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Re: other causes of illness

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In frequent-dose-chelation DeanNetwork wrote:

< >

>I would say that having a lot of dental toxicity for so long really does

hurt the body, and it is not always the main root cause of illness for some.

To me it is the elimination of all possible/potential problems that brings

one closer to finding the real causes of ill-health, which are often


------------I agree with this Dean, and was thinking of posting something to

this effect myself. Some of us may have other things that are causing health

problems, not related to dental issues at all, but may interfere with us trying

to get well, and wondering why chelation isn't working, etc. And until you

discover those other problems, you probably won't get totally well.

For example for myself, I had a cyst in the wall of my esophagus, which had

gotten larger and became bothersome and I finally had it removed 2 months ago.

The doctors think I was born with it. Has nothing to do with mercury. But I

think it was affecting my overall health more than I realized. I definitely

feel better having it out, and I was surprised to find out that now I can take

much deeper breaths. So without realizing it, it was affecting my breathing.

It may have affected it enough that that's why 2 doctors wanted me to have a

sleep study done last year. They thought for sure I had sleep apnea, and I

didn't. Maybe just shallow breathing caused by the cyst? And I think just

having something like that wrong in the body causes physiological stress on the

body, and it certainly caused me mental stress just knowing it was there,

especially after it started causing pressure under my sternum. So it has been a

great relief to me to have this thing removed, and I'm hoping to be able to make

much more progress this year because of this.

So my point is, some of us may have other things wrong that haven't been

discovered yet and have nothing to do with mercury, but are affecting our health

and probably hampering our attempts at chelation. And that may partly explain

those that are having trouble and why our suggestions that work for most don't

work for all. JMO----------Jackie

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>I would say that having a lot of dental toxicity for so long

really does

> hurt the body, and it is not always the main root cause of

illness for some.

> To me it is the elimination of all possible/potential problems

that brings

> one closer to finding the real causes of ill-health, which are


> multi-factorial.


Good point, Dean. I think I/we may start out having 1 root cause

of our illness but it goes untreated/undiagnosed for so long that it

affects other areas of our body. Then it becomes a huge challenge

to figure out what caused what.

My intuition has always told me it was diet for me. Since giving

up gluten 3 months ago I have noticed some slight improvements. I

also have been supplementing heavily with zinc and b6 which also

seem to be helping slightly. ALA has given me glimpses into real

health but then the side effects kick in and knock me over. So does

that mean mercury is an issue too? Dr. Rind (whose chart is in the

files/links section on adrenal/thyroid) diagnosed me with adrenal

insufficiency. I've also shown really high copper levels on hair

tests. So, its a bit of a challenge, eh?

I've also been home with the flu for the past few days. I had a

virus/flu about 3 weeks ago too. Interestingly, they both hit while

I was doing a round of ala chelation. ????

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In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

Dean wrote:

>I would say that having a lot of dental toxicity for so long

really does

> hurt the body, and it is not always the main root cause of

illness for some.

> To me it is the elimination of all possible/potential problems

that brings

> one closer to finding the real causes of ill-health, which are


> multi-factorial.


Good point, Dean. I think I/we may start out having 1 root cause

of our illness but it goes untreated/undiagnosed for so long that it

affects other areas of our body. Then it becomes a huge challenge

to figure out what caused what.

My intuition has always told me it was diet for me. Since giving

up gluten 3 months ago I have noticed some slight improvements.

----------Val, in the Files section of this group, there is one on how to

choose a diet, written by Andy. Maybe you could find something useful in there.

I know really likes the SCD diet. www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info I

think that's the link. -------Jackie


also have been supplementing heavily with zinc and b6 which also

seem to be helping slightly.

-----------I remember you saying this was helping because you found out you

had pyroluria (did I get that right?). I think discovering all these little

pieces of the puzzle begin to help the body function better, and can take time.

I have found a number of things out of whack in my body, and working on

correcting them has helped.----Jackie

ALA has given me glimpses into real

health but then the side effects kick in and knock me over. So does

that mean mercury is an issue too?

