take out the lead, too? Could I do ALA alone?




> I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

through mid-January

> (which Cutler suggests is similar to 50mg DMSA per day) and I felt a

lot better while on,

> but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

than sauna detox?


> Would love assistance or advice of any sort.





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AlA won't do much if anything for Lead. Sorry..I thought of that too

but my Lead was redlined...so I had to use dmsa too. So did my son.

His Lead was too high not to use it.

Natrol's " My Favorite Multiple " I do believe does not have copper.

There may be others...have to dig around. Also taking zinc and

molybdenum help to lower copper. I had copper symptoms that I have

controlled with the molybdenum.

Your plan sounds very reasonable. I was also apprehensive to use dmsa

at first because I react badly to everything. DMSA is just a sulphur

molecule rather than a " drug " and it's only function in the body is

binding metals...so it does not act on your brain like many

prescriptions we are all used to having a hard time with. I was

surprised that I felt no worse using dmsa than I already did anyway.

In fact, within two or three rounds I was feeling better on it than

off. I was a bit tired and less hungry on the first few rounds.

Blood Lead tests are not worth a lot. They only show the past three

days exposure. What you dump in your hair is the last three months of

what your body is dumping in Lead..The blood test will not show how

much Lead you were exposed to back when you did that work. However, it

doesn't hurt if you feel that your insurance would pay for dmsa. Bear

in mind, the copay is usually more than it costs to just buy it. So

usually people skip this.

You need to be on milk thistle to support your liver. I don't think

you will find a huge concern with dmsa versus the sauna. I tolerate

both rather well. I got better results with the dmsa though

truthfully. The liver support is excellent, it helped reduce my

chemical sensitivities and I now tolerate some medicine like " regular "

people. Sudafed used to knock me right out..which is ironically odd

since it should stimulate you. Now it doesn't bother me at all. Same

with robitussin...

I looked at your hair test and checked it with the book...you are six

to the right for rule one (the 7th bar is in the white and thus not

going to the right...and 11 in the middle (short bars in the

white/green, not elevate or low)..which meets rule 4. Even recounting

and finding 12 in the middle would meet rule 5..which is two or more

close to the rules..which means mercury. So..

This meets rules for mercury. Which confirms what you knew anyway.

The fact that you have virtually no lithium also coincides with

mercury poisoning. Since this test meets the rules, your Boron may not

actually be low. So I would not be concerned with that. Your hair

copper is not that high to be of concern. But zinc and molybdenum

can't hurt for anyone either way.

Cal/Mag up with Sodium/Potassium lower usually means adrenal problems.

Usually not enough cortisol. In your case the cal and mag are lower

than the sodium...not the potassium..so it's hard to say for sure, but

if you have symptoms of adrenal problems..then it fits. People with Hg

usually have adrenal problems.

The fact that your silver is up and you have some tin confirms your

source of mercury as being amalgam. Mercury also accounts for the rise

in aluminum and arsenic. Those will also come down with chelation.

Your Ca/P ratio is low and this usually means your a fast

metabolizer. Which goes along with making too much adrenaline.

An elevation of sodium relative to magnesium indicates too much

adrenaline also.

So check those adrenals. And yes skip the copper and iron..it's not

good for mercury people.


> Hello all,


> I am new to the group, and now 9 months post safe amalgam removal (6

of them).


> My hair test is posted at


> I include a tabular version below.


> Would welcome help reading my hair test from DDI. Lead is highest,

then aluminum, then

> arsenic, then silver. Unusual (7 bars to the right) result for

counting rule 1. Mercury is

> very low, here, but its pretty clear my problems are due to mercury

(see history). Since my

> copper shows high on my test, I stopped taking an excellent

supplement which had 2mg

> copper/day. Looking for a good replacement multivitamin w/out

copper, possibly with

> boron since I am low in that? Any ideas?


> Would ALA take out the lead, too? Could I do ALA alone?




> I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

through mid-January

> (which Cutler suggests is similar to 50mg DMSA per day) and I felt a

lot better while on,

> but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

than sauna detox?


> Would love assistance or advice of any sort.





