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Re: other metals like lead and aluminum make a difference?

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> i'm still waiting for my AI book; it turns out i'd forgotten to update

> my paypal address so my book is floating around somewhere. until i get

> this little problem squared away, i hope you could help me with

> another general question.


> it turned out that my test showed me to be extremely high in mercury,

> lead, aluminum, arsenic and thallium, in that order.

What testing? Depending on what testing you are meaning the results

could be giving you false impressions.

i assume that the

> presence of these other metals doesn't affect the basic therapy of

> small frequent dose dmsa with ala added in eventually?


DMSA is good for chelating lead and mercury, ALA is good for mercury

and arsenic, DMPS is good for mercury and arsenic. Aluminum will go

down as the other metals are chelated out. You'll have to look up

thallium in Andy's hair test book.


> if it does, how should i do anything differently? thanks. ~robin


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> > it turned out that my test showed me to be extremely high in mercury,

> > lead, aluminum, arsenic and thallium, in that order.


> What testing? Depending on what testing you are meaning the results

> could be giving you false impressions.

busted! it was the doctors data 6-hour provoked test (dmps/edta) and

was, obviously, before I knew about any of these problems we're all so

terribly familiar with here.. i'd been having so many dismal problems,

the latest of which was multiple chemical sensitivity, and so my

doctor performed this challenge test on me.

i didn't have any side effects to the test and a month or so later i

received the results. i had a 98 for mercury, a 54 for lead, and other

high numbers for the other metals. (i don't exactly remember those

numbers as the test isn't in front of me.) i do remember quite well

that the mercury and lead reading on the test were three times the

" very elevated " ranking. the others were simply in the " very

elevated " range. and when i read the symptoms for toxicity with these

metals i realized i'd been dealing with this metal problem all along

rather then the ridiculous " chronic fatigue syndrome " i was diagnosed

with back when i had a terrible exposure issue in the mid-80's... i've

not been able to work since then -- my life changed forever..

so starting a few months ago and as a result of the test results, i

chelated, as recommended by my doctor, with the iV edta and dmps a

couple times... not much of a problem just some fatigue..

then, on the third chelation, out of nowhere.... WHAMO!, i had the

worst side effects. i thought i was going to die. literally. i

couldn't stand up or think. very nauseated. soo dizzy. i even

programed 911 into my cell phone because i worried i wouldn't be able

to dial fast enough if i was going down.

this reaction was when i added in the recommended oral dmsa (100mg)

the day after chelation.

when i could sort of halfway use my brain again, i googled and found

your helpful site.. i'm still pretty messed up... hard to focus,



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> > > it turned out that my test showed me to be extremely high in


> > > lead, aluminum, arsenic and thallium, in that order.

> >

> > What testing? Depending on what testing you are meaning the results

> > could be giving you false impressions.


> busted! it was the doctors data 6-hour provoked test (dmps/edta)

Guess what! DMPS chelates mercury and EDTA chelates lead, so using

those agents is bound to take some out in the urine. In a 6 h

provoked test you are just going to get some of the loose metals that

were hanging around and this test gives you absolutely no information

about body burden and zilch about brain burden, because neither will

chelate anything from the brain.

The standards used to compare the test against are unprovoked urine

samples, so of course the provoked will have metals.


> was, obviously, before I knew about any of these problems we're all so

> terribly familiar with here

... i'd been having so many dismal problems,

> the latest of which was multiple chemical sensitivity,

Your symptoms alone are enough of an indicator to suspect metal toxicity.

and so my

> doctor performed this challenge test on me.


> i didn't have any side effects to the test and a month or so later i

> received the results. i had a 98 for mercury, a 54 for lead, and other

> high numbers for the other metals.

Which tells you very little, even if you did have the units and normal

ranges, without which the data tells you nothing.

(i don't exactly remember those

> numbers as the test isn't in front of me.) i do remember quite well

> that the mercury and lead reading on the test were three times the

> " very elevated " ranking. the others were simply in the " very

> elevated " range. and when i read the symptoms for toxicity with these

> metals i realized i'd been dealing with this metal problem all along

> rather then the ridiculous " chronic fatigue syndrome " i was diagnosed

> with back when i had a terrible exposure issue in the mid-80's... i've

> not been able to work since then -- my life changed forever..