-------------Your reaction to ALA certainly sounds like it is chelating

something. It works on arsenic too, besides mercury. I have both, and 6mg of

ALA knocked me out. So I know what you mean. I take it as a sign that I am

still very toxic.-------Jackie

Dr. Rind (whose chart is in the

files/links section on adrenal/thyroid) diagnosed me with adrenal

insufficiency. I've also shown really high copper levels on hair

tests. So, its a bit of a challenge, eh?

------------Yes it is, having multiple problems. I think you and I discussed

adrenals in an earlier post. Have you had a chance to try ACE or Isocort?

When's the last time you've had a hair test, to check your copper levels? You

mention taking lots of zinc, and that should help bring the copper down. Andy

also mentions molybdenum, and things to help promote bile flow such as taurine,

glycine, milk thistle, and phosphatidylchloline. I take one by Jarrow called


I've also been home with the flu for the past few days. I had a

virus/flu about 3 weeks ago too. Interestingly, they both hit while

I was doing a round of ala chelation. ????

-----------This has happened to me too Val. Getting sick quite often during

chelation. And it just happened again. I started a round a few days ago, first

one for quite awhile, and boom, yesterday, I started feeling like something was

trying to get me, like a virus. I don't know if the stress of chelation weakens

the immune system and you catch stuff, or my other theory is that maybe these

viruses are hiding in your body, and the mercury is helping them to hide, and

when you do chelation it exposes them to your immune system, and you get sick.

My intuition is that I have lingering viruses, that my body was never able to

totally dispell in the past, so that as I do things to get healthier, I am now

able to fight them. And they talk about viruses alot on A-M also, and doing a

viral protocol for a long time to help get rid of them. I do take alot of

immune boosters and anti-viral things, but haven't tried everything they suggest

yet, but I think it helps. They have an actual Viral File that you may want to

print out.-----------Jackie

-------------I've had to do alot more than just chelate to see improvements in

my health.----------Jackie


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> I

> also have been supplementing heavily with zinc and b6 which also

> seem to be helping slightly.


> -----------I remember you saying this was helping because you

found out you had pyroluria (did I get that right?). I think

discovering all these little pieces of the puzzle begin to help the

body function better, and can take time. I have found a number of

things out of whack in my body, and working on correcting them has


********* Yes, I tested extremely high for pyroluria. Andy wrote me

that pyroluria is really an indicator of some toxicity. Either way,

if I don't take my p5p (which is a potent form of b6) I really

notice it.

> ALA has given me glimpses into real

> health but then the side effects kick in and knock me over. So


> that mean mercury is an issue too?


> -------------Your reaction to ALA certainly sounds like it is

chelating something. It works on arsenic too, besides mercury. I

have both, and 6mg of ALA knocked me out. So I know what you mean.

I take it as a sign that I am still very toxic.-------Jackie

*******Wow, I just remembered a few years ago when I first started

in alt medicine a doc I was seeing had a retired army pathologist

working for her and he examined my dmps challenge urine sample.

They were very alarmed at my high arsenic levels. It was so high

that they asked me if I knew anybody that wanted to harm me!! I saw

some other docs too but they didn't seem as concerned about the

arsenic. Maybe that is a problem? I even called a toxic hotline at

the time to see if they could help me figure out where my arsenic

exposure could be from. I used to live in a city near large

chemical refineries and they said that could have been where I was

exposed. Also, my apt/house was constantly being sprayed with


Have you had a chance to try ACE or Isocort? When's the last time

you've had a hair test, to check your copper levels?

******I'm going to see a doc about it. Not that I really trust



My intuition is that I have lingering viruses, that my body was

never able to totally dispell in the past, so that as I do things to

get healthier, I am now able to fight them.

*******That's what I'm thinking/hoping too. I've gone years and

years without a cold/virus. Seems odd when I've never felt well

during those years. I think I remember reading somewhere about

chelation and virus, maybe it was the a/m board. It's amazing I

haven't croaked yet with all these problems.

Anyway, thanks Jackie for all your help.


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> I

> also have been supplementing heavily with zinc and b6 which also

> seem to be helping slightly.


