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Re: Re: other causes of illness

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In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

> I

> also have been supplementing heavily with zinc and b6 which also

> seem to be helping slightly.


> -----------I remember you saying this was helping because you

found out you had pyroluria (did I get that right?). I think

discovering all these little pieces of the puzzle begin to help the

body function better, and can take time. I have found a number of

things out of whack in my body, and working on correcting them has


********* Yes, I tested extremely high for pyroluria. Andy wrote me

that pyroluria is really an indicator of some toxicity. Either way,

if I don't take my p5p (which is a potent form of b6) I really

notice it.

------------Good. I'm glad you found out one piece of your puzzle. There may

be others. You probably have other imbalances, and as you find them and start

to correct them, hopefully you will feel better and allow you to tolerate

chelation better. I went to a few doctors who didn't get the whole picture and

really couldn't help me *safely* with mercury, but I think each of them may have

uncovered something that was off in my body, so they did help in some


> ALA has given me glimpses into real

> health but then the side effects kick in and knock me over. So


> that mean mercury is an issue too?


> -------------Your reaction to ALA certainly sounds like it is

chelating something. It works on arsenic too, besides mercury. I

have both, and 6mg of ALA knocked me out. So I know what you mean.

I take it as a sign that I am still very toxic.-------Jackie

*******Wow, I just remembered a few years ago when I first started

in alt medicine a doc I was seeing had a retired army pathologist

working for her and he examined my dmps challenge urine sample.

They were very alarmed at my high arsenic levels. It was so high

that they asked me if I knew anybody that wanted to harm me!! I saw

some other docs too but they didn't seem as concerned about the

arsenic. Maybe that is a problem? I even called a toxic hotline at

the time to see if they could help me figure out where my arsenic

exposure could be from. I used to live in a city near large

chemical refineries and they said that could have been where I was

exposed. Also, my apt/house was constantly being sprayed with


-----------Yes that could be, arsenic is used in ant traps, and probably other

pesticides. I think having more than one metal does complicate things. And

that's what I like about Andy's hair test book, because it covers all the metals

and minerals from the hair test. If you could afford to do it, I think another

hair test in your case would be interesting. Especially since you have

mentioned high copper also. These multiple metals might be causing you alot of

trouble, and things just aren't going to be easy for you.----------Jackie

Have you had a chance to try ACE or Isocort? When's the last time

you've had a hair test, to check your copper levels?

******I'm going to see a doc about it. Not that I really trust


------------Like I mentioned above, sometimes they don't get everything, and

that is frustrating, but sometimes they help with at least something, Have you

ever done a saliva test, for your other hormones too, not just cortisol?

Besides my hair tests, that may have been one of the most informative and useful

tests I have done. All my hormones were out of whack, and supplementing them

has helped alot. And I'm not talking thyroid, I'm still not taking anything for

that, but my progesterone was *severely deficient* and my DHEA and testosterone

were low too, besides my cortisol. So those things have helped alot, and

they're still not at optimal levels. You can take all the supplements in the

world, but if you need hormones, you need hormones, and nothing else is going to

help much. JMO------Jackie


My intuition is that I have lingering viruses, that my body was

never able to totally dispell in the past, so that as I do things to

get healthier, I am now able to fight them.

*******That's what I'm thinking/hoping too. I've gone years and

years without a cold/virus. Seems odd when I've never felt well

during those years. I think I remember reading somewhere about

chelation and virus, maybe it was the a/m board. It's amazing I

haven't croaked yet with all these problems.

-----------I know, me too, it gets very long and frustrating at times. But we

have to keep plugging along Val. You should check out the Viral File over at

A-M, and if you want to know what I take, maybe I can put that in another


Anyway, thanks Jackie for all your help.

----------No problem Val. I have always felt kind of sorry for you, because

things don't seem to ever go easy for you. Hopefully we'll get you on the right



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