> so starting a few months ago and as a result of the test results, i

> chelated, as recommended by my doctor,

with the iV edta and dmps a

> couple times... not much of a problem just some fatigue..


> then, on the third chelation, out of nowhere.... WHAMO!, i had the

> worst side effects. i thought i was going to die. literally. i

> couldn't stand up or think. very nauseated. soo dizzy.

We hear about this type of reaction to improper chelation often - no

big problems for 1 or a couple of times and then WHAM. I hope you

will help us to warn others that the type of chelation you were given

was worse that just inappropriate. It saddens me every time I read

something like this because it is all so unnecessary, such a waste of

human life, needless suffering, yada yada.


i even

> programed 911 into my cell phone because i worried i wouldn't be able

> to dial fast enough if i was going down.


> this reaction was when i added in the recommended oral dmsa (100mg)

> the day after chelation.


> when i could sort of halfway use my brain again, i googled and found

> your helpful site.. i'm still pretty messed up... hard to focus,

> think...


> ~robin


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> > > it turned out that my test showed me to be extremely high in


> > > lead, aluminum, arsenic and thallium, in that order.

> >

> > What testing? Depending on what testing you are meaning the results

> > could be giving you false impressions.


> busted! it was the doctors data 6-hour provoked test (dmps/edta)

Guess what! DMPS chelates mercury and EDTA chelates lead, so using

those agents is bound to take some out in the urine. In a 6 h

provoked test you are just going to get some of the loose metals that

were hanging around and this test gives you absolutely no information

about body burden and zilch about brain burden, because neither will

chelate anything from the brain.

The standards used to compare the test against are unprovoked urine

samples, so of course the provoked will have metals.


> was, obviously, before I knew about any of these problems we're all so

> terribly familiar with here

... i'd been having so many dismal problems,

> the latest of which was multiple chemical sensitivity,

Your symptoms alone are enough of an indicator to suspect metal toxicity.

and so my

> doctor performed this challenge test on me.


> i didn't have any side effects to the test and a month or so later i

> received the results. i had a 98 for mercury, a 54 for lead, and other

> high numbers for the other metals.

Which tells you very little, even if you did have the units and normal

ranges, without which the data tells you nothing.

(i don't exactly remember those

> numbers as the test isn't in front of me.) i do remember quite well

> that the mercury and lead reading on the test were three times the

> " very elevated " ranking. the others were simply in the " very

> elevated " range. and when i read the symptoms for toxicity with these

> metals i realized i'd been dealing with this metal problem all along

> rather then the ridiculous " chronic fatigue syndrome " i was diagnosed

> with back when i had a terrible exposure issue in the mid-80's... i've

> not been able to work since then -- my life changed forever..


> so starting a few months ago and as a result of the test results, i

> chelated, as recommended by my doctor,

with the iV edta and dmps a

> couple times... not much of a problem just some fatigue..


> then, on the third chelation, out of nowhere.... WHAMO!, i had the

> worst side effects. i thought i was going to die. literally. i

> couldn't stand up or think. very nauseated. soo dizzy.

We hear about this type of reaction to improper chelation often - no

big problems for 1 or a couple of times and then WHAM. I hope you

will help us to warn others that the type of chelation you were given

was worse that just inappropriate. It saddens me every time I read

something like this because it is all so unnecessary, such a waste of

human life, needless suffering, yada yada.


i even

> programed 911 into my cell phone because i worried i wouldn't be able

> to dial fast enough if i was going down.


> this reaction was when i added in the recommended oral dmsa (100mg)

> the day after chelation.


> when i could sort of halfway use my brain again, i googled and found

> your helpful site.. i'm still pretty messed up... hard to focus,

> think...