> -----------I remember you saying this was helping because you

found out you had pyroluria (did I get that right?). I think

discovering all these little pieces of the puzzle begin to help the

body function better, and can take time. I have found a number of

things out of whack in my body, and working on correcting them has


********* Yes, I tested extremely high for pyroluria. Andy wrote me

that pyroluria is really an indicator of some toxicity. Either way,

if I don't take my p5p (which is a potent form of b6) I really

notice it.

> ALA has given me glimpses into real

> health but then the side effects kick in and knock me over. So


> that mean mercury is an issue too?


> -------------Your reaction to ALA certainly sounds like it is

chelating something. It works on arsenic too, besides mercury. I

have both, and 6mg of ALA knocked me out. So I know what you mean.

I take it as a sign that I am still very toxic.-------Jackie

*******Wow, I just remembered a few years ago when I first started

in alt medicine a doc I was seeing had a retired army pathologist

working for her and he examined my dmps challenge urine sample.

They were very alarmed at my high arsenic levels. It was so high

that they asked me if I knew anybody that wanted to harm me!! I saw

some other docs too but they didn't seem as concerned about the

arsenic. Maybe that is a problem? I even called a toxic hotline at

the time to see if they could help me figure out where my arsenic

exposure could be from. I used to live in a city near large

chemical refineries and they said that could have been where I was

exposed. Also, my apt/house was constantly being sprayed with


Have you had a chance to try ACE or Isocort? When's the last time

you've had a hair test, to check your copper levels?

******I'm going to see a doc about it. Not that I really trust



My intuition is that I have lingering viruses, that my body was

never able to totally dispell in the past, so that as I do things to

get healthier, I am now able to fight them.

*******That's what I'm thinking/hoping too. I've gone years and

years without a cold/virus. Seems odd when I've never felt well

during those years. I think I remember reading somewhere about

chelation and virus, maybe it was the a/m board. It's amazing I

haven't croaked yet with all these problems.

Anyway, thanks Jackie for all your help.


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> I

> also have been supplementing heavily with zinc and b6 which also

> seem to be helping slightly.


> -----------I remember you saying this was helping because you

found out you had pyroluria (did I get that right?). I think

discovering all these little pieces of the puzzle begin to help the

body function better, and can take time. I have found a number of

things out of whack in my body, and working on correcting them has


********* Yes, I tested extremely high for pyroluria. Andy wrote me

that pyroluria is really an indicator of some toxicity. Either way,

if I don't take my p5p (which is a potent form of b6) I really

notice it.

> ALA has given me glimpses into real

> health but then the side effects kick in and knock me over. So


> that mean mercury is an issue too?


> -------------Your reaction to ALA certainly sounds like it is

chelating something. It works on arsenic too, besides mercury. I

have both, and 6mg of ALA knocked me out. So I know what you mean.

I take it as a sign that I am still very toxic.-------Jackie

*******Wow, I just remembered a few years ago when I first started

in alt medicine a doc I was seeing had a retired army pathologist

working for her and he examined my dmps challenge urine sample.

They were very alarmed at my high arsenic levels. It was so high

that they asked me if I knew anybody that wanted to harm me!! I saw

some other docs too but they didn't seem as concerned about the

arsenic. Maybe that is a problem? I even called a toxic hotline at

the time to see if they could help me figure out where my arsenic

exposure could be from. I used to live in a city near large

chemical refineries and they said that could have been where I was

exposed. Also, my apt/house was constantly being sprayed with


Have you had a chance to try ACE or Isocort? When's the last time

you've had a hair test, to check your copper levels?

******I'm going to see a doc about it. Not that I really trust



My intuition is that I have lingering viruses, that my body was

never able to totally dispell in the past, so that as I do things to

get healthier, I am now able to fight them.

*******That's what I'm thinking/hoping too. I've gone years and

years without a cold/virus. Seems odd when I've never felt well

during those years. I think I remember reading somewhere about

chelation and virus, maybe it was the a/m board. It's amazing I

haven't croaked yet with all these problems.

Anyway, thanks Jackie for all your help.


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> < >


> >I would say that having a lot of dental toxicity for so long

really does

> hurt the body, and it is not always the main root cause of

illness for some.

> To me it is the elimination of all possible/potential problems

that brings

> one closer to finding the real causes of ill-health, which are


> multi-factorial.


