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I'm 15 days postop and I haven't gotten a headache yet. I did get migraines

before surgery. They were often so bad they would make me throw-up.

I'm feeling great now. Like someone else said the headaches could be caffeine

related. I don;t get caffeine any more, so maybe it is.

Joanne In TN

06/09/00 - 225

06/24/00 - 203

PS I am NO LONGER morbidly obese!

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I'm 15 days postop and I haven't gotten a headache yet. I did get migraines

before surgery. They were often so bad they would make me throw-up.

I'm feeling great now. Like someone else said the headaches could be caffeine

related. I don;t get caffeine any more, so maybe it is.

Joanne In TN

06/09/00 - 225

06/24/00 - 203

PS I am NO LONGER morbidly obese!

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Yikes, Joanne. 22 lbs in 15 days - good for you!!!! Can't wait!! Joanne in


Joanne97617@... wrote:

> I'm 15 days postop and I haven't gotten a headache yet. I did get migraines

> before surgery. They were often so bad they would make me throw-up.


> I'm feeling great now. Like someone else said the headaches could be caffeine

> related. I don;t get caffeine any more, so maybe it is.


> Joanne In TN

> 06/09/00 - 225

> 06/24/00 - 203


> PS I am NO LONGER morbidly obese!


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Hi, all...

Even though the headache conversation was yesterday, here's my 2 cents

worth (maybe it's only worth one cent since I'm pre-op!)

I work for a Neurologist...a kind of famous one...folks come from all

over the US and Canada to our little town here in North Carolina just to see

my boss, the neurologist!

About migraines...some folks have them due to trauma (you got hit in

the head years ago, for example...) Some folks have them due to caffeine,

and...here goes: SUGAR!!! Yes, my boss performed a study at Wake Forest

University's Bowman Gray School of Medicine. In his study group a large

majority " swore off " sugar and stopped having migraines!

Here's some more interesting info...there are about a " bazillion " kinds

of medication for migraines. The medication or combination of medications

that work for one person do absolutely nothing for the next person!

And...it goes without saying, just talk with Dr. R. about what you

take (or took) and he'll let you know if it's still OK or not. I happen to

have migraines (trauma induced by a drunk brother-in-law who tried to beat

my brains out with a ceramic dog dish--boy could I write a book!....I know

some of you are thinking, " woman, you already did on this email!! " ....This

isn't a book...it's an epistle!!!).

Anyway...when I saw Dr. R. at Clinic and discussed the meds I take for

migraines he told me to stop taking ALL of them! So, again, just talk to

him. (I know you knew that!!!)

Maybe God will bless us all with NO MORE headaches after MGB!!!

Carol K.


>From: Joanne97617@...

>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypass (AT) e

>To: MiniGastricBypass (AT) e

>Subject: Re:Headaches

>Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 13:29:32 EDT


>I'm 15 days postop and I haven't gotten a headache yet. I did get migraines

>before surgery. They were often so bad they would make me throw-up.


>I'm feeling great now. Like someone else said the headaches could be


>related. I don;t get caffeine any more, so maybe it is.


>Joanne In TN

>06/09/00 - 225

>06/24/00 - 203


>PS I am NO LONGER morbidly obese!


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Guest guest

Hi, all...

Even though the headache conversation was yesterday, here's my 2 cents

worth (maybe it's only worth one cent since I'm pre-op!)

I work for a Neurologist...a kind of famous one...folks come from all

over the US and Canada to our little town here in North Carolina just to see

my boss, the neurologist!

About migraines...some folks have them due to trauma (you got hit in

the head years ago, for example...) Some folks have them due to caffeine,

and...here goes: SUGAR!!! Yes, my boss performed a study at Wake Forest

University's Bowman Gray School of Medicine. In his study group a large

majority " swore off " sugar and stopped having migraines!

Here's some more interesting info...there are about a " bazillion " kinds

of medication for migraines. The medication or combination of medications

that work for one person do absolutely nothing for the next person!