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> > My hair test is posted at

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_141.pdf

Sorry, , I just checked again and my history is not up yet, though the

test is.

Here is a copy:

Portland, OR

Mother had full mouth of amalgam from her own childhood; bad response to vax as

toddler; braces on upper teeth at age 15 (gum recession); amalgam placed between


17 and 24?, adrenal insufficiency diagnosed at 24, on low dose replacement till

age 36; 3?

amalgam replaced with composite at age 33 with dentist who used no precautions;

became ill (candida, brain fog) but docs treated it as if lyme (no positive test

but fevers,

good response to antibios); bad walking pneumonia age 37; more amalgam placed

between age 38 and 43, the final one causing right eye headache, right eye

difficulty (eye

creating binocular vision problems); learned about amalgam on the internet;

removed 6

amalgam 10 months ago (age 45) safely under full IAOMT protocol; no amalgam

remaining. Replaced with 5 porcelain onlays (DiamondLite) and 1 composite

(choice based

on biocompatibility test).

No chelation, yet. Two months ago purchased and read Cutler's books. Did sauna


Nov to early Jan (felt better on sauna days).

After removal eye has radically improved (put away stronger prescription/back to


lighter glasses), headache symptoms have gone away or continue to dissipate;

saliva gone

to normal and sinuses cleared immediately, teeth felt part of head again; dental


went from measurements of 5 and 4 to 2 after four months; easier to breathe at


definitely do better if I take liquid Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, may need for

digestion?) (500

mg) at least 4 times per day. Took up to 9 and 10 grams in first month after


since then between 2 and 4 g/day. For three months before hair test was taking a

multivitamin that had 2 mg? copper, manganese, molybdenum (all turned up high on


and as well as enzymes, cal/mag, other mins, etc. Stopped taking this after hair


results came in high copper, stopped eating nuts, too. Noticed my basal

temperature chart

went down (low thyroid?) as soon as I switched to a less good multi.

I take extra zinc (50-75mg total per day, divided into 3 doses),

E (400IU), and

B 100complex (1 1/2 tabs divided into 3 doses) and

folic acid (2000mcg, divided into 2 doses), as well as

C at least 4 times per day and

one multivitamin every day.

Just starting to use Magnesium (Natural Calm, Mag citrate) 1/2 to 1 tsp on days


suppress occasional PMS. Maybe I should be taking this every day?

About a month ago, I also started taking a couple of tablespoons of flax seed

(ground up

in the coffee mill) every day with my oatmeal.

Subjectively feel healthy. Most annoying symptom in past months is brain fog

which has

reduced quite a bit since the saunas.


> You don't meet the counting rules, but the test sure doesn't look

> normal and I would bet you have a mercury problem even though I

> haven't read your history. You certainly have enough lead to

> justify chelation. DMSA plus ALA will take care of both.


> You'll need to chelate for a long time to get rid of the lead, but

> after you have chelated for awhile, you should be able to reduce the

> frequency of DMSA as you continue with ALA. I currently use DMSA

> about every 4th round after 2.5 years of chelation.


> I don't see evidence of adrenal or thyroid problems, but these

> don't always show up on hair tests. Symptoms are more telling

> and should give you an idea whether testing is appropriate.

> The Ca/Mg is low indicating poor blood sugar regulation - poor

> adrenal function is a possible cause of this.


I feel good. Have had trouble with adrenals in my 20s and 30s with actual


but I do not feel any problems like that now. Have been on an organic, no

dairy, no wheat,

only occasional hormone free organic meat and free range eggs diet for about a

year. The

diet has improved everything.

However, do you think it might be good to take ACE preemptively for the adrenals

since I

have a history?


> > If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to

> start at 6.25mg

> These are conservative doses. I suggest starting with DMSA for at

> least a few rounds before adding the ALA.

Do you think my mineral ratios look good enough to try 12.5mg DMSA tomorrow


> Should I do a blood test for lead with my

> > general practitioner before going forward?



> This would tell if you have current exposure. If you think you

> do, this might confirm it. I'm not sure if it would show chronic

> low exposure, but I'm not an expert, so you may want to investigate

> this.

