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hair test#141

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Hello all,

I am new to the group, and now 9 months post safe amalgam removal (6 of them).

My hair test is posted at http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_141.pdf

I include a tabular version below.

My history and my current supplement intake also are posted at livingnetwork. I

have read

Andy Cutler's books.

Would welcome help reading my hair test from DDI. Lead is highest, then

aluminum, then

arsenic, then silver. Unusual (7 bars to the right) result for counting rule 1.

Mercury is

very low, here, but its pretty clear my problems are due to mercury (see

history). Since my

copper shows high on my test, I stopped taking an excellent supplement which had


copper/day. Looking for a good replacement multivitamin w/out copper, possibly


boron since I am low in that? Any ideas?

Main point: I was hoping to avoid DMSA, but I note that my lead is highest

(probably lead

paint dust from remodeling projects 2003-2007).

Would ALA take out the lead, too? Could I do ALA alone?

If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to start at 6.25mg

every four hours including through the night on a 3 day on 4 day off schedule.

I also have

purchased ALA 25mg and ready to start at 6.25mg every 3 hours including the


Very reluctant to try DMSA because it is a drug and I do poorly with those. But

does that

sound reasonable or conservative as a start? Should I do a blood test for lead

with my

general practitioner before going forward?

I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov through


(which Cutler suggests is similar to 50mg DMSA per day) and I felt a lot better

while on,

but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less than sauna


Would love assistance or advice of any sort.


element result ref range color


aluminum 11 <7.0 yellow

antimony 0.026 <0.050 green

arsenic 0.073 < 0.060 low yellow

beryllium <0.01 <0.020 below green

bismuth 0.014 <2.0 green

cadmium 0.084 <0.10 green

lead 3.5 <1.0 high yellow

mercury 0.10 <1.1 green

platinum <0.003 <0.005 below green

thallium 0.001 <0.010 green

thorium <0.001 <0.010 green

uranium 0.003 <0060 green

nickel 0.19 <0.40 green

silver 0.20 <0.15 low yellow

tin 0.11 <0.30 green

titanium 0.38 <1.0 green


element result ref range color under/over 50%



Calcium 191 300-1200 yellow under 50%

Magnesium 59 35-120 white (in the middle heading toward over 50%)

Sodium 61 12-90 green over 50%

Potassium 13 8-38 green under 50%

Copper 35 12-35 high green over 50 %

Zinc 160 140-220 green under 50%

Manganese 0.97 0.15-0.65 yellow over 50%

Chromium 0.44 0.20-0.40 low yellow over 50 %

Vanadium 0.049 0.018-0.065 green over 50%

Molybdenum 0.057 0.028-0.056 green over 50%

Boron 0.23 0.30-2.0 yellow under 50%

Iodine 0.52 0.25-1.3 white (almost touching green, to

under 50%)

Lithium 0.004 0.007-0.023 red under 50%

Phosphorus 199 160-250 white (in middle moving to under


Selenium 1.2 0.95-1.7 white (in middle, exactly


Strontium 1.4 0.50-7.6 green under 50%

Sulfur 47500 44500-52000 low green under 50%

Barium 0.24 0.26-3.0 low yellow under 50%

Cobalt 0.012 0.013-0.050 low yellow under 50%

Iron 7.7 5.4-14 low green under 50%

Germanium 0.039 0.045-0.065 yellow under 50%

Rubidium 0.011 0.007-0.096 green under 50%

Zirconium 0.053 0.020-0.42 green under 50%

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Thank you, Jada, for taking time to analyze my hair test, sort me out on the

counting rules

(!), and help me to make sense of the elements ratios. I am so grateful.

Thanks too for

your reassurance and reasoning. It all makes sense. Since it's unavoidable, I

will start with

low DMSA as soon as I locate the better multiple you mention. About checking my

adrenals (which you suggest). How to do so, I wonder? Saliva tests? If so,

where does one

purchase them?

Would it be OK to start chelating even if my adrenals aren't in the normal

range, and/or

before checking? Subjectively I feel good. Feel improved since the sauna

efforts of late

last year.

I have a few more questions below, in case you have time to glance...

Many thanks for all of it,

> >

> > My hair test is posted at

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_141.pdf


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> Hello all,


> I am new to the group, and now 9 months post safe amalgam removal (6

of them).


> My hair test is posted at


> I include a tabular version below.


> My history and my current supplement intake also are posted at

livingnetwork. I have read

> Andy Cutler's books.

I did not see your history at the livingnetwork website.

> Would welcome help reading my hair test from DDI. Lead is highest,

then aluminum, then

> arsenic, then silver. Unusual (7 bars to the right) result for

counting rule 1. Mercury is

> very low, here, but its pretty clear my problems are due to mercury

(see history). Since my

> copper shows high on my test, I stopped taking an excellent

supplement which had 2mg

> copper/day. Looking for a good replacement multivitamin w/out

copper, possibly with

> boron since I am low in that? Any ideas?