And...it goes without saying, just talk with Dr. R. about what you

take (or took) and he'll let you know if it's still OK or not. I happen to

have migraines (trauma induced by a drunk brother-in-law who tried to beat

my brains out with a ceramic dog dish--boy could I write a book!....I know

some of you are thinking, " woman, you already did on this email!! " ....This

isn't a book...it's an epistle!!!).

Anyway...when I saw Dr. R. at Clinic and discussed the meds I take for

migraines he told me to stop taking ALL of them! So, again, just talk to

him. (I know you knew that!!!)

Maybe God will bless us all with NO MORE headaches after MGB!!!

Carol K.


>From: Joanne97617@...

>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypass (AT) e

>To: MiniGastricBypass (AT) e

>Subject: Re:Headaches

>Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 13:29:32 EDT


>I'm 15 days postop and I haven't gotten a headache yet. I did get migraines

>before surgery. They were often so bad they would make me throw-up.


>I'm feeling great now. Like someone else said the headaches could be


>related. I don;t get caffeine any more, so maybe it is.


>Joanne In TN

>06/09/00 - 225

>06/24/00 - 203


>PS I am NO LONGER morbidly obese!


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Guest guest

Hi, all...

Even though the headache conversation was yesterday, here's my 2 cents

worth (maybe it's only worth one cent since I'm pre-op!)

I work for a Neurologist...a kind of famous one...folks come from all

over the US and Canada to our little town here in North Carolina just to see

my boss, the neurologist!

About migraines...some folks have them due to trauma (you got hit in

the head years ago, for example...) Some folks have them due to caffeine,

and...here goes: SUGAR!!! Yes, my boss performed a study at Wake Forest

University's Bowman Gray School of Medicine. In his study group a large

majority " swore off " sugar and stopped having migraines!

Here's some more interesting info...there are about a " bazillion " kinds

of medication for migraines. The medication or combination of medications

that work for one person do absolutely nothing for the next person!

And...it goes without saying, just talk with Dr. R. about what you

take (or took) and he'll let you know if it's still OK or not. I happen to

have migraines (trauma induced by a drunk brother-in-law who tried to beat

my brains out with a ceramic dog dish--boy could I write a book!....I know

some of you are thinking, " woman, you already did on this email!! " ....This

isn't a book...it's an epistle!!!).

Anyway...when I saw Dr. R. at Clinic and discussed the meds I take for

migraines he told me to stop taking ALL of them! So, again, just talk to

him. (I know you knew that!!!)

Maybe God will bless us all with NO MORE headaches after MGB!!!

Carol K.


>From: Joanne97617@...

>Reply-To: MiniGastricBypass (AT) e

>To: MiniGastricBypass (AT) e

>Subject: Re:Headaches

>Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 13:29:32 EDT


>I'm 15 days postop and I haven't gotten a headache yet. I did get migraines

>before surgery. They were often so bad they would make me throw-up.


>I'm feeling great now. Like someone else said the headaches could be


>related. I don;t get caffeine any more, so maybe it is.


>Joanne In TN

>06/09/00 - 225

>06/24/00 - 203


>PS I am NO LONGER morbidly obese!


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  • 2 years later...

- I am sorry you are having such a bad time with your headaches. I

also have had this problem and my doctor put me on Calan (a beta blocker) and

Xanax (tranquilizer - used to reduce the amount of adrenalin I produce).

This has been quite a help as they determined I have Chronic Sinusitis which

means when the weather changes or I stress out I was triggering a headache.

I do know what you mean about the dark room, relaxing bath,

meditate...anything someone suggested you will try). I am sure your mom

could explain why the beta blocker/tranquilizer works in my case. I am down

to one bad headache per month and now when I feel one coming on I take a pain

pill right away - it usually reduces how bad the headache is. I do know if

I let it go the worse the headache gets.

I hope you are feeling better soon. I just wanted you to know that I know

how bad you can feel with a headache and that I really found it necessary to

take the pain pill as soon as I felt a headache coming on.