> ~robin


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> The standards used to compare the test against are unprovoked urine

> samples, so of course the provoked will have metals.

yes, that's the reference range but the graphs, work to compare

" provoked " against " provoked " . right? for example,the two doctors who

looked at my test (and both do a lot of this particular test) told me

they'd not seen any of their patients with numbers higher than, say,

20 for the mercury and almost never together with high levels of lead.

which made me think that, sure, maybe i have a lot more metal than

others but ALSO, maybe it's just that i'm an efficient detoxer, maybe

the provoking agents really work efficiently, TOO efficiently in my

body which, from the get-go made me think my situation might be

riskier than others they'd worked with. they'd hear nothing of it.

said that this is what works for everybody but, of course, to be

careful... again, i thought these high amounts on the provoked test

were a sign of high metals but ALSO a sign that, when it came to

provocation, i needed to maybe be a lot more careful than the others

represented by the graph......)

in any case and regardless of the test, i know i have very high levels

of metal in my body -- i had my jaw broken and a lot of mercury

amalgam had to have swallowed. and i can also remember the precise

year that i was exposed to high levels of lead, repeatedly. finally i

was just so sick i was given a years' leave of absence from my job. i

was a computer graphic artist at NBC-TV with a degree in math and i

couldn't remember my own phone number, an athlete who suddenly

couldn't walk up a flight of stairs.

and i bought the whole chronic fatigue thing they laid on me back then

because i was working freelance, doing ski videos up at lake tahoe

when that whole epstein-barr thing broke out -- the year of the

" yuppie flu " 1986-7 or so. my liver was suddenly shot. i was tested

for hepatitis i don't know how many times. a lot. and they just

figured well i had this mysterious virus....

well, it wasn't... i knew it then but no one would believe me. i

didn't think about metal, didn't occur to me. i just knew i was

poisoned somehow...

and now, of course, i'm remembering all the vision distortion and the

metallic taste in my mouth back then... and the lack of coordination.

i was just so sick. and although i got a bit better over the following

fifteen years, i was never even close to being myself, never been


then i had some major health set-backs the past couple years

(including a near-fatal poisoning by a fish. something called

scombroid histamine poisoning where you're poisoned, violently

shooting stuff out both ends and then going into anaphylaxis, i was

completely paralyzed declared dead in an ambulance) and after that

experience, more and more food allergies and mold problems (i had to

move from my house up to the mountains of new mexico) and then the

latest thing was this disastrous chemical sensitivity thing after

moving back into a regular town in order to help take care of my

parents in oregon....

i'm going to try and write out my story in such a way that it'll make

sense and help others who might be able to save a few steps and few

brain cells. i am so sure that my underlying problem all these years

has been metals but i've also learned a lot along the way about diet

and yeasts, bacteria, parasites,and the digestive system..

and one more thing: let's just say the american dental association is

not on my gift list these days.... :-/


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Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so grateful for finding this

community, not only for all its help, but the comfort that I'm not

alone. I'm so sick of hearing that I need to stop " thinking about it "

or " get a life " . Only wish I could have a life! The CFS/FMS diagnosis

only seems to minimize the travesty of it all. I could write a book

as well! I got poisoned in the early 80's from working in dentistry.

I just shudder to remember how the work that I did to feed my family

ended up taking my life. I hope to be well enough someday to do

something to fight back. In the meantime, we are all fortunate to

have Andy's guidance & finally be on the right track to health.



> > The standards used to compare the test against are unprovoked


> > samples, so of course the provoked will have metals.


> yes, that's the reference range but the graphs, work to compare

> " provoked " against " provoked " . right? for example,the two doctors


> looked at my test (and both do a lot of this particular test) told


> they'd not seen any of their patients with numbers higher than, say,

> 20 for the mercury and almost never together with high levels of


> which made me think that, sure, maybe i have a lot more metal than

> others but ALSO, maybe it's just that i'm an efficient detoxer,


> the provoking agents really work efficiently, TOO efficiently in my

> body which, from the get-go made me think my situation might be

> riskier than others they'd worked with. they'd hear nothing of it.

> said that this is what works for everybody but, of course, to be

> careful... again, i thought these high amounts on the provoked test

> were a sign of high metals but ALSO a sign that, when it came to

> provocation, i needed to maybe be a lot more careful than the others

> represented by the graph......)


> in any case and regardless of the test, i know i have very high


> of metal in my body -- i had my jaw broken and a lot of mercury

> amalgam had to have swallowed. and i can also remember the precise

> year that i was exposed to high levels of lead, repeatedly. finally


> was just so sick i was given a years' leave of absence from my job.


> was a computer graphic artist at NBC-TV with a degree in math and i

> couldn't remember my own phone number, an athlete who suddenly

> couldn't walk up a flight of stairs.


