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Well I've been away and now I'm back because I'm ready, really READY

to start chelating. My revisions were complete July '04 and I did an

MD supervised adrenal supplementation with Hydrocortisol for a year to

build up adrenals (this really helped but did not restore complete

function). I have my scrip for DMPS and plan on starting very, very

low dose for at least 4-5 rounds. With a body weight of 150 I'm pretty

confident I can tolerate more than 12.5 mg dose but that's what I'm

going to start. I've reviewed the links

summarizing protocols and dosages but still have questions.

1)From what I can see the ideal dose ratio of DMPS to ALA is 1/1.

What about a dose ratio of 1/2 DMPS to ALA? I don't know if a 12.5 mg

dose of ALA could be had from anyone but a compounder but 25mg is

readily available. Please reply especially if you have experience with

the 1/2 dose ratio.

2)Which is the principal pathway via which DMPS/mercury compounds are

excreted? Is it via liver/bile or kidney/urine? Is the same true

with DMSA? (I seem to be producing lots of bile since my dental

revisions). How does the inclusion of ALA alter excretion pathways?

3) DMPS only would tend to bind to HG in body stores but not the

brain? So heart muscle, liver, where else would HG accumulate outside

the brain? Connective tissue? Is the HPA considered outside the brain?

Technically I think so. By adding ALA brain mercury can be moved

across BBB and complexed by a chelator? Do I have this right? Most

people start with chelator alone first to limit blood HG released from

body stores being transported across BBB into brain by ALA? If this

is correct are there any other reasons to start with chelator only?

4) Is it better to be faithful to a DMPS 8 hour protocol than to miss

the occasional dose in the 3 hour DMPS/ALA dose schedule? How crappy

does this make one feel? (OOPS... I slept through that 1 AM or 4 AM

dose. This must happen quite often.) Personal experiences appreciated

on this one.

5) I assume that I have been moving some small amount of HG back and

forth across the BBB recently. Too bad that, I feel pretty psycho

when this happens. I wonder if anyone thinks if soy may

be protective in HG sick people. You see, I am a lacto/ovo vegetarian

and for many years soy made up a large part of my diet. But

recently food allergy test convinced me to go on a soy elimination

diet. Well my sinus problems are dramatically better but I feel like

I may have benefited from the phyto-estrogens in soy competing

(successfully) with HG at hormone receptor sites. My HG symptoms from

the start have included unpleasant aggressiveness/anger/impulse

control testosterone related stuff. Since revisions completed these

symptoms have been reduced in severity and frequency.

Now back to the soy/phyto-estrogen hypothesis. Let me say first that

there was plenty of soy in my diet. Perhaps as much as 80-150 grams of

soy protein weekly (which I balanced for thyroid reasons with lots of

iodine rich sea veges).

Perhaps this is just a coincidence but since soy elimination not only

are my sinuses better but the above described symptoms have become

more prominent again. This is kind of another topic/thread perhaps

but one I would appreciate feeback on. I am thinking of including a

non-soy derived phyto-estrogen supplement in my daily routine.

Peace to you all, looking forward to your feedback and references.

Doug in NH

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I only really know the answer for question 4:

Dosing schedule is very important. You can't miss a dose. You just

do whatever it takes to take the dose on time. And if you miss a dose

you have to stop chelation and end the round or you will cause too

much redistribution and side effects. This even means waking up 2-3

times in the middle of sleep.

I wear a vibrating timer that clips to my underwear while I sleep plus

my audible alarm clock and cell phone alarm.

The only acceptable compromise on dose is taking ALA every 4 hours

during sleep so that you might only have to wake up once in the middle

of the night. And immediately return to every 3 hours during the day.

But many people don't even tolerate that well.


> Howdy,

> Well I've been away and now I'm back because I'm ready, really READY

> to start chelating. My revisions were complete July '04 and I did an

> MD supervised adrenal supplementation with Hydrocortisol for a year to

> build up adrenals (this really helped but did not restore complete

> function). I have my scrip for DMPS and plan on starting very, very

> low dose for at least 4-5 rounds. With a body weight of 150 I'm pretty

> confident I can tolerate more than 12.5 mg dose but that's what I'm

> going to start. I've reviewed the links

> summarizing protocols and dosages but still have questions.


> 1)From what I can see the ideal dose ratio of DMPS to ALA is 1/1.