> Andy discusses sources of lead in Hair Test Interpretation.


Thank you for your thoughts on blood tests. I will look into it. I suppose it

is not bright to

chelate for lead if I am still being exposed (to lead). On the other hand, to

get to the

mercury, I have to start chelating sometime and I think it is going to take me a

while to

determine the status of lead in this house. Purchased a waterfilter (multipure


> > I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

> through mid-January

> > but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

> than sauna detox?



> What were the signs that sauna was stressing your liver?

My sister did a RIFE machine session on me a week and a half ago and said it

took a lot of

time and passes to clear my liver. She told me I was going too fast (by doing

sauna) and to

be careful with my liver. I am not familiar with this process (maybe it is like


machine?) so do not know how to interpret these results. I did feel better (and


so) after the RIFE session. Mostly my temporary slightly lower temperatures (for

one cycle

after the saunas, sign of low thyroid) went back up to their normal position.

After stopping the saunas in the second week of January (work deadlines), I


skin rash on my face. For two or three weeks after that, the rash was just a

weird patch

on my cheek below my left eye. It involved a lot of peeling skin with red

blemishes that

took a long time to clear up. But once the peeling ended the red bumps cleared

right up.

Did not hurt. Did not really seem like acne. Just a weird peeling of the skin.

The area is

still a bit rough, but about a week ago, it just spontaneously cleared itself.

I took this to be a good sign that things were coming out via the skin and that

had I

continued the sauna sessions, whatever was coming out on my face would have been

wiped away with sweat rather than getting stuck just below the surface. The


generally got my skin a bit rashy or blemishy here and there, but as I say,

seems in a very

good way. My head while in the sauna, really improved a great deal, just while


there and then for a day after or so. Very nice.


> People's response to chelators is pretty individual. I feel better

> on DMSA than the other chelators. Others have different preferences.


> --


One more question, I just read something in the files from someone about tatoos.

I have a

small dark spot on a tooth behind one with a removed amalgam, but the dentist

did not

recommend doing anything about it: he thought it minimal.

But am I going to get in trouble chelating because of it? Is a slight, vague

tatoo the same

as having remaining amalgam? If they were to remove it, I think it would mean

getting a

filling at the bottom of that otherwise healthy tooth. And if it is worth

anything, the RIFE

machine test found mercury in me and lots of lead (and chlorine), but no amalgam

at all.

Thank you for taking the time to look through my history, .

I so appreciate your and the group's advice on any or all of it, especially on

the point of

whether you think it OK with my history to start at 12.5 instead of 6.25mg DMSA.

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> Portland, OR


> Mother had full mouth of amalgam from her own childhood; bad

response to vax as

> toddler; braces on upper teeth at age 15 (gum recession); amalgam

placed between age

> 17 and 24?, adrenal insufficiency diagnosed at 24, on low dose

replacement till age 36; 3?

> amalgam replaced with composite at age 33 with dentist who used no


> became ill (candida, brain fog) but docs treated it as if lyme (no

positive test but fevers,

> good response to antibios); bad walking pneumonia age 37; more

amalgam placed

> between age 38 and 43, the final one causing right eye headache,

right eye difficulty (eye

> creating binocular vision problems); learned about amalgam on the

internet; removed 6

> amalgam 10 months ago (age 45) safely under full IAOMT protocol; no


> remaining. Replaced with 5 porcelain onlays (DiamondLite) and 1

composite (choice based

> on biocompatibility test).

I'd say there's no question you are mercury toxic. You were lucky

to find someone to treat your adrenal insufficiency, especially 20+

years ago. You would be in much worse shape without having had

that treatment, I imagine.

> No chelation, yet. Two months ago purchased and read Cutler's

books. Did sauna late

> Nov to early Jan (felt better on sauna days).

> After removal eye has radically improved (put away stronger

prescription/back to older

> lighter glasses), headache symptoms have gone away or continue to

dissipate; saliva gone

> to normal and sinuses cleared immediately, teeth felt part of head

again; dental pockets

> went from measurements of 5 and 4 to 2 after four months; easier to

breathe at night,

Some people do get some immediate improvements after removal.

