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Re: Thyroid Question

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> I might have to hop over to a thyroid/adrenal group for this

> question, but since chelation folks are so knowledgable I thought


> would start here since I'm already a member.


> Currently on round 8 of DMSA 12.5mg for mercury and lead.


> Is it possible for someone to have most of the symptoms of

> hypothyroid, and yet be very skinny and unable to gain weight? I

> think weight gain is a common sign of hypothyroid, but that is one

> of the few symptoms I do not have. Most others I do have.


> Suspecting gut problems I have been gluten-free for months and


> use digestive enzymes and probiotics. Those really haven't done


> except reduce bloating.


> I'm wondering if maybe I am hypothyroid, yet some other mercury

> damage has interfered with the ability to gain weight.


> TSH close to optimum. T4 was midrange. T3 was low normal. It kind


> appeared to me, best layman's guess, that TSH thinks everything is

> fine, where in fact the T4 was not optimum and T4 is not making

> enough T3. But TSH thinks everything is fine and dandy.


> Anyway, hypothyroid symptoms yet underweight. What do you think? I

> emailed an online thyroid doc about this a few months back and he

> replied that it is possible for hypothyroid to interfere with

> absorption and that restoring thyroid can actually increase weight

> in some people. I don't know. Curious what you think.


I have symptoms of hypothyroidism and I'm thin. In fact, I'm

wondering if I had this all the way back when I was a teenager. I

remember some pics where I thought, man my face sure is puffy.

A doc ran the tests and I came out " normal " but something was a

little screwy - can't remember what exactly but he thought there was

something in my pituitary that was causing the hypo symptoms. I

went on Armour and my hair did get much healthier and my temps

rose. Not much else improved (like extreme body aches)but I wasn't

doing anything else either like gluten free, chelation,candida

treatement etc.

It's important not to get caught up in " popular " symptoms like

Hypo = heavy. I think I've had a problem with gluten for years but

I didn't have the " popular " symptom of running to bathroom all the

time. Come to find out that only affects a percentage of

celiacs/gluten intolerant folks.

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> I might have to hop over to a thyroid/adrenal group for this

> question, but since chelation folks are so knowledgable I thought


> would start here since I'm already a member.


> Currently on round 8 of DMSA 12.5mg for mercury and lead.


> Is it possible for someone to have most of the symptoms of

> hypothyroid, and yet be very skinny and unable to gain weight? I

> think weight gain is a common sign of hypothyroid, but that is one

> of the few symptoms I do not have. Most others I do have.


> Suspecting gut problems I have been gluten-free for months and


> use digestive enzymes and probiotics. Those really haven't done


> except reduce bloating.


> I'm wondering if maybe I am hypothyroid, yet some other mercury

> damage has interfered with the ability to gain weight.


> TSH close to optimum. T4 was midrange. T3 was low normal. It kind


> appeared to me, best layman's guess, that TSH thinks everything is

> fine, where in fact the T4 was not optimum and T4 is not making

> enough T3. But TSH thinks everything is fine and dandy.


> Anyway, hypothyroid symptoms yet underweight. What do you think? I

> emailed an online thyroid doc about this a few months back and he

> replied that it is possible for hypothyroid to interfere with

> absorption and that restoring thyroid can actually increase weight

> in some people. I don't know. Curious what you think.


I have symptoms of hypothyroidism and I'm thin. In fact, I'm

wondering if I had this all the way back when I was a teenager. I

remember some pics where I thought, man my face sure is puffy.

A doc ran the tests and I came out " normal " but something was a

little screwy - can't remember what exactly but he thought there was

something in my pituitary that was causing the hypo symptoms. I

went on Armour and my hair did get much healthier and my temps

rose. Not much else improved (like extreme body aches)but I wasn't

doing anything else either like gluten free, chelation,candida

treatement etc.

It's important not to get caught up in " popular " symptoms like

Hypo = heavy. I think I've had a problem with gluten for years but

I didn't have the " popular " symptom of running to bathroom all the

time. Come to find out that only affects a percentage of

celiacs/gluten intolerant folks.

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> > Is it possible for someone to have most of the symptoms of

> > hypothyroid, and yet be very skinny and unable to gain weight? > >

> > I'm wondering if maybe I am hypothyroid, yet some other mercury

> > damage has interfered with the ability to gain weight.