Take care,

Gail West þ Many People, Many Faces, One Voice

Indiana State Chapter Representative

Pancreatitis Association International




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Hello ,

Sorry for your pain. I get migraines often and regular meds, even vicodin

doesn't help at all. A couple of script migraine meds helped after more

than 2. Could this be a migraine or a tension headache? I tried Motrin

Migraine and it helps tremendously.

Then I relax on the couch with a large cup of herbal tea while hubby tries

to keep the kids quite...

Hope you feel better soon.



I need to vent for a minute. It seems I have had a headache for a week now,

I have tried Excedrin,Vicodin,Phengergan, even oxycotin wiht no relief. I

have been in a dark room, tried a relaxing bath, meditated, you name it I've

tried it. So now, I am asking for prayers. I'm strting to get worried about

it. My vision seems a little blurry (even without the meds) and I just don't

feel right. My guess is that it is hormonally related because there have

been some of those " women troubles " lately. I know,in the past the headaches

have been related to an elevated prolactin level---I have a microscopic

pituitary tumor. Trouble is I can't have an MRI and it does not show on a CT

scan. I've talked with my mom - who also happens to be the nurse for my

neurologist. She is going to talk to him this morning (Its 12:49am SC time).

and see what he says. I don't need/want pain meds. They are not working

anyway. Maybe another head CT. There has been some stress- with my dog being

sick, family problems but I honestly don't feel any more stressed than

ususal. It seems I always have 2-3 things going on all the time anyway. My

husband came home and tried to massage my temples to see if that would help.

I loved the attention but it didn't help my headache. The nausea has been

horrendous. I know the computer is not helping but I needed to vent to a

friend so I came here. I am going to try to go back to bed now. I think the

oxycotin and phenergan have finally kicked in.---At least I hope so.



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I certainly know what it's like to have migraines. They put

me on amitryptyline and now I rarely get migraines and they

have me on midrin for the breakthrough migraines I get

occassionally. Hope something works soon. By the way, did

you try putting an ice pak on the spot of your head that

hurts the most? (Just another one of the possibly useless

suggestions, but I know it helps with my migraines if I

don't have any midrin available (used in conjunction with

the dark room).




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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I certainly know what it's like to have migraines. They put

me on amitryptyline and now I rarely get migraines and they

have me on midrin for the breakthrough migraines I get

occassionally. Hope something works soon. By the way, did

you try putting an ice pak on the spot of your head that

hurts the most? (Just another one of the possibly useless

suggestions, but I know it helps with my migraines if I

don't have any midrin available (used in conjunction with

the dark room).




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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I certainly know what it's like to have migraines. They put

me on amitryptyline and now I rarely get migraines and they

have me on midrin for the breakthrough migraines I get

occassionally. Hope something works soon. By the way, did

you try putting an ice pak on the spot of your head that

hurts the most? (Just another one of the possibly useless

suggestions, but I know it helps with my migraines if I

don't have any midrin available (used in conjunction with

the dark room).




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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In reference to your comment:

è By the way, did you try putting an ice pak on the spot of your head that

hurts the most? (Just another one of the possibly useless suggestions, but I

know it helps with my migraines if I don't have any midrin available (used in

conjunction with the dark room).

Kimber - it may be useless, but I am sure agrees that we will try

anything :) Thanks for sharing (I am going to check an make sure my ice pak

is in the freezer - find it works better that way).

Gail West þ Many People, Many Faces, One Voice

Indiana State Chapter Representative

Pancreatitis Association International



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In reference to your comment:

è By the way, did you try putting an ice pak on the spot of your head that

hurts the most? (Just another one of the possibly useless suggestions, but I

know it helps with my migraines if I don't have any midrin available (used in

conjunction with the dark room).

Kimber - it may be useless, but I am sure agrees that we will try

anything :) Thanks for sharing (I am going to check an make sure my ice pak

is in the freezer - find it works better that way).