> What about a dose ratio of 1/2 DMPS to ALA? I don't know if a 12.5 mg

> dose of ALA could be had from anyone but a compounder but 25mg is

> readily available. Please reply especially if you have experience with

> the 1/2 dose ratio.


> 2)Which is the principal pathway via which DMPS/mercury compounds are

> excreted? Is it via liver/bile or kidney/urine? Is the same true

> with DMSA? (I seem to be producing lots of bile since my dental

> revisions). How does the inclusion of ALA alter excretion pathways?


> 3) DMPS only would tend to bind to HG in body stores but not the

> brain? So heart muscle, liver, where else would HG accumulate outside

> the brain? Connective tissue? Is the HPA considered outside the brain?

> Technically I think so. By adding ALA brain mercury can be moved

> across BBB and complexed by a chelator? Do I have this right? Most

> people start with chelator alone first to limit blood HG released from

> body stores being transported across BBB into brain by ALA? If this

> is correct are there any other reasons to start with chelator only?


> 4) Is it better to be faithful to a DMPS 8 hour protocol than to miss

> the occasional dose in the 3 hour DMPS/ALA dose schedule? How crappy

> does this make one feel? (OOPS... I slept through that 1 AM or 4 AM

> dose. This must happen quite often.) Personal experiences appreciated

> on this one.


> 5) I assume that I have been moving some small amount of HG back and

> forth across the BBB recently. Too bad that, I feel pretty psycho

> when this happens. I wonder if anyone thinks if soy may

> be protective in HG sick people. You see, I am a lacto/ovo vegetarian

> and for many years soy made up a large part of my diet. But

> recently food allergy test convinced me to go on a soy elimination

> diet. Well my sinus problems are dramatically better but I feel like

> I may have benefited from the phyto-estrogens in soy competing

> (successfully) with HG at hormone receptor sites. My HG symptoms from

> the start have included unpleasant aggressiveness/anger/impulse

> control testosterone related stuff. Since revisions completed these

> symptoms have been reduced in severity and frequency.


> Now back to the soy/phyto-estrogen hypothesis. Let me say first that

> there was plenty of soy in my diet. Perhaps as much as 80-150 grams of

> soy protein weekly (which I balanced for thyroid reasons with lots of

> iodine rich sea veges).

> Perhaps this is just a coincidence but since soy elimination not only

> are my sinuses better but the above described symptoms have become

> more prominent again. This is kind of another topic/thread perhaps

> but one I would appreciate feeback on. I am thinking of including a

> non-soy derived phyto-estrogen supplement in my daily routine.


> Peace to you all, looking forward to your feedback and references.


> Doug in NH


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In frequent-dose-chelation nhdougsimmons wrote:


Well I've been away and now I'm back because I'm ready, really READY

to start chelating. My revisions were complete July '04 and I did an

MD supervised adrenal supplementation with Hydrocortisol for a year to

build up adrenals (this really helped but did not restore complete


---------Have you tried ACE (adrenal cortex extract)? I didn't tolerate it a

couple years ago, but I do now, so you may want to consider it, if you think

your adrenals still could use some help.---------Jackie

I have my scrip for DMPS and plan on starting very, very

low dose for at least 4-5 rounds. With a body weight of 150 I'm pretty

confident I can tolerate more than 12.5 mg dose but that's what I'm

going to start. I've reviewed the links

summarizing protocols and dosages but still have questions.

1)From what I can see the ideal dose ratio of DMPS to ALA is 1/1.

What about a dose ratio of 1/2 DMPS to ALA? I don't know if a 12.5 mg

dose of ALA could be had from anyone but a compounder but 25mg is

readily available. Please reply especially if you have experience with

the 1/2 dose ratio.

-------------I think I have read where anywhere from 2/1 to 1/2 is ok. This

might be in the Andy Index, or search the archives, here and at A-M. You can

buy empty capsules and split the 25mg ALA capsules into smaller doses yourself.

Alot of us do this.----------Jackie

2)Which is the principal pathway via which DMPS/mercury compounds are

excreted? Is it via liver/bile or kidney/urine? Is the same true

with DMSA? (I seem to be producing lots of bile since my dental

revisions). How does the inclusion of ALA alter excretion pathways?

---------DMSA and DMPS is through the urine, ALA is through


--------See chart on page 207 of AI, we just discussed this. Without taking a

chelator, the body naturally excretes some mercury, and this is mostly through

the feces (first example in chart).---------Jackie

3) DMPS only would tend to bind to HG in body stores but not the

brain? So heart muscle, liver, where else would HG accumulate outside

the brain? Connective tissue? Is the HPA considered outside the brain?