> >

I was hypothyroid for many years before it got checked. I've had

random weight swings, and earlier on I did tend toward overweight &

was gaining despite at a fairly rigid 1200-1500 calorie/day diet,

routine heavy workouts, & chasing 3 kids. It wasn't possible to

maintain normal weight back then. Then, as I slowly developed serious

memory impairment, my weight swung the other way and people later told

me they thought I was anorexic. I couldn't gain weight if I tried. My

digestion was awful through all of this.

Before learning about being so Hg toxic, I was diagnosed & being

treated for malabsorption, multiple hormone deficiencies, assumed

candida infection, extensive oxidative damage, fibro/CFS, and was

found to have autoimmune hypothyroidism.

One of the links found here took me to a site that describes

overweight as being more connected with chemical toxicities, whereas

mercury toxicity leads to inability to gain weight. I've actually

seen this occur several times in the last five years...i.e., after the

dental work or during chelation, there is unexplained weight loss.

Yet when a year or two passed where I assumed I didn't need further

chelation, I gained weight - probably a pound a month. My diet &

exercise habits are and have been very consistent. For this reason, I

really find it annoying people are bombarded with messages of self-

blame on weight issues. I really think it has as much or more to do

with the chemicals (synthetic 'flavorings', pesticides, etc.) blocking

certain cellular functions than how much a person actually eats.

Another example: I remember a strange weight swing upward before

diagnosis in the couple years I worked PT in a fabric store (a very

intense environment for formaldehyde, chemical dyes, etc.).


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> > Is it possible for someone to have most of the symptoms of

> > hypothyroid, and yet be very skinny and unable to gain weight? > >

> > I'm wondering if maybe I am hypothyroid, yet some other mercury

> > damage has interfered with the ability to gain weight.

> >

I was hypothyroid for many years before it got checked. I've had

random weight swings, and earlier on I did tend toward overweight &

was gaining despite at a fairly rigid 1200-1500 calorie/day diet,

routine heavy workouts, & chasing 3 kids. It wasn't possible to

maintain normal weight back then. Then, as I slowly developed serious

memory impairment, my weight swung the other way and people later told

me they thought I was anorexic. I couldn't gain weight if I tried. My

digestion was awful through all of this.

Before learning about being so Hg toxic, I was diagnosed & being

treated for malabsorption, multiple hormone deficiencies, assumed

candida infection, extensive oxidative damage, fibro/CFS, and was

found to have autoimmune hypothyroidism.

One of the links found here took me to a site that describes

overweight as being more connected with chemical toxicities, whereas

mercury toxicity leads to inability to gain weight. I've actually

seen this occur several times in the last five years...i.e., after the

dental work or during chelation, there is unexplained weight loss.

Yet when a year or two passed where I assumed I didn't need further

chelation, I gained weight - probably a pound a month. My diet &

exercise habits are and have been very consistent. For this reason, I

really find it annoying people are bombarded with messages of self-

blame on weight issues. I really think it has as much or more to do

with the chemicals (synthetic 'flavorings', pesticides, etc.) blocking

certain cellular functions than how much a person actually eats.

Another example: I remember a strange weight swing upward before

diagnosis in the couple years I worked PT in a fabric store (a very

intense environment for formaldehyde, chemical dyes, etc.).


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> > Is it possible for someone to have most of the symptoms of

> > hypothyroid, and yet be very skinny and unable to gain weight? > >

> > I'm wondering if maybe I am hypothyroid, yet some other mercury

> > damage has interfered with the ability to gain weight.

> >

I was hypothyroid for many years before it got checked. I've had

random weight swings, and earlier on I did tend toward overweight &

was gaining despite at a fairly rigid 1200-1500 calorie/day diet,

routine heavy workouts, & chasing 3 kids. It wasn't possible to

maintain normal weight back then. Then, as I slowly developed serious

memory impairment, my weight swung the other way and people later told

me they thought I was anorexic. I couldn't gain weight if I tried. My

digestion was awful through all of this.

Before learning about being so Hg toxic, I was diagnosed & being

treated for malabsorption, multiple hormone deficiencies, assumed

candida infection, extensive oxidative damage, fibro/CFS, and was

found to have autoimmune hypothyroidism.

One of the links found here took me to a site that describes

overweight as being more connected with chemical toxicities, whereas

mercury toxicity leads to inability to gain weight. I've actually

seen this occur several times in the last five years...i.e., after the

dental work or during chelation, there is unexplained weight loss.