It's nice because it gives you strong evidence that mercury is

a problem for you.

> definitely do better if I take liquid Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, may

need for digestion?) (500

> mg) at least 4 times per day. Took up to 9 and 10 grams in first

month after removal,

> since then between 2 and 4 g/day. For three months before hair test

was taking a

> multivitamin that had 2 mg? copper, manganese, molybdenum (all

turned up high on test),

Your test shows mineral transport derangement, despite not meeting

counting rules, so the mineral levels do not reflect body inventory

of these minerals.

Regardless of the hair test, it is best not to take copper and

manganese supplements because they can be synergistically toxic

with mercury. Molybdenum, however, is a good one to take since

mercury screws up enzymes that use it, and providing more can

help with liver function, for example.

> and as well as enzymes, cal/mag, other mins, etc. Stopped taking

this after hair test

> results came in high copper, stopped eating nuts, too. Noticed my

basal temperature chart

> went down (low thyroid?) as soon as I switched to a less good multi.

You are not copper toxic. It should be okay to eat a moderate

amount of copper in food, but best not to take extra in a supplement.

I would look at the ingredients of the multi and see if you can figure

out what gave you the benefit - maybe iodine? selenium or perhaps you

were getting more of certain B vitamins?

> I take extra zinc (50-75mg total per day, divided into 3 doses),

> E (400IU), and

> B 100complex (1 1/2 tabs divided into 3 doses) and

> folic acid (2000mcg, divided into 2 doses), as well as

> C at least 4 times per day and

> one multivitamin every day.

Omega-3 and milk thistle would be good ones to add. I would look

over Andy's recommended supplements on p. 133-134 of Amalgam Illness

for more suggestions. Going forward, you may want to consider some

of the additional supportive supplements he suggests on the next few


> Just starting to use Magnesium (Natural Calm, Mag citrate) 1/2 to 1

tsp on days to

> suppress occasional PMS. Maybe I should be taking this every day?

Mag is very helpful for many of us and is another recommended supp.

It works best to take a few doses per day.

> About a month ago, I also started taking a couple of tablespoons of

flax seed (ground up

> in the coffee mill) every day with my oatmeal.

I don't think this gives you enough omega-3, although it does add

fiber. I would try some flax or fish oil to give more omega-3.

> Subjectively feel healthy. Most annoying symptom in past months is

brain fog which has

> reduced quite a bit since the saunas.

That's great! Reminds me I should try sauna again.

> I feel good. Have had trouble with adrenals in my 20s and 30s with

actual hypoglycemia

> but I do not feel any problems like that now. Have been on an

organic, no dairy, no wheat,

> only occasional hormone free organic meat and free range eggs diet

for about a year. The

> diet has improved everything.


> However, do you think it might be good to take ACE preemptively for

the adrenals since I

> have a history?

I would look at Andy's description in the book first, and based on

that decide whether testing would be appropriate. I suppose the

years of support you had would have given your adrenals some healing

time, but I think it's a good idea to consider carefully whether you

may still need some support. Anxiety would be the most telling

indicator of a need.

> > > If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to

> > start at 6.25mg


> > These are conservative doses. I suggest starting with DMSA for at

> > least a few rounds before adding the ALA.


> Do you think my mineral ratios look good enough to try 12.5mg DMSA


> morning?

I don't think the mineral ratios are relevant. The only real

prerequisites for starting are that all amalgam is removed and you

understand the basics of how the process works, you have supplements

in place, and you feel ready.

> > Should I do a blood test for lead with my

> > > general practitioner before going forward?

> >

> >

> > This would tell if you have current exposure. If you think you

> > do, this might confirm it. I'm not sure if it would show chronic

> > low exposure, but I'm not an expert, so you may want to investigate

> > this.


> > Andy discusses sources of lead in Hair Test Interpretation.

> >

> Thank you for your thoughts on blood tests. I will look into it. I

suppose it is not bright to

> chelate for lead if I am still being exposed (to lead). On the

other hand, to get to the

> mercury, I have to start chelating sometime and I think it is going

to take me a while to

> determine the status of lead in this house. Purchased a waterfilter

(multipure device).