You don't meet the counting rules, but the test sure doesn't look

normal and I would bet you have a mercury problem even though I

haven't read your history. You certainly have enough lead to

justify chelation. DMSA plus ALA will take care of both.

You'll need to chelate for a long time to get rid of the lead, but

after you have chelated for awhile, you should be able to reduce the

frequency of DMSA as you continue with ALA. I currently use DMSA

about every 4th round after 2.5 years of chelation.

I don't see evidence of adrenal or thyroid problems, but these

don't always show up on hair tests. Symptoms are more telling

and should give you an idea whether testing is appropriate.

The Ca/Mg is low indicating poor blood sugar regulation - poor

adrenal function is a possible cause of this.

> Main point: I was hoping to avoid DMSA, but I note that my lead is

highest (probably lead

> paint dust from remodeling projects 2003-2007).


> Would ALA take out the lead, too? Could I do ALA alone?

It is not known whether ALA removes lead. It is best to use

DMSA, since it is known to work very well for lead chelation.

> If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to

start at 6.25mg

> every four hours including through the night on a 3 day on 4 day off

schedule. I also have

> purchased ALA 25mg and ready to start at 6.25mg every 3 hours

including the night.

> Very reluctant to try DMSA because it is a drug and I do poorly with

those. But does that

> sound reasonable or conservative as a start?

These are conservative doses. I suggest starting with DMSA for at

least a few rounds before adding the ALA.

Should I do a blood test for lead with my

> general practitioner before going forward?

This would tell if you have current exposure. If you think you

do, this might confirm it. I'm not sure if it would show chronic

low exposure, but I'm not an expert, so you may want to investigate


Andy discusses sources of lead in Hair Test Interpretation.

> I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

through mid-January

> (which Cutler suggests is similar to 50mg DMSA per day) and I felt a

lot better while on,

> but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

than sauna detox?

What were the signs that sauna was stressing your liver?

People's response to chelators is pretty individual. I feel better

on DMSA than the other chelators. Others have different preferences.


> Would love assistance or advice of any sort.






> element result ref range color

> =============================================

> aluminum 11 <7.0 yellow

> antimony 0.026 <0.050 green

> arsenic 0.073 < 0.060 low yellow

> beryllium <0.01 <0.020 below green

> bismuth 0.014 <2.0 green

> cadmium 0.084 <0.10 green

> lead 3.5 <1.0 high yellow

> mercury 0.10 <1.1 green

> platinum <0.003 <0.005 below green

> thallium 0.001 <0.010 green

> thorium <0.001 <0.010 green

> uranium 0.003 <0060 green

> nickel 0.19 <0.40 green

> silver 0.20 <0.15 low yellow

> tin 0.11 <0.30 green

> titanium 0.38 <1.0 green



> element result ref range color under/over 50%

> =======================================================

> =====

> Calcium 191 300-1200 yellow under 50%

> Magnesium 59 35-120 white (in the middle heading toward

over 50%)

> Sodium 61 12-90 green over 50%

> Potassium 13 8-38 green under 50%

> Copper 35 12-35 high green over 50 %

> Zinc 160 140-220 green under 50%

> Manganese 0.97 0.15-0.65 yellow over 50%

> Chromium 0.44 0.20-0.40 low yellow over 50 %

> Vanadium 0.049 0.018-0.065 green over 50%

> Molybdenum 0.057 0.028-0.056 green over 50%

> Boron 0.23 0.30-2.0 yellow under 50%

> Iodine 0.52 0.25-1.3 white (almost

touching green, to under 50%)

> Lithium 0.004 0.007-0.023 red under 50%

> Phosphorus 199 160-250 white (in middle

moving to under 50%)

> Selenium 1.2 0.95-1.7 white (in middle,

exactly 50%)

> Strontium 1.4 0.50-7.6 green under 50%

> Sulfur 47500 44500-52000 low green under 50%

> Barium 0.24 0.26-3.0 low yellow under 50%

> Cobalt 0.012 0.013-0.050 low yellow under 50%

> Iron 7.7 5.4-14 low green

under 50%

> Germanium 0.039 0.045-0.065 yellow under 50%

> Rubidium 0.011 0.007-0.096 green under 50%

> Zirconium 0.053 0.020-0.42 green under 50%


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> Hello all,


> I am new to the group, and now 9 months post safe amalgam removal (6

of them).


> My hair test is posted at


> I include a tabular version below.


> My history and my current supplement intake also are posted at

livingnetwork. I have read

> Andy Cutler's books.

I did not see your history at the livingnetwork website.

> Would welcome help reading my hair test from DDI. Lead is highest,

then aluminum, then

> arsenic, then silver. Unusual (7 bars to the right) result for

counting rule 1. Mercury is

> very low, here, but its pretty clear my problems are due to mercury

(see history). Since my

> copper shows high on my test, I stopped taking an excellent

supplement which had 2mg

> copper/day. Looking for a good replacement multivitamin w/out

copper, possibly with

> boron since I am low in that? Any ideas?