-----------According to Andy, only ALA crosses the BBB. DMPS and DMSA help

lower your body burden, but I don't know if I can tell you exactly from where,

so I don't want to guess on that. The Hypothalamus and Pituitary (part of the

HPA axis) are in the brain, and only the Adrenal glands are outside, so part of

the HPA is in the brain, and requires ALA chelation to clear them (my


Technically I think so. By adding ALA brain mercury can be moved

across BBB and complexed by a chelator? Do I have this right?

-----------The BBB is a two way street. ALA can carry mercury into and out of

your brain. If your body burden is high and you take ALA, chances are you will

move more mercury into your brain than out. If body burden is low, and you take

appropriate doses of ALA on a frequent schedule, then there should be net

movement of mercury/metals out of the brain and out of the body.------Jackie


people start with chelator alone first to limit blood HG released from

body stores being transported across BBB into brain by ALA? If this

is correct are there any other reasons to start with chelator only?

---------First question, yes, answered above. The other reason to start one

chelator at a time, is so you know how you react to each one individually, so

you know what is causing what. Some people tolerate different chelators


4) Is it better to be faithful to a DMPS 8 hour protocol than to miss

the occasional dose in the 3 hour DMPS/ALA dose schedule? How crappy

does this make one feel? (OOPS... I slept through that 1 AM or 4 AM

dose. This must happen quite often.) Personal experiences appreciated

on this one.

----------Taking the doses on time and not missing any is critical. You can

cause redistribution and should end the round if you miss a dose. The general

rule is you can take the dose and continue chelating if you are only 1 hour

late, maximum. I think some people have reported missing by 1-1/2 hours and

continuing, and I think they were ok, but this might not be true for everyone.

If you miss a whole dose by 3 hours, you should not continue.-----------Jackie

5) I assume that I have been moving some small amount of HG back and

forth across the BBB recently. Too bad that, I feel pretty psycho

when this happens. I wonder if anyone thinks if soy may

be protective in HG sick people. You see, I am a lacto/ovo vegetarian

and for many years soy made up a large part of my diet. But

recently food allergy test convinced me to go on a soy elimination

diet. Well my sinus problems are dramatically better but I feel like

I may have benefited from the phyto-estrogens in soy competing

(successfully) with HG at hormone receptor sites. My HG symptoms from

the start have included unpleasant aggressiveness/anger/impulse

control testosterone related stuff. Since revisions completed these

symptoms have been reduced in severity and frequency.

-------------I have no idea about your soy theory, but I do know that mercury

messes up your hormones, mine are a mess. Have you done any hormone testing? I

gave links to a number of sites on a previous post, including one for ZRT Labs,

and they have symptom lists/questionaires, for men too.----------Jackie

Now back to the soy/phyto-estrogen hypothesis. Let me say first that

there was plenty of soy in my diet. Perhaps as much as 80-150 grams of

soy protein weekly (which I balanced for thyroid reasons with lots of

iodine rich sea veges).

Perhaps this is just a coincidence but since soy elimination not only

are my sinuses better but the above described symptoms have become

more prominent again. This is kind of another topic/thread perhaps

but one I would appreciate feeback on. I am thinking of including a

non-soy derived phyto-estrogen supplement in my daily routine.

Peace to you all, looking forward to your feedback and references.

Doug in NH


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In frequent-dose-chelation nhdougsimmons wrote:


Well I've been away and now I'm back because I'm ready, really READY

to start chelating. My revisions were complete July '04 and I did an

MD supervised adrenal supplementation with Hydrocortisol for a year to

build up adrenals (this really helped but did not restore complete


---------Have you tried ACE (adrenal cortex extract)? I didn't tolerate it a

couple years ago, but I do now, so you may want to consider it, if you think

your adrenals still could use some help.---------Jackie

I have my scrip for DMPS and plan on starting very, very

low dose for at least 4-5 rounds. With a body weight of 150 I'm pretty

confident I can tolerate more than 12.5 mg dose but that's what I'm

going to start. I've reviewed the links

summarizing protocols and dosages but still have questions.

1)From what I can see the ideal dose ratio of DMPS to ALA is 1/1.