> > > I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

> > through mid-January

> > > but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

> > than sauna detox?

> >

> >

> > What were the signs that sauna was stressing your liver?


> My sister did a RIFE machine session on me a week and a half ago and

said it took a lot of

> time and passes to clear my liver. She told me I was going too fast

(by doing sauna) and to

> be careful with my liver. I am not familiar with this process

(maybe it is like a NAET

> machine?) so do not know how to interpret these results. I did feel

better (and continue

> so) after the RIFE session. Mostly my temporary slightly lower

temperatures (for one cycle

> after the saunas, sign of low thyroid) went back up to their normal


I thought people generally felt worse after a treatment (herx) if it

was effective at treating something. I still have a lot to learn

about Rife machines though.

> After stopping the saunas in the second week of January (work

deadlines), I developed

> skin rash on my face. For two or three weeks after that, the rash

was just a weird patch

> on my cheek below my left eye. It involved a lot of peeling skin

with red blemishes that

> took a long time to clear up. But once the peeling ended the red

bumps cleared right up.

> Did not hurt. Did not really seem like acne. Just a weird peeling

of the skin. The area is

> still a bit rough, but about a week ago, it just spontaneously

cleared itself.

I have heard of others getting flareups of skin problems with

sauna. It's good to hear that this can resolve pretty quickly.

I think it's important to realize that sometimes mild " healing

reactions " are okay to tolerate.

> I took this to be a good sign that things were coming out via the

skin and that had I

> continued the sauna sessions, whatever was coming out on my face

would have been

> wiped away with sweat rather than getting stuck just below the

surface. The saunas

> generally got my skin a bit rashy or blemishy here and there, but as

I say, seems in a very

> good way. My head while in the sauna, really improved a great deal,

just while sitting

> there and then for a day after or so. Very nice.

Yes, very nice!

> > People's response to chelators is pretty individual. I feel better

> > on DMSA than the other chelators. Others have different preferences.

> >

> > --

> >


> One more question, I just read something in the files from someone

about tatoos. I have a

> small dark spot on a tooth behind one with a removed amalgam, but

the dentist did not

> recommend doing anything about it: he thought it minimal.


> But am I going to get in trouble chelating because of it? Is a

slight, vague tatoo the same

> as having remaining amalgam? If they were to remove it, I think it

would mean getting a

> filling at the bottom of that otherwise healthy tooth. And if it is

worth anything, the RIFE

> machine test found mercury in me and lots of lead (and chlorine),

but no amalgam at all.

I would certainly not trust the Rife machine about that. Amalgam

tatoo is due to a small piece of amalgam embedded in the tissue

and my understanding is it is important to have this removed.

Basically it means you still have amalgam and using chelators

will pull mercury out of this and intoxicate you further.

> Thank you for taking the time to look through my history, .


> I so appreciate your and the group's advice on any or all of it,

especially on the point of

> whether you think it OK with my history to start at 12.5 instead of

6.25mg DMSA.

You really can't be certain of the proper dose until you find out

your personal response. 12.5 mg is the suggested starting dose

that seems to work out okay for many people. Some people find it

too much and need to go lower. So when you are ready (get that

amalgam tatoo removed first), try your chosen dose and see how

you do.

Good luck and let us know how things go!




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> Portland, OR


> Mother had full mouth of amalgam from her own childhood; bad

response to vax as

> toddler; braces on upper teeth at age 15 (gum recession); amalgam

placed between age

> 17 and 24?, adrenal insufficiency diagnosed at 24, on low dose

replacement till age 36; 3?

> amalgam replaced with composite at age 33 with dentist who used no


> became ill (candida, brain fog) but docs treated it as if lyme (no

positive test but fevers,

> good response to antibios); bad walking pneumonia age 37; more

amalgam placed

> between age 38 and 43, the final one causing right eye headache,

right eye difficulty (eye

> creating binocular vision problems); learned about amalgam on the

internet; removed 6

> amalgam 10 months ago (age 45) safely under full IAOMT protocol; no


> remaining. Replaced with 5 porcelain onlays (DiamondLite) and 1

composite (choice based

> on biocompatibility test).

