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Re: Taking a break -- (bad idea) --any experiences with Neutrophils Plus?

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> Andy usually says to keep chelating through the gut problems (and to

> look for ways to address them).


Hmmm, I guess I'm glad I tried the break, but maybe it would have

been a better idea to listen to your advice, . I took two weeks

off chelation, and for the first few days, I felt the yeast symptoms

abating and my color returning. But then the mercury symptoms rolled

right in. I was constipated, exhausted, had to nap for hours every

day. My brain was non-functional (which is not an asset when you're

editing a book like I am). I was pretty miserable and when it became

clear that it wasn't going to get better, I got back on DMSA.

Instant transformation back to my normal self. Alrightey then. I

guess I need this stuff.

So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

while on round?

I've been doing this whole chelation thing without any visits to

doctors because I find that they rarely help, they do a lot of harm,

and much better health information is available free on the

internet. But would this neutrophil issue be a time when it would be

smart to get some kind of blood test? And if so, what is the name of

that blood test and what would it tell me?

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> > Andy usually says to keep chelating through the gut problems (and to

> > look for ways to address them).

> >

> Hmmm, I guess I'm glad I tried the break, but maybe it would have

> been a better idea to listen to your advice, . I took two weeks

> off chelation, and for the first few days, I felt the yeast symptoms

> abating and my color returning. But then the mercury symptoms rolled

> right in. I was constipated, exhausted, had to nap for hours every

> day. My brain was non-functional (which is not an asset when you're

> editing a book like I am). I was pretty miserable and when it became

> clear that it wasn't going to get better, I got back on DMSA.

> Instant transformation back to my normal self. Alrightey then. I

> guess I need this stuff.

This might be the problem im having? After my 1st round of ALA, i had

to wait until today (wed) for my 1st poo. I was constipated from

Sunday but it could have been the popcorn that was a problem. i was

exhausted and snappy on Monday and tuesday and have headaches which im

going to try taking vitamin c & zinc for.


> So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

> file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

> tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

> Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

> while on round?

What does this product do? Could it help someone who started before

amalgam removal?






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> > Andy usually says to keep chelating through the gut problems (and to

> > look for ways to address them).

> >

> Hmmm, I guess I'm glad I tried the break, but maybe it would have

> been a better idea to listen to your advice, . I took two weeks

> off chelation, and for the first few days, I felt the yeast symptoms

> abating and my color returning. But then the mercury symptoms rolled

> right in. I was constipated, exhausted, had to nap for hours every

> day. My brain was non-functional (which is not an asset when you're

> editing a book like I am). I was pretty miserable and when it became

> clear that it wasn't going to get better, I got back on DMSA.

> Instant transformation back to my normal self. Alrightey then. I

> guess I need this stuff.

This might be the problem im having? After my 1st round of ALA, i had

to wait until today (wed) for my 1st poo. I was constipated from

Sunday but it could have been the popcorn that was a problem. i was

exhausted and snappy on Monday and tuesday and have headaches which im

going to try taking vitamin c & zinc for.


> So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

> file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

> tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

> Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

> while on round?

What does this product do? Could it help someone who started before

amalgam removal?






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> > Andy usually says to keep chelating through the gut problems (and to

> > look for ways to address them).

> >

> Hmmm, I guess I'm glad I tried the break, but maybe it would have

> been a better idea to listen to your advice, . I took two weeks

> off chelation, and for the first few days, I felt the yeast symptoms

> abating and my color returning. But then the mercury symptoms rolled

> right in. I was constipated, exhausted, had to nap for hours every

> day. My brain was non-functional (which is not an asset when you're

> editing a book like I am). I was pretty miserable and when it became

> clear that it wasn't going to get better, I got back on DMSA.

> Instant transformation back to my normal self. Alrightey then. I

> guess I need this stuff.

This might be the problem im having? After my 1st round of ALA, i had

to wait until today (wed) for my 1st poo. I was constipated from

Sunday but it could have been the popcorn that was a problem. i was

exhausted and snappy on Monday and tuesday and have headaches which im

going to try taking vitamin c & zinc for.


> So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

> file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

> tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

> Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

> while on round?

What does this product do? Could it help someone who started before

amalgam removal?






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In frequent-dose-chelation Aine wrote:

> Andy usually says to keep chelating through the gut problems (and to

> look for ways to address them).


Hmmm, I guess I'm glad I tried the break, but maybe it would have

been a better idea to listen to your advice, . I took two weeks

off chelation, and for the first few days, I felt the yeast symptoms

abating and my color returning. But then the mercury symptoms rolled

right in. I was constipated, exhausted, had to nap for hours every

day. My brain was non-functional (which is not an asset when you're

editing a book like I am). I was pretty miserable and when it became

clear that it wasn't going to get better, I got back on DMSA.

Instant transformation back to my normal self. Alrightey then. I

guess I need this stuff.

----------Yes, it can be amazing, can't it? And just like you, this is

confirmation to me that chelation is the right thing to do. And this is why I

encourage people who are hesitant to try it, because they might be amazed at

what a difference it makes. So I'm glad you reported this.------------Jackie

So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

while on round?

------------I have never used it, but I think it is used and talked about alot

more on A-M, so you might want to ask over there, or use onibasu to search for

posts. Maybe someone who reads both will answer too.-----------Jackie

I've been doing this whole chelation thing without any visits to

doctors because I find that they rarely help, they do a lot of harm,

and much better health information is available free on the


-----------Yes, there are very few doctors who understand safe chelation and

can help you with it. And some people can handle chelation without a doctor.