> ------------I agree with this Dean, and was thinking of posting

something to this effect myself. Some of us may have other things

that are causing health problems, not related to dental issues at

all, but may interfere with us trying to get well, and wondering why

chelation isn't working, etc. And until you discover those other

problems, you probably won't get totally well.

*****This is a reason why I'm nervous about removing my amalgams (3

more days!) and chelating. My hair test doesn't really meet

counting rules (meets 1/2 of rule #5). I've had issues with my

thyroid a few years ago (Hashimoto's and cancer, then thyroidectomy

and now on synthroid). A lot of my symptoms began just after the

thyroidectomy (tinnitus, asthma, fatigue). After reading here

awhile and studying AI, I thought that amalgam removal and chelation

couldn't hurt(fyi, I am somewhat suspicious of mercury though, & so

is my alt med doc). But now I wonder if it's just going to be

harder on my adrenals, or aggravate whatever

autoimmunity/inflammation I may be having, if not caused by

mercury,.......or if I'll need a different type of thyroid support

(I'm not really supposed to do Armour because TSH suppression - I

guess synthroid does a more reliable job of that - which is

necessary to prevent cancer return). Please tell me I'm not going

to be opening a can of worms with the amalgam removal and chelation

attempt. Thank you,



> For example for myself, I had a cyst in the wall of my

esophagus, which had gotten larger and became bothersome and I

finally had it removed 2 months ago. The doctors think I was born

with it. Has nothing to do with mercury. But I think it was

affecting my overall health more than I realized. I definitely feel

better having it out, and I was surprised to find out that now I can

take much deeper breaths. So without realizing it, it was affecting

my breathing. It may have affected it enough that that's why 2

doctors wanted me to have a sleep study done last year. They

thought for sure I had sleep apnea, and I didn't. Maybe just

shallow breathing caused by the cyst? And I think just having

something like that wrong in the body causes physiological stress on

the body, and it certainly caused me mental stress just knowing it

was there, especially after it started causing pressure under my

sternum. So it has been a great relief to me to have this thing

removed, and I'm hoping to be able to make much more progress this

year because of this.


> So my point is, some of us may have other things wrong that

haven't been discovered yet and have nothing to do with mercury, but

are affecting our health and probably hampering our attempts at

chelation. And that may partly explain those that are having

trouble and why our suggestions that work for most don't work for

all. JMO----------Jackie





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In frequent-dose-chelation elizascha wrote:


> < >


> >I would say that having a lot of dental toxicity for so long

really does

> hurt the body, and it is not always the main root cause of

illness for some.

> To me it is the elimination of all possible/potential problems

that brings

> one closer to finding the real causes of ill-health, which are


> multi-factorial.


> ------------I agree with this Dean, and was thinking of posting

something to this effect myself. Some of us may have other things

that are causing health problems, not related to dental issues at

all, but may interfere with us trying to get well, and wondering why

chelation isn't working, etc. And until you discover those other

problems, you probably won't get totally well.

*****This is a reason why I'm nervous about removing my amalgams (3

more days!) and chelating. My hair test doesn't really meet

counting rules (meets 1/2 of rule #5). I've had issues with my

thyroid a few years ago (Hashimoto's and cancer, then thyroidectomy

and now on synthroid). A lot of my symptoms began just after the

thyroidectomy (tinnitus, asthma, fatigue). After reading here

awhile and studying AI, I thought that amalgam removal and chelation

couldn't hurt(fyi, I am somewhat suspicious of mercury though, & so

is my alt med doc). But now I wonder if it's just going to be

harder on my adrenals, or aggravate whatever

autoimmunity/inflammation I may be having, if not caused by

mercury,.......or if I'll need a different type of thyroid support

(I'm not really supposed to do Armour because TSH suppression - I

guess synthroid does a more reliable job of that - which is

necessary to prevent cancer return). Please tell me I'm not going

to be opening a can of worms with the amalgam removal and chelation

attempt. Thank you,


=======, nobody can give you any guarantees and promise you that

amalgam removal and chelation will be a piece of cake and/or the answer to all

your problems. We just don't know that. What Dean and I were expressing is

that people do have to realize that they may have other things causing problems,

and mercury might be only one of them. My example was just showing that I had

another problem that was contributing to my health problems, and I have felt

better since dealing with it. I am still toxic and am still benefiting from

amalgam removal and chelation. I do not regret pursuing this one bit.