Yet when a year or two passed where I assumed I didn't need further

chelation, I gained weight - probably a pound a month. My diet &

exercise habits are and have been very consistent. For this reason, I

really find it annoying people are bombarded with messages of self-

blame on weight issues. I really think it has as much or more to do

with the chemicals (synthetic 'flavorings', pesticides, etc.) blocking

certain cellular functions than how much a person actually eats.

Another example: I remember a strange weight swing upward before

diagnosis in the couple years I worked PT in a fabric store (a very

intense environment for formaldehyde, chemical dyes, etc.).


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I cannot answer your question directly, but I am working on

thyroid/adrenal issues myself & Dean has been extremely helpful.

Please read message #22684 and go to 's Thyroid-Temperature

Syndrome website & see if any of that info makes sense for you. I

initially went to the thyroid/adrenal forum and Thyroid Madness

website looking for help, but felt that maybe the metal toxicity

issue would certainly factor into treatment somehow. Dean explains it

well by saying that one has to determine where the problem is in your

thyroid system. I also think that one doesn't have to fit every

symptom (ie weight) to know there is a problem. Most people would

describe me as thin too, but my weight is constantly fluctuating

recently. The best indicator of a thyroid system problem is low

temperature. Again, 's website as well as Dr. Rinds website has

valuable information. Good luck!



> I might have to hop over to a thyroid/adrenal group for this

> question, but since chelation folks are so knowledgable I thought I

> would start here since I'm already a member.


> Currently on round 8 of DMSA 12.5mg for mercury and lead.


> Is it possible for someone to have most of the symptoms of

> hypothyroid, and yet be very skinny and unable to gain weight? I

> think weight gain is a common sign of hypothyroid, but that is one

> of the few symptoms I do not have. Most others I do have.


> Suspecting gut problems I have been gluten-free for months and also

> use digestive enzymes and probiotics. Those really haven't done


> except reduce bloating.


> I'm wondering if maybe I am hypothyroid, yet some other mercury

> damage has interfered with the ability to gain weight.


> TSH close to optimum. T4 was midrange. T3 was low normal. It kind


> appeared to me, best layman's guess, that TSH thinks everything is

> fine, where in fact the T4 was not optimum and T4 is not making

> enough T3. But TSH thinks everything is fine and dandy.


> Anyway, hypothyroid symptoms yet underweight. What do you think? I

> emailed an online thyroid doc about this a few months back and he

> replied that it is possible for hypothyroid to interfere with

> absorption and that restoring thyroid can actually increase weight

> in some people. I don't know. Curious what you think.


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> Anyway, hypothyroid symptoms yet underweight. What do you think? I

> emailed an online thyroid doc about this a few months back and he

> replied that it is possible for hypothyroid to interfere with

> absorption and that restoring thyroid can actually increase weight

> in some people. I don't know. Curious what you think.

Yes, it is very possible, and it happened to me.

The focus on being overweight for hypothyroid made me miss my own thyroid

diagnosis for years (and maybe decades).

When I finally got around to it, I had both a hypothyroid output problem

(low hormones on blood) and a 's Low Temperature (low body


You can see the different causes of thyroid problems here


I could eat from morning to night (and often did) and never gained weight.

Only recently have I started to gain weight and surpassingly it was after

the addition of thyroid hormone, which goes against all supposed logic.

At the same time my digestion has improved, gut motility, sleep, skin

condition, hair condition, sense of well-being.

I can only put it down to my body been unable to absorb the food and I put

that down to low body temps, since enzymes are highly temperature-sensitive.

Often adrenal insufficiency will also cause an inability to gain weight, so

sometimes you've got a combined issue. I had to treat both.

And adrenals always come first.

At the height of my mercury poisoning (following an ill advised bout of

chlorella use) I was very thin to the point where everyone close to me would

ask me if I'm eating. After they sat down and had dinner with me they were

surprised that not only did I eat, I out-ate them all. But the food never

got absorbed.

Mercury has different effects on different people, so please don't ignore

thyroid symptoms just cause you are underweight. Your T3 should be in the

upper third and temperature and clinical symptoms are FAR MORE IMPORTANT

than blood tests.