I'd say there's no question you are mercury toxic. You were lucky

to find someone to treat your adrenal insufficiency, especially 20+

years ago. You would be in much worse shape without having had

that treatment, I imagine.

> No chelation, yet. Two months ago purchased and read Cutler's

books. Did sauna late

> Nov to early Jan (felt better on sauna days).

> After removal eye has radically improved (put away stronger

prescription/back to older

> lighter glasses), headache symptoms have gone away or continue to

dissipate; saliva gone

> to normal and sinuses cleared immediately, teeth felt part of head

again; dental pockets

> went from measurements of 5 and 4 to 2 after four months; easier to

breathe at night,

Some people do get some immediate improvements after removal.

It's nice because it gives you strong evidence that mercury is

a problem for you.

> definitely do better if I take liquid Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, may

need for digestion?) (500

> mg) at least 4 times per day. Took up to 9 and 10 grams in first

month after removal,

> since then between 2 and 4 g/day. For three months before hair test

was taking a

> multivitamin that had 2 mg? copper, manganese, molybdenum (all

turned up high on test),

Your test shows mineral transport derangement, despite not meeting

counting rules, so the mineral levels do not reflect body inventory

of these minerals.

Regardless of the hair test, it is best not to take copper and

manganese supplements because they can be synergistically toxic

with mercury. Molybdenum, however, is a good one to take since

mercury screws up enzymes that use it, and providing more can

help with liver function, for example.

> and as well as enzymes, cal/mag, other mins, etc. Stopped taking

this after hair test

> results came in high copper, stopped eating nuts, too. Noticed my

basal temperature chart

> went down (low thyroid?) as soon as I switched to a less good multi.

You are not copper toxic. It should be okay to eat a moderate

amount of copper in food, but best not to take extra in a supplement.

I would look at the ingredients of the multi and see if you can figure

out what gave you the benefit - maybe iodine? selenium or perhaps you

were getting more of certain B vitamins?

> I take extra zinc (50-75mg total per day, divided into 3 doses),

> E (400IU), and

> B 100complex (1 1/2 tabs divided into 3 doses) and

> folic acid (2000mcg, divided into 2 doses), as well as

> C at least 4 times per day and

> one multivitamin every day.

Omega-3 and milk thistle would be good ones to add. I would look

over Andy's recommended supplements on p. 133-134 of Amalgam Illness

for more suggestions. Going forward, you may want to consider some

of the additional supportive supplements he suggests on the next few


> Just starting to use Magnesium (Natural Calm, Mag citrate) 1/2 to 1

tsp on days to

> suppress occasional PMS. Maybe I should be taking this every day?

Mag is very helpful for many of us and is another recommended supp.

It works best to take a few doses per day.

> About a month ago, I also started taking a couple of tablespoons of

flax seed (ground up

> in the coffee mill) every day with my oatmeal.

I don't think this gives you enough omega-3, although it does add

fiber. I would try some flax or fish oil to give more omega-3.

> Subjectively feel healthy. Most annoying symptom in past months is

brain fog which has

> reduced quite a bit since the saunas.

That's great! Reminds me I should try sauna again.

> I feel good. Have had trouble with adrenals in my 20s and 30s with

actual hypoglycemia

> but I do not feel any problems like that now. Have been on an

organic, no dairy, no wheat,

> only occasional hormone free organic meat and free range eggs diet

for about a year. The

> diet has improved everything.


> However, do you think it might be good to take ACE preemptively for

the adrenals since I

> have a history?

I would look at Andy's description in the book first, and based on

that decide whether testing would be appropriate. I suppose the

years of support you had would have given your adrenals some healing

time, but I think it's a good idea to consider carefully whether you

may still need some support. Anxiety would be the most telling

indicator of a need.

> > > If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to

> > start at 6.25mg


> > These are conservative doses. I suggest starting with DMSA for at

> > least a few rounds before adding the ALA.


> Do you think my mineral ratios look good enough to try 12.5mg DMSA


> morning?