I believe Andy says in AI that he believes mercury causes autoimmunity. And

if I had cancer of any kind, I would be doing everything I could to make my body

healthier, like removing amalgams and chelating. Toxic metals in our bodies

cannot be doing us any good.

I remember an old member of this group who I haven't seen post in a long time,

who also had thyroid cancer, and she had her amalgams removed and was chelating.

I believe she was being treated by Dr. Brownstein, and I thought she was using

Armour. I think her email name was ladybugsandbees. You could search archives

for old posts by her, and maybe try contacting her. She was also a member of

the NaturalThyroidHormones group. She might be able to relate to your specific

situation and offer some advice.-----------Jackie

<< >>

> So my point is, some of us may have other things wrong that

haven't been discovered yet and have nothing to do with mercury, but

are affecting our health and probably hampering our attempts at

chelation. And that may partly explain those that are having

trouble and why our suggestions that work for most don't work for

all. JMO----------Jackie



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In frequent-dose-chelation elizascha wrote:


> < >


> >I would say that having a lot of dental toxicity for so long

really does

> hurt the body, and it is not always the main root cause of

illness for some.

> To me it is the elimination of all possible/potential problems

that brings

> one closer to finding the real causes of ill-health, which are


> multi-factorial.


> ------------I agree with this Dean, and was thinking of posting

something to this effect myself. Some of us may have other things

that are causing health problems, not related to dental issues at

all, but may interfere with us trying to get well, and wondering why

chelation isn't working, etc. And until you discover those other

problems, you probably won't get totally well.

*****This is a reason why I'm nervous about removing my amalgams (3

more days!) and chelating. My hair test doesn't really meet

counting rules (meets 1/2 of rule #5). I've had issues with my

thyroid a few years ago (Hashimoto's and cancer, then thyroidectomy

and now on synthroid). A lot of my symptoms began just after the

thyroidectomy (tinnitus, asthma, fatigue). After reading here

awhile and studying AI, I thought that amalgam removal and chelation

couldn't hurt(fyi, I am somewhat suspicious of mercury though, & so

is my alt med doc). But now I wonder if it's just going to be

harder on my adrenals, or aggravate whatever

autoimmunity/inflammation I may be having, if not caused by

mercury,.......or if I'll need a different type of thyroid support

(I'm not really supposed to do Armour because TSH suppression - I

guess synthroid does a more reliable job of that - which is

necessary to prevent cancer return). Please tell me I'm not going

to be opening a can of worms with the amalgam removal and chelation

attempt. Thank you,


=======, nobody can give you any guarantees and promise you that

amalgam removal and chelation will be a piece of cake and/or the answer to all

your problems. We just don't know that. What Dean and I were expressing is

that people do have to realize that they may have other things causing problems,

and mercury might be only one of them. My example was just showing that I had

another problem that was contributing to my health problems, and I have felt

better since dealing with it. I am still toxic and am still benefiting from

amalgam removal and chelation. I do not regret pursuing this one bit.

I believe Andy says in AI that he believes mercury causes autoimmunity. And

if I had cancer of any kind, I would be doing everything I could to make my body

healthier, like removing amalgams and chelating. Toxic metals in our bodies

cannot be doing us any good.

I remember an old member of this group who I haven't seen post in a long time,

who also had thyroid cancer, and she had her amalgams removed and was chelating.

I believe she was being treated by Dr. Brownstein, and I thought she was using

Armour. I think her email name was ladybugsandbees. You could search archives

for old posts by her, and maybe try contacting her. She was also a member of

the NaturalThyroidHormones group. She might be able to relate to your specific

situation and offer some advice.-----------Jackie

<< >>

> So my point is, some of us may have other things wrong that

haven't been discovered yet and have nothing to do with mercury, but

are affecting our health and probably hampering our attempts at

chelation. And that may partly explain those that are having

trouble and why our suggestions that work for most don't work for

all. JMO----------Jackie



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