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Re: OT/Distilled Water, was Re: Chelating with ALA alone

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In frequent-dose-chelation Boogie Check wrote:

Hi Dean,

I started drinking distilled water over 20 years ago

-----------So you don't feel you have had any negative effects from this?

Have you supplemented this whole time?-----------Jackie

when I had very painful bladder symptoms. I literally could not walk across a

room without being in severe pain. After many different doctors' treatments, one

including a urethrectomy (!), it was discovered that I had interstitial

cystitis. It was another of those primarily " women's " diseases that was mainly

ignored, so I was a guinea pig for treatments. Nothing helped and I couldn't

take the pain anymore, so I started an experiment of drinking only distilled

water and taking an ibuprofen after relations with my (ex) husband. This did

wonders for the condition. I could actually function like a human being again.

So...long story...but that's why I drink distilled water.

It's interesting to note that prior to these past four months, I couldn't

drink anything but distilled water for any length of time. As soon as I drank

" city " water, my bladder started spasming....makes you wonder, eh?

----------Did you start chelating 4 months ago, is that what you're refering

to? So things are better since then?----------Jackie

No, I haven't had a hair test. I'm short on funds. And, really, I am growing

more and more leery of anyone in the medical field anymore. I just plain don't

trust them any farther than I can throw them.

------------You can order a hair test without a doctor through Direct Labs,

and we can help you interpret it here.---------Jackie

----------I think most of us have had bad doctor experiences, and in general,

I probably agree with you, but what I have come to realize and appreciate is, I

would probably be dead if it wasn't for doctors and modern technology, and

especially surgeons. Now in general, I feel big pharmaceutical companies have

too much power and control over health care, and have taught doctors to just

dole out their drugs, so I have become very leary of them also, for this reason.

But there are a few good or decent ones out there, and sometimes you do need

them. So I have been on both sides of the coin, a doctor misdiagnosis could

have killed me, and I probably would have died without surgery, so I can't just

totally write them off. But I certainly don't look at them as gods and trust

everything they say anymore either. You have to educate yourself, and try to

use them to get the real testing and treatment that you need. JMO--------Jackie

Oh...the stories I could tell...

And, this year was also the first I had heard about distilled water lacking in

necessary minerals.

------------I did know because how distillation worked, that everything was

taken out, good and bad. But I also wonder, just how much minerals do you

actually get from water? Is it really that much?----------Jackie

I do eat kosher salt on foods (probably 1 tsp per day), I wonder if that is

sufficient to recover minerals lost?

----------I think this is the unknown. I think has mentioned that if

you add sea salt to your water and it tastes good, then this means you are low

and need it, and if it doesn't taste good, then you have enough. This was from

discussions about electrolytes, not distilled water, though, just to make that


Thanks for your input, Dean. I appreciate your taking the time.




Hi Robyn,

Why are you drinking distilled water and for how long have you been using


While I know that it is good for short term for detox (2-4 weeks), it is not

advised long-term as it leaches your minerals.

This shows up as an ALL-LOW hair test and I have seen it to be true so far.

Have you had a hair test?

I don't know what Andy says about but I personally have turned against

distilled water consumption.

I know there are two school of thought on distilled water. I started off in

the pro its use, and changed my mind after trying it for 2 months.

I worry that if you are leaching minerals into the hungry water you can be

hurting yourself long-term.

You might want to add some good quality see salt to it perhaps.

Just a thought.



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