You don't meet the counting rules, but the test sure doesn't look

normal and I would bet you have a mercury problem even though I

haven't read your history. You certainly have enough lead to

justify chelation. DMSA plus ALA will take care of both.

You'll need to chelate for a long time to get rid of the lead, but

after you have chelated for awhile, you should be able to reduce the

frequency of DMSA as you continue with ALA. I currently use DMSA

about every 4th round after 2.5 years of chelation.

I don't see evidence of adrenal or thyroid problems, but these

don't always show up on hair tests. Symptoms are more telling

and should give you an idea whether testing is appropriate.

The Ca/Mg is low indicating poor blood sugar regulation - poor

adrenal function is a possible cause of this.

> Main point: I was hoping to avoid DMSA, but I note that my lead is

highest (probably lead

> paint dust from remodeling projects 2003-2007).


> Would ALA take out the lead, too? Could I do ALA alone?

It is not known whether ALA removes lead. It is best to use

DMSA, since it is known to work very well for lead chelation.

> If I must take DMSA have purchased 25mg DMSA and was thinking to

start at 6.25mg

> every four hours including through the night on a 3 day on 4 day off

schedule. I also have

> purchased ALA 25mg and ready to start at 6.25mg every 3 hours

including the night.

> Very reluctant to try DMSA because it is a drug and I do poorly with

those. But does that

> sound reasonable or conservative as a start?

These are conservative doses. I suggest starting with DMSA for at

least a few rounds before adding the ALA.

Should I do a blood test for lead with my

> general practitioner before going forward?

This would tell if you have current exposure. If you think you

do, this might confirm it. I'm not sure if it would show chronic

low exposure, but I'm not an expert, so you may want to investigate


Andy discusses sources of lead in Hair Test Interpretation.

> I did a couple hours of sauna, 4 or 5 days a week from late Nov

through mid-January

> (which Cutler suggests is similar to 50mg DMSA per day) and I felt a

lot better while on,

> but it did stress out my liver. Does DMSA stress the body out less

than sauna detox?

What were the signs that sauna was stressing your liver?

People's response to chelators is pretty individual. I feel better

on DMSA than the other chelators. Others have different preferences.


> Would love assistance or advice of any sort.






> element result ref range color

> =============================================

> aluminum 11 <7.0 yellow

> antimony 0.026 <0.050 green

> arsenic 0.073 < 0.060 low yellow

> beryllium <0.01 <0.020 below green

> bismuth 0.014 <2.0 green

> cadmium 0.084 <0.10 green

> lead 3.5 <1.0 high yellow

> mercury 0.10 <1.1 green

> platinum <0.003 <0.005 below green

> thallium 0.001 <0.010 green

> thorium <0.001 <0.010 green

> uranium 0.003 <0060 green

> nickel 0.19 <0.40 green

> silver 0.20 <0.15 low yellow

> tin 0.11 <0.30 green

> titanium 0.38 <1.0 green



> element result ref range color under/over 50%

> =======================================================

> =====

> Calcium 191 300-1200 yellow under 50%

> Magnesium 59 35-120 white (in the middle heading toward

over 50%)

> Sodium 61 12-90 green over 50%

> Potassium 13 8-38 green under 50%

> Copper 35 12-35 high green over 50 %

> Zinc 160 140-220 green under 50%

> Manganese 0.97 0.15-0.65 yellow over 50%

> Chromium 0.44 0.20-0.40 low yellow over 50 %

> Vanadium 0.049 0.018-0.065 green over 50%

> Molybdenum 0.057 0.028-0.056 green over 50%

> Boron 0.23 0.30-2.0 yellow under 50%

> Iodine 0.52 0.25-1.3 white (almost

touching green, to under 50%)

> Lithium 0.004 0.007-0.023 red under 50%

> Phosphorus 199 160-250 white (in middle

moving to under 50%)

> Selenium 1.2 0.95-1.7 white (in middle,

exactly 50%)

> Strontium 1.4 0.50-7.6 green under 50%

> Sulfur 47500 44500-52000 low green under 50%

> Barium 0.24 0.26-3.0 low yellow under 50%

> Cobalt 0.012 0.013-0.050 low yellow under 50%

> Iron 7.7 5.4-14 low green

under 50%

> Germanium 0.039 0.045-0.065 yellow under 50%

> Rubidium 0.011 0.007-0.096 green under 50%

> Zirconium 0.053 0.020-0.42 green under 50%


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>> My hair test is posted at

> I did not see your history at the livingnetwork website.

Hi ,

Sorry, my mistake. The history is now up. It is on the second page of your

Hair test 141.


Once you have opened the PDF file and can see the hair test, just move down

and you'll see the history on the next page below the graph.

I'm planning on doing all of them like that in the future. These historiers

can then be updated as we progress.



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