I don't think the mineral ratios are relevant. The only real

prerequisites for starting are that all amalgam is removed and you

understand the basics of how the process works, you have supplements

in place, and you feel ready.

> > Should I do a blood test for lead with my

> > > general practitioner before going forward?

> >

> >

> > This would tell if you have current exposure. If you think you

> > do, this might confirm it. I'm not sure if it would show chronic

> > low exposure, but I'm not an expert, so you may want to investigate

> > this.


> > Andy discusses sources of lead in Hair Test Interpretation.

> >

> Thank you for your thoughts on blood tests. I will look into it. I

suppose it is not bright to

> chelate for lead if I am still being exposed (to lead). On the

other hand, to get to the

> mercury, I have to start chelating sometime and I think it is going

to take me a while to

> determine the status of lead in this house. Purchased a waterfilter

(multipure device).


> > > I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

> > through mid-January

> > > but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

> > than sauna detox?

> >

> >

> > What were the signs that sauna was stressing your liver?


> My sister did a RIFE machine session on me a week and a half ago and

said it took a lot of

> time and passes to clear my liver. She told me I was going too fast

(by doing sauna) and to

> be careful with my liver. I am not familiar with this process

(maybe it is like a NAET

> machine?) so do not know how to interpret these results. I did feel

better (and continue

> so) after the RIFE session. Mostly my temporary slightly lower

temperatures (for one cycle

> after the saunas, sign of low thyroid) went back up to their normal


I thought people generally felt worse after a treatment (herx) if it

was effective at treating something. I still have a lot to learn

about Rife machines though.

> After stopping the saunas in the second week of January (work

deadlines), I developed

> skin rash on my face. For two or three weeks after that, the rash

was just a weird patch

> on my cheek below my left eye. It involved a lot of peeling skin

with red blemishes that

> took a long time to clear up. But once the peeling ended the red

bumps cleared right up.

> Did not hurt. Did not really seem like acne. Just a weird peeling

of the skin. The area is

> still a bit rough, but about a week ago, it just spontaneously

cleared itself.

I have heard of others getting flareups of skin problems with

sauna. It's good to hear that this can resolve pretty quickly.

I think it's important to realize that sometimes mild " healing

reactions " are okay to tolerate.

> I took this to be a good sign that things were coming out via the

skin and that had I

> continued the sauna sessions, whatever was coming out on my face

would have been

> wiped away with sweat rather than getting stuck just below the

surface. The saunas

> generally got my skin a bit rashy or blemishy here and there, but as

I say, seems in a very

> good way. My head while in the sauna, really improved a great deal,

just while sitting

> there and then for a day after or so. Very nice.

Yes, very nice!

> > People's response to chelators is pretty individual. I feel better

> > on DMSA than the other chelators. Others have different preferences.

> >

> > --

> >


> One more question, I just read something in the files from someone

about tatoos. I have a

> small dark spot on a tooth behind one with a removed amalgam, but

the dentist did not

> recommend doing anything about it: he thought it minimal.


> But am I going to get in trouble chelating because of it? Is a

slight, vague tatoo the same

> as having remaining amalgam? If they were to remove it, I think it

would mean getting a

> filling at the bottom of that otherwise healthy tooth. And if it is

worth anything, the RIFE

> machine test found mercury in me and lots of lead (and chlorine),

but no amalgam at all.

I would certainly not trust the Rife machine about that. Amalgam

tatoo is due to a small piece of amalgam embedded in the tissue

and my understanding is it is important to have this removed.

Basically it means you still have amalgam and using chelators

will pull mercury out of this and intoxicate you further.

> Thank you for taking the time to look through my history, .


> I so appreciate your and the group's advice on any or all of it,

especially on the point of

> whether you think it OK with my history to start at 12.5 instead of

6.25mg DMSA.

You really can't be certain of the proper dose until you find out

your personal response. 12.5 mg is the suggested starting dose

that seems to work out okay for many people. Some people find it

too much and need to go lower. So when you are ready (get that

amalgam tatoo removed first), try your chosen dose and see how

you do.

Good luck and let us know how things go!




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