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Re: Visual Disturbances

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Hi Carlin,

I have had A LOT of vision problems. That part of my head and brain is

the worst hit with toxicity for me. I have had decreased acuity in one

eye (lost around 1-2 diopters at my guess), narrowed field of vision

in the other eye, convergence problems, and sinus inflammation putting

pain on the back of my eyes, causing more vision issues. Some of my

symptoms were similar to optic neuritis, the rest was just my eyes

becoming weaker.

My eyes got very dry, no longer allowing me to wear contacts. For me,

going back to glasses after 15 years of contacts helped 'encourage' my

eyes to get worse. I am extremely nearsighted at -18, so you can

imagine that things getting worse for me is significant.

I can 150% sympathize with you. I don't see other posts about vision

often either. Please feel free to email me, I probably have too much

info to post :)

I had my vision deteriorate rapidly after heavily using mercury

containing eye drops about two years ago. I have been working really

hard at regaining the sight that was lost. What I have regained so far

has been due to ALA and visual therapy. DMPS alone wasn't doing much,

I suspect because it didn't go into the nerves.

My therapy helps me too. I have been working with a man who does a

combination of the Bates and methods to help people improve

the way they use their eyes, specifically using the brain to improve

vision. This has prevented further deterioration for me, and has been

improving things over the last few months.

Your problems are likely to be both your eyes and brain, since the

eyes pretty much just do what the brain tells them. If you are similar

to me, you have mercury damaged nerves in your eye and optic nerve,

and also affected parts of the brain that controls the eyes (visual


Like I said, ALA has been great at helping me. I also learned to use

my eyes without straining them (from the therapy). That is preventing

further worsening and helping to retrain my brain as the mercury comes




> Hi,


> I was wondering if anyone is experiencing vision problems as I haven't

> seen many people mention it. My left eye seems weaker than the right.

> Often I have convergence problems. I can still read, but not lengthy

> articles because my brain gets tired or my eyes won't work...it's hard

> to describe. I often can't tell if it's my eyes or my brain...all I

> know is it doesn't feel right. Sometimes it feels as if something is

> missing behind my eye, as if there is a dark, black hole, yet I can

> still see. It just feels strange and is very worrisome. I am hoping

> that ALA will resolve this. Currently I'm only on round 5 of DMSA 25mg

> every 3 hours. So far I've only been able to tolerate 4 days on each

> time. I've had my amalgams out for 9 months. Do you think I can go

> ahead with the ALA? How do I know it's time? Thanks.

> ~ Carlin


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Hi Carlin,

I have had A LOT of vision problems. That part of my head and brain is

the worst hit with toxicity for me. I have had decreased acuity in one

eye (lost around 1-2 diopters at my guess), narrowed field of vision

in the other eye, convergence problems, and sinus inflammation putting

pain on the back of my eyes, causing more vision issues. Some of my

symptoms were similar to optic neuritis, the rest was just my eyes

becoming weaker.

My eyes got very dry, no longer allowing me to wear contacts. For me,

going back to glasses after 15 years of contacts helped 'encourage' my

eyes to get worse. I am extremely nearsighted at -18, so you can

imagine that things getting worse for me is significant.

I can 150% sympathize with you. I don't see other posts about vision

often either. Please feel free to email me, I probably have too much

info to post :)

I had my vision deteriorate rapidly after heavily using mercury

containing eye drops about two years ago. I have been working really

hard at regaining the sight that was lost. What I have regained so far

has been due to ALA and visual therapy. DMPS alone wasn't doing much,

I suspect because it didn't go into the nerves.

My therapy helps me too. I have been working with a man who does a

combination of the Bates and methods to help people improve

the way they use their eyes, specifically using the brain to improve

vision. This has prevented further deterioration for me, and has been

improving things over the last few months.

Your problems are likely to be both your eyes and brain, since the

eyes pretty much just do what the brain tells them. If you are similar

to me, you have mercury damaged nerves in your eye and optic nerve,

and also affected parts of the brain that controls the eyes (visual


Like I said, ALA has been great at helping me. I also learned to use

my eyes without straining them (from the therapy). That is preventing

further worsening and helping to retrain my brain as the mercury comes




> Hi,


> I was wondering if anyone is experiencing vision problems as I haven't

> seen many people mention it. My left eye seems weaker than the right.