Gail West þ Many People, Many Faces, One Voice

Indiana State Chapter Representative

Pancreatitis Association International



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Thanks to everyone who responded with there thoughts, prayers, ideas. I

finally got some relief after the Phenergan kicked in. I am already on a

beta blocker for my heart, they were hoping it would help with the headaches

as well. I a feeling alot better today and knock on wood I've gone a day

without a headache. Thanks again.



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Thanks to everyone who responded with there thoughts, prayers, ideas. I

finally got some relief after the Phenergan kicked in. I am already on a

beta blocker for my heart, they were hoping it would help with the headaches

as well. I a feeling alot better today and knock on wood I've gone a day

without a headache. Thanks again.



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Just wanted to throw in my two cents worth. I used to get terrible

headaches and sometimes sitting with my feet in hot water really

helped. I know it sounds dumb but I guess it's kind of the opposite

of putting ice packs on your head. You might want to try it and see

if it will help. I'm glad it's over for you right now. {{hugs}} Tummy

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Just wanted to throw in my two cents worth. I used to get terrible

headaches and sometimes sitting with my feet in hot water really

helped. I know it sounds dumb but I guess it's kind of the opposite

of putting ice packs on your head. You might want to try it and see

if it will help. I'm glad it's over for you right now. {{hugs}} Tummy

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Just wanted to throw in my two cents worth. I used to get terrible

headaches and sometimes sitting with my feet in hot water really

helped. I know it sounds dumb but I guess it's kind of the opposite

of putting ice packs on your head. You might want to try it and see

if it will help. I'm glad it's over for you right now. {{hugs}} Tummy

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I glad that your headaches have let up. It wasn't until the imatrax group of

meds came out that I really got much relief. I now take Zomig witch help me all

lot. But now my insurance won't pay for it, so I go to see my neurologist next

Monday to see what I can take the will help. I also have sleep apnea that they

just discovered 2 years ago, and now I notice if I don;to get enough sleep,

then I will get a headache from it.

Take Care,

Louie in WV

Re: Headaches

Thanks to everyone who responded with there thoughts, prayers, ideas. I

finally got some relief after the Phenergan kicked in. I am already on a

beta blocker for my heart, they were hoping it would help with the headaches

as well. I a feeling alot better today and knock on wood I've gone a day

without a headache. Thanks again.



Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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I glad that your headaches have let up. It wasn't until the imatrax group of

meds came out that I really got much relief. I now take Zomig witch help me all

lot. But now my insurance won't pay for it, so I go to see my neurologist next

Monday to see what I can take the will help. I also have sleep apnea that they

just discovered 2 years ago, and now I notice if I don;to get enough sleep,

then I will get a headache from it.

Take Care,

Louie in WV

Re: Headaches

Thanks to everyone who responded with there thoughts, prayers, ideas. I

finally got some relief after the Phenergan kicked in. I am already on a

beta blocker for my heart, they were hoping it would help with the headaches

as well. I a feeling alot better today and knock on wood I've gone a day

without a headache. Thanks again.



Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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> Thanks for sharing (I am going to check an make sure my ice

> pak

> is in the freezer - find it works better that way).



yes, it usually does help if the ice pak is cold before you

use it. ;) lol.

I got that suggestion from my mother and was very surprised

but happy it worked. Migraines are nasty things.




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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> Thanks for sharing (I am going to check an make sure my ice

> pak

> is in the freezer - find it works better that way).



yes, it usually does help if the ice pak is cold before you

use it. ;) lol.

I got that suggestion from my mother and was very surprised

but happy it worked. Migraines are nasty things.




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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> Thanks for sharing (I am going to check an make sure my ice

> pak

> is in the freezer - find it works better that way).



yes, it usually does help if the ice pak is cold before you

use it. ;) lol.

I got that suggestion from my mother and was very surprised

but happy it worked. Migraines are nasty things.




Vallejo, CA


Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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