But, I also don't think it's a good idea to totally write them off either.

There are times when you need them, and they can save your life. And getting an

annual physical and doing the basics with them is a good idea. I think it is an

artform to learn how to get what you want out of them, or as much as you can,

that may be helpful. If you have insurance, and you can get them to run tests,

then it's covered, so that's nice. So they can be useful for some


But would this neutrophil issue be a time when it would be

smart to get some kind of blood test? And if so, what is the name of

that blood test and what would it tell me?

----------------Do you have a regular doctor and does he know what you're

doing? I don't think it ever hurts to get some standard bloodwork done, just to

make sure things look ok. A CBC - complete blood count - is what you would want

to show neutrophils. Depending on your health and if you suspect any other

problems such as thyroid, blood sugar, low iron, etc., you could ask for other

tests too. Most mainstream doctors won't touch adrenal stuff, so you would

probably have to do that on your own. If you're due for a physical, then this

is an easy time to ask for this.---------Jackie

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In frequent-dose-chelation Aine wrote:

> Andy usually says to keep chelating through the gut problems (and to

> look for ways to address them).


Hmmm, I guess I'm glad I tried the break, but maybe it would have

been a better idea to listen to your advice, . I took two weeks

off chelation, and for the first few days, I felt the yeast symptoms

abating and my color returning. But then the mercury symptoms rolled

right in. I was constipated, exhausted, had to nap for hours every

day. My brain was non-functional (which is not an asset when you're

editing a book like I am). I was pretty miserable and when it became

clear that it wasn't going to get better, I got back on DMSA.

Instant transformation back to my normal self. Alrightey then. I

guess I need this stuff.

----------Yes, it can be amazing, can't it? And just like you, this is

confirmation to me that chelation is the right thing to do. And this is why I

encourage people who are hesitant to try it, because they might be amazed at

what a difference it makes. So I'm glad you reported this.------------Jackie

So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

while on round?

------------I have never used it, but I think it is used and talked about alot

more on A-M, so you might want to ask over there, or use onibasu to search for

posts. Maybe someone who reads both will answer too.-----------Jackie

I've been doing this whole chelation thing without any visits to

doctors because I find that they rarely help, they do a lot of harm,

and much better health information is available free on the


-----------Yes, there are very few doctors who understand safe chelation and

can help you with it. And some people can handle chelation without a doctor.

But, I also don't think it's a good idea to totally write them off either.

There are times when you need them, and they can save your life. And getting an

annual physical and doing the basics with them is a good idea. I think it is an

artform to learn how to get what you want out of them, or as much as you can,

that may be helpful. If you have insurance, and you can get them to run tests,

then it's covered, so that's nice. So they can be useful for some


But would this neutrophil issue be a time when it would be

smart to get some kind of blood test? And if so, what is the name of

that blood test and what would it tell me?

----------------Do you have a regular doctor and does he know what you're

doing? I don't think it ever hurts to get some standard bloodwork done, just to

make sure things look ok. A CBC - complete blood count - is what you would want

to show neutrophils. Depending on your health and if you suspect any other

problems such as thyroid, blood sugar, low iron, etc., you could ask for other

tests too. Most mainstream doctors won't touch adrenal stuff, so you would

probably have to do that on your own. If you're due for a physical, then this

is an easy time to ask for this.---------Jackie

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In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:


< >

> So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

> file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

> tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

> Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

> while on round?

What does this product do?

-----------It helps to raise your neutrophil levels, which are white blood

cells, so part of your immune system. Some people are low, or become low during

chelation, but I don't think it happens too often. People who have trouble with

yeast during chelation might benefit from this. There is a file in the Files

section of this group by Andy, called " Neutrophils, Yeast, and DMSA " , so you can

read more about it there. It's not something that everybody uses or


Could it help someone who started before

amalgam removal?

---------No, it doesn't help with chelation side effects, it helps boost your

immune system which might help it deal with the yeast better.-----------Jackie



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In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:


< >

> So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

> file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

> tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

> Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

> while on round?

What does this product do?

-----------It helps to raise your neutrophil levels, which are white blood

cells, so part of your immune system. Some people are low, or become low during

chelation, but I don't think it happens too often. People who have trouble with

yeast during chelation might benefit from this. There is a file in the Files

section of this group by Andy, called " Neutrophils, Yeast, and DMSA " , so you can

read more about it there. It's not something that everybody uses or


Could it help someone who started before

amalgam removal?

---------No, it doesn't help with chelation side effects, it helps boost your

immune system which might help it deal with the yeast better.-----------Jackie



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In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:


< >

> So I ordered Neutrophils Plus (as recommended in the neutrophils

> file) and have started taking it. I was wondering if anyone had

> tried it and what experience they had with it. Any side effects?

> Did the recommended dose work? Do you take it continuously or just

> while on round?

What does this product do?

-----------It helps to raise your neutrophil levels, which are white blood

cells, so part of your immune system. Some people are low, or become low during

chelation, but I don't think it happens too often. People who have trouble with

yeast during chelation might benefit from this. There is a file in the Files

section of this group by Andy, called " Neutrophils, Yeast, and DMSA " , so you can

read more about it there. It's not something that everybody uses or


Could it help someone who started before

amalgam removal?

---------No, it doesn't help with chelation side effects, it helps boost your

immune system which might help it deal with the yeast better.-----------Jackie



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