What about a dose ratio of 1/2 DMPS to ALA? I don't know if a 12.5 mg

dose of ALA could be had from anyone but a compounder but 25mg is

readily available. Please reply especially if you have experience with

the 1/2 dose ratio.

-------------I think I have read where anywhere from 2/1 to 1/2 is ok. This

might be in the Andy Index, or search the archives, here and at A-M. You can

buy empty capsules and split the 25mg ALA capsules into smaller doses yourself.

Alot of us do this.----------Jackie

2)Which is the principal pathway via which DMPS/mercury compounds are

excreted? Is it via liver/bile or kidney/urine? Is the same true

with DMSA? (I seem to be producing lots of bile since my dental

revisions). How does the inclusion of ALA alter excretion pathways?

---------DMSA and DMPS is through the urine, ALA is through


--------See chart on page 207 of AI, we just discussed this. Without taking a

chelator, the body naturally excretes some mercury, and this is mostly through

the feces (first example in chart).---------Jackie

3) DMPS only would tend to bind to HG in body stores but not the

brain? So heart muscle, liver, where else would HG accumulate outside

the brain? Connective tissue? Is the HPA considered outside the brain?

-----------According to Andy, only ALA crosses the BBB. DMPS and DMSA help

lower your body burden, but I don't know if I can tell you exactly from where,

so I don't want to guess on that. The Hypothalamus and Pituitary (part of the

HPA axis) are in the brain, and only the Adrenal glands are outside, so part of

the HPA is in the brain, and requires ALA chelation to clear them (my


Technically I think so. By adding ALA brain mercury can be moved

across BBB and complexed by a chelator? Do I have this right?

-----------The BBB is a two way street. ALA can carry mercury into and out of

your brain. If your body burden is high and you take ALA, chances are you will

move more mercury into your brain than out. If body burden is low, and you take

appropriate doses of ALA on a frequent schedule, then there should be net

movement of mercury/metals out of the brain and out of the body.------Jackie


people start with chelator alone first to limit blood HG released from

body stores being transported across BBB into brain by ALA? If this

is correct are there any other reasons to start with chelator only?

---------First question, yes, answered above. The other reason to start one

chelator at a time, is so you know how you react to each one individually, so

you know what is causing what. Some people tolerate different chelators


4) Is it better to be faithful to a DMPS 8 hour protocol than to miss

the occasional dose in the 3 hour DMPS/ALA dose schedule? How crappy

does this make one feel? (OOPS... I slept through that 1 AM or 4 AM

dose. This must happen quite often.) Personal experiences appreciated

on this one.

----------Taking the doses on time and not missing any is critical. You can

cause redistribution and should end the round if you miss a dose. The general

rule is you can take the dose and continue chelating if you are only 1 hour

late, maximum. I think some people have reported missing by 1-1/2 hours and

continuing, and I think they were ok, but this might not be true for everyone.

If you miss a whole dose by 3 hours, you should not continue.-----------Jackie

5) I assume that I have been moving some small amount of HG back and

forth across the BBB recently. Too bad that, I feel pretty psycho

when this happens. I wonder if anyone thinks if soy may

be protective in HG sick people. You see, I am a lacto/ovo vegetarian

and for many years soy made up a large part of my diet. But

recently food allergy test convinced me to go on a soy elimination

diet. Well my sinus problems are dramatically better but I feel like

I may have benefited from the phyto-estrogens in soy competing

(successfully) with HG at hormone receptor sites. My HG symptoms from

the start have included unpleasant aggressiveness/anger/impulse

control testosterone related stuff. Since revisions completed these

symptoms have been reduced in severity and frequency.

-------------I have no idea about your soy theory, but I do know that mercury

messes up your hormones, mine are a mess. Have you done any hormone testing? I

gave links to a number of sites on a previous post, including one for ZRT Labs,

and they have symptom lists/questionaires, for men too.----------Jackie

Now back to the soy/phyto-estrogen hypothesis. Let me say first that

there was plenty of soy in my diet. Perhaps as much as 80-150 grams of

soy protein weekly (which I balanced for thyroid reasons with lots of

iodine rich sea veges).

Perhaps this is just a coincidence but since soy elimination not only

are my sinuses better but the above described symptoms have become

more prominent again. This is kind of another topic/thread perhaps

but one I would appreciate feeback on. I am thinking of including a

non-soy derived phyto-estrogen supplement in my daily routine.

Peace to you all, looking forward to your feedback and references.

Doug in NH


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