> and i bought the whole chronic fatigue thing they laid on me back


> because i was working freelance, doing ski videos up at lake tahoe

> when that whole epstein-barr thing broke out -- the year of the

> " yuppie flu " 1986-7 or so. my liver was suddenly shot. i was tested

> for hepatitis i don't know how many times. a lot. and they just

> figured well i had this mysterious virus....


> well, it wasn't... i knew it then but no one would believe me. i

> didn't think about metal, didn't occur to me. i just knew i was

> poisoned somehow...


> and now, of course, i'm remembering all the vision distortion and


> metallic taste in my mouth back then... and the lack of


> i was just so sick. and although i got a bit better over the


> fifteen years, i was never even close to being myself, never been

> right.


> then i had some major health set-backs the past couple years

> (including a near-fatal poisoning by a fish. something called

> scombroid histamine poisoning where you're poisoned, violently

> shooting stuff out both ends and then going into anaphylaxis, i was

> completely paralyzed declared dead in an ambulance) and after that

> experience, more and more food allergies and mold problems (i had to

> move from my house up to the mountains of new mexico) and then the

> latest thing was this disastrous chemical sensitivity thing after

> moving back into a regular town in order to help take care of my

> parents in oregon....


> i'm going to try and write out my story in such a way that it'll


> sense and help others who might be able to save a few steps and few

> brain cells. i am so sure that my underlying problem all these years

> has been metals but i've also learned a lot along the way about diet

> and yeasts, bacteria, parasites,and the digestive system..


> and one more thing: let's just say the american dental association


> not on my gift list these days.... :-/


> ~robin


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Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so grateful for finding this

community, not only for all its help, but the comfort that I'm not

alone. I'm so sick of hearing that I need to stop " thinking about it "

or " get a life " . Only wish I could have a life! The CFS/FMS diagnosis

only seems to minimize the travesty of it all. I could write a book

as well! I got poisoned in the early 80's from working in dentistry.

I just shudder to remember how the work that I did to feed my family

ended up taking my life. I hope to be well enough someday to do

something to fight back. In the meantime, we are all fortunate to

have Andy's guidance & finally be on the right track to health.



> > The standards used to compare the test against are unprovoked


> > samples, so of course the provoked will have metals.


> yes, that's the reference range but the graphs, work to compare

> " provoked " against " provoked " . right? for example,the two doctors


> looked at my test (and both do a lot of this particular test) told


> they'd not seen any of their patients with numbers higher than, say,

> 20 for the mercury and almost never together with high levels of


> which made me think that, sure, maybe i have a lot more metal than

> others but ALSO, maybe it's just that i'm an efficient detoxer,


> the provoking agents really work efficiently, TOO efficiently in my

> body which, from the get-go made me think my situation might be

> riskier than others they'd worked with. they'd hear nothing of it.

> said that this is what works for everybody but, of course, to be

> careful... again, i thought these high amounts on the provoked test

> were a sign of high metals but ALSO a sign that, when it came to

> provocation, i needed to maybe be a lot more careful than the others

> represented by the graph......)


> in any case and regardless of the test, i know i have very high


> of metal in my body -- i had my jaw broken and a lot of mercury

> amalgam had to have swallowed. and i can also remember the precise

> year that i was exposed to high levels of lead, repeatedly. finally


> was just so sick i was given a years' leave of absence from my job.


> was a computer graphic artist at NBC-TV with a degree in math and i

> couldn't remember my own phone number, an athlete who suddenly

> couldn't walk up a flight of stairs.


> and i bought the whole chronic fatigue thing they laid on me back


> because i was working freelance, doing ski videos up at lake tahoe

> when that whole epstein-barr thing broke out -- the year of the

> " yuppie flu " 1986-7 or so. my liver was suddenly shot. i was tested

> for hepatitis i don't know how many times. a lot. and they just

> figured well i had this mysterious virus....


> well, it wasn't... i knew it then but no one would believe me. i

> didn't think about metal, didn't occur to me. i just knew i was

> poisoned somehow...


> and now, of course, i'm remembering all the vision distortion and


> metallic taste in my mouth back then... and the lack of


> i was just so sick. and although i got a bit better over the


> fifteen years, i was never even close to being myself, never been

> right.