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OK Dean - more questions. I have an appt with my doc next week,

although I have little confidence in her, I need a doc to get the

scripts. I tried uping my dosage of Armour to 1.5gr (just to be sure)

and my symptoms are just increasing, so now I am ready to investigate

treatment of ST3. I am much too fatigued to be able to read both books

so I have just skimmed them. I'm assuming that you did 's

protocol? Where did you get ST3? Did the treatment cure your thyroid

problems or are you on prolonged usage? Any other advice or

recommendations? Thank you sooooo much!



> Yes, it is very possible, and it happened to me.

> The focus on being overweight for hypothyroid made me miss my own


> diagnosis for years (and maybe decades).

> When I finally got around to it, I had both a hypothyroid output


> (low hormones on blood) and a 's Low Temperature (low body

> temperatures).

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> OK Dean - more questions. I have an appt with my doc next week,

> although I have little confidence in her, I need a doc to get the

> scripts. I tried uping my dosage of Armour to 1.5gr (just to be sure)

> and my symptoms are just increasing, so now I am ready to investigate

> treatment of ST3.

Yes, look in the WT3 protocol and thereafter Dr Lowe's work www.drlowe.com

Both are about RT3 and explain why you feel worse on Armour or T4, and

better on T3.

>I am much too fatigued to be able to read both books

> so I have just skimmed them. I'm assuming that you did 's

> protocol?

Am currently on it. Temps are up to 37 and stabile for the first time in


Armour and straight T3 did not touch my temps.

>Where did you get ST3?

We have a Dr here in South Africa that uses it and a pharmacy linked with

him makes it.

You'll have to get it from MEDHAUS.

>Did the treatment cure your thyroid

> problems or are you on prolonged usage?

I'm still in process. I had low temps and hypothyroid, so we'll see what

happens once I correct the temps.

I may or may not need prolonged treatment with ST3.

>Any other advice or

> recommendations?

I think you are on the right track, just keep on going till you get it

right, and then chelate, chelate and chelate some more :-)


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> OK Dean - more questions. I have an appt with my doc next week,

> although I have little confidence in her, I need a doc to get the

> scripts. I tried uping my dosage of Armour to 1.5gr (just to be sure)

> and my symptoms are just increasing, so now I am ready to investigate

> treatment of ST3.

Yes, look in the WT3 protocol and thereafter Dr Lowe's work www.drlowe.com

Both are about RT3 and explain why you feel worse on Armour or T4, and

better on T3.

>I am much too fatigued to be able to read both books

> so I have just skimmed them. I'm assuming that you did 's

> protocol?

Am currently on it. Temps are up to 37 and stabile for the first time in


Armour and straight T3 did not touch my temps.

>Where did you get ST3?

We have a Dr here in South Africa that uses it and a pharmacy linked with

him makes it.

You'll have to get it from MEDHAUS.

>Did the treatment cure your thyroid

> problems or are you on prolonged usage?

I'm still in process. I had low temps and hypothyroid, so we'll see what

happens once I correct the temps.

I may or may not need prolonged treatment with ST3.

>Any other advice or

> recommendations?

I think you are on the right track, just keep on going till you get it

right, and then chelate, chelate and chelate some more :-)


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> OK Dean - more questions. I have an appt with my doc next week,

> although I have little confidence in her, I need a doc to get the

> scripts. I tried uping my dosage of Armour to 1.5gr (just to be sure)

> and my symptoms are just increasing, so now I am ready to investigate

> treatment of ST3.

Yes, look in the WT3 protocol and thereafter Dr Lowe's work www.drlowe.com

Both are about RT3 and explain why you feel worse on Armour or T4, and

better on T3.

>I am much too fatigued to be able to read both books

> so I have just skimmed them. I'm assuming that you did 's

> protocol?

Am currently on it. Temps are up to 37 and stabile for the first time in


Armour and straight T3 did not touch my temps.

>Where did you get ST3?

We have a Dr here in South Africa that uses it and a pharmacy linked with

him makes it.

You'll have to get it from MEDHAUS.

>Did the treatment cure your thyroid

> problems or are you on prolonged usage?

I'm still in process. I had low temps and hypothyroid, so we'll see what

happens once I correct the temps.

I may or may not need prolonged treatment with ST3.

>Any other advice or

> recommendations?

I think you are on the right track, just keep on going till you get it

right, and then chelate, chelate and chelate some more :-)


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