> Often I have convergence problems. I can still read, but not lengthy

> articles because my brain gets tired or my eyes won't work...it's hard

> to describe. I often can't tell if it's my eyes or my brain...all I

> know is it doesn't feel right. Sometimes it feels as if something is

> missing behind my eye, as if there is a dark, black hole, yet I can

> still see. It just feels strange and is very worrisome. I am hoping

> that ALA will resolve this. Currently I'm only on round 5 of DMSA 25mg

> every 3 hours. So far I've only been able to tolerate 4 days on each

> time. I've had my amalgams out for 9 months. Do you think I can go

> ahead with the ALA? How do I know it's time? Thanks.

> ~ Carlin


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Hi Carlin,

I have worked for ophthalmologists for the last 24 years, maybe I can

help answer your questions. Visual acuity is rarely the same in both

eyes. In other words vision is often worse in one eye. Convergence

insufficieny is something we see fairly often. For the black hole

you are experiencing, I need more description. Your age alone will

also have an affect on your vision. If you could be a little more

specific about your symptoms, I may be able to find out for you their

cause or severity. Good luck with your chelation.



> Hi,


> I was wondering if anyone is experiencing vision problems as I


> seen many people mention it. My left eye seems weaker than the


> Often I have convergence problems. I often can't tell if it's my

eyes or my brain...

> missing behind my eye, as if there is a dark, black hole, yet I can

> still see.

> ~ Carlin

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It sounds like you have a good understanding of your eye conditions.

Convergence insufficieny is a functional defect or an eye muscle

problem, when the eyes cannot be pulled sufficiently inward (toward

nose) to maintain single vision when trying to focus on a near

object. On page 57 of Amalgam Illness, Andy talks briefly about it

being a problem of mercury toxicity. Your Marcus Gunn pupil could be

either a functional defect or a congenital one. As for the elevated

intraocular pressure, does your doctor check your eye pressure

periodically? Once a patient is put on glaucoma drops, they rarely

can go off of them. Was it your decision to stop your Xalatan? Do

you have glaucoma in your family history? It sounds like you have

been to some very knowledgeable ophthalmologists. Of course, as you

know, when we bring up the topic of mercury toxicity to any main-

stream physician, we suddenly have four eyes, two heads... Keep the

faith, try not to worry. I still have a hard time settleing into the

fact that this is going to take a long time. I am already 3 years

into detoxing, but I believe that we will get better.



> Hi ,


> It's really hard to describe. It's a feeling of being able to

see, yet something feels wrong. Sometimes it's binocular vision in

my left eye. Other times it isn't. Sometimes it feels like a cold

spot in my brain behind my eye, as if there is a hole. I have

convergence problems often...it's like my left eye wants to move

inward yet it's not obvious to anyone.


> In Aug of '06 I had a root canal and swallowed two small chunks

of a silver filling. I began losing night vision and a few months

later had an episode where I lost peripheral vision in both eyes. I

also had blurry vision for several months but both the peripheral and

blurriness have diminished greatly. Currently, my left eye still

goes in and out as far as strength. I've seen two of the top optic

neurologists in the city and had dozens of tests with

opthamologists. All come out normal except for the VCS test and I

was also told I had high intraocular pressure (37!) in both eyes. I

went on Xalatan and the pressure has returned to normal thank

goodness. I have been off the Xalatan for four months now.


> My symptoms early on felt like optic neuritis but they are slowly

improving, yet it still worries me. I want my vision back to where

it was! I told one optic neurologist I had mercury toxicity but she

didn't think so because I didn't have an unsteady gait and because

she said I would lose central vision instead of peripheral.


> I should also say that I was born with Marcus Gunn Syndrome in my

left eye but it's very mild...slight lazy eye and slight winking

occasionally when I eat.


> I also have flashing arcs of light occasionally in both eyes yet

my retinas look perfectly normal according to a retinal angiogram.

It's sounds as if I'm elderly with my symptoms, but I'm only 39.


> Thanks for your help!

> ~ Carlin


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