> then i had some major health set-backs the past couple years

> (including a near-fatal poisoning by a fish. something called

> scombroid histamine poisoning where you're poisoned, violently

> shooting stuff out both ends and then going into anaphylaxis, i was

> completely paralyzed declared dead in an ambulance) and after that

> experience, more and more food allergies and mold problems (i had to

> move from my house up to the mountains of new mexico) and then the

> latest thing was this disastrous chemical sensitivity thing after

> moving back into a regular town in order to help take care of my

> parents in oregon....


> i'm going to try and write out my story in such a way that it'll


> sense and help others who might be able to save a few steps and few

> brain cells. i am so sure that my underlying problem all these years

> has been metals but i've also learned a lot along the way about diet

> and yeasts, bacteria, parasites,and the digestive system..


> and one more thing: let's just say the american dental association


> not on my gift list these days.... :-/


> ~robin


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Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so grateful for finding this

community, not only for all its help, but the comfort that I'm not

alone. I'm so sick of hearing that I need to stop " thinking about it "

or " get a life " . Only wish I could have a life! The CFS/FMS diagnosis

only seems to minimize the travesty of it all. I could write a book

as well! I got poisoned in the early 80's from working in dentistry.

I just shudder to remember how the work that I did to feed my family

ended up taking my life. I hope to be well enough someday to do

something to fight back. In the meantime, we are all fortunate to

have Andy's guidance & finally be on the right track to health.



> > The standards used to compare the test against are unprovoked


> > samples, so of course the provoked will have metals.


> yes, that's the reference range but the graphs, work to compare

> " provoked " against " provoked " . right? for example,the two doctors


> looked at my test (and both do a lot of this particular test) told


> they'd not seen any of their patients with numbers higher than, say,

> 20 for the mercury and almost never together with high levels of


> which made me think that, sure, maybe i have a lot more metal than

> others but ALSO, maybe it's just that i'm an efficient detoxer,


> the provoking agents really work efficiently, TOO efficiently in my

> body which, from the get-go made me think my situation might be

> riskier than others they'd worked with. they'd hear nothing of it.

> said that this is what works for everybody but, of course, to be

> careful... again, i thought these high amounts on the provoked test

> were a sign of high metals but ALSO a sign that, when it came to

> provocation, i needed to maybe be a lot more careful than the others

> represented by the graph......)


> in any case and regardless of the test, i know i have very high


> of metal in my body -- i had my jaw broken and a lot of mercury

> amalgam had to have swallowed. and i can also remember the precise

> year that i was exposed to high levels of lead, repeatedly. finally


> was just so sick i was given a years' leave of absence from my job.


> was a computer graphic artist at NBC-TV with a degree in math and i

> couldn't remember my own phone number, an athlete who suddenly

> couldn't walk up a flight of stairs.


> and i bought the whole chronic fatigue thing they laid on me back


> because i was working freelance, doing ski videos up at lake tahoe

> when that whole epstein-barr thing broke out -- the year of the

> " yuppie flu " 1986-7 or so. my liver was suddenly shot. i was tested

> for hepatitis i don't know how many times. a lot. and they just

> figured well i had this mysterious virus....


> well, it wasn't... i knew it then but no one would believe me. i

> didn't think about metal, didn't occur to me. i just knew i was

> poisoned somehow...


> and now, of course, i'm remembering all the vision distortion and


> metallic taste in my mouth back then... and the lack of


> i was just so sick. and although i got a bit better over the


> fifteen years, i was never even close to being myself, never been

> right.


> then i had some major health set-backs the past couple years

> (including a near-fatal poisoning by a fish. something called

> scombroid histamine poisoning where you're poisoned, violently

> shooting stuff out both ends and then going into anaphylaxis, i was

> completely paralyzed declared dead in an ambulance) and after that

> experience, more and more food allergies and mold problems (i had to

> move from my house up to the mountains of new mexico) and then the

> latest thing was this disastrous chemical sensitivity thing after

> moving back into a regular town in order to help take care of my

> parents in oregon....


> i'm going to try and write out my story in such a way that it'll


> sense and help others who might be able to save a few steps and few

> brain cells. i am so sure that my underlying problem all these years

> has been metals but i've also learned a lot along the way about diet

> and yeasts, bacteria, parasites,and the digestive system..


> and one more thing: let's just say the american dental association


> not on my gift list these days.... :-/


> ~robin


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