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Any other Thyroid Geeks here ?

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Well, I made it home at last in one piece. Had time , since I am a sub and work

alone, to think about today. And the thing is, as I thought, it still seemed to

keep coming back to thyroid. :-)

After the first panic with my van dieing on the rainy, dark highway, at full

speed = :-o , I DID manage to do everything right. I got my flashers on, turn

signal on, got to the right as far as possible, was able to coast since it was a

slight down hill grade ( you wouldn't notice unless in this situation ...very

slight grade... and thought ahead...where to get to be safe and closer to

civilization etc. Once I got as far as I could, I saw a street light and

stopped there with the emergency brake.

You know, in the last few years I could not have thought of all these things,

each one at a time, and do each one. My brain was too foggy and my panic was SO

much worse. I feel like this is some sort of landmark in my recovery. Thus, my

question. Or comment as it may be.

I must be a true thyroid geek to even come to this conclusion, and feel a sense

of celebration tonight, when the normal reaction could be anger at the

dealership for not getting things fixed right the last two times I was

there...the last one being only six days ago. :-(

Plus ! There is even one more cause for celebration. While I waited for the tow

truck, which was almost an hour...rush hour and all...SIX men stopped to offer

assistance ! SIX ! Not that long ago, no one stopped. My hair stuck out, my

eyes were bugged out, and being overdosed on my PTU for so very long, I had put

on a lot of weight. Sad comment on our society, but a fact of life, I

discovered. Since I got on the right dose of PTU about 14 mo ago ??? and even

better , since I hit remission and as not even slightly hypo this last

while..the weight has ever so slowly dropped off. I have not 'dieted' in the way

most people do, just quit the junk and treats, as they DID make me hurt and ache

all the time.

So there I was by the side of the road, when everyone is tired after a long day,

and these nice fellows kept stopping. Three checked briefly, but the other three

had pulled clear around to a little side street that was only a few feet away.

So they had turned and come back to me. All three of these were SO very nice. We

chatted and laughed till it would have been odd to have stayed longer.

Now mind you...these last years did I not only feel like pulling the covers over

my head and never getting back out into the world,because of my Stupidendo, but

in less than a month, I have my 54th birthday. Thought I had 'lost it'.


As many of you know, I was undiagnosed for years, and had a hard time once I was

due to lack of information. I NEVER, never thought I would ever be this much


I should be mad..I should be frustrated, I should be crying...but somehow this

whole thyroid situation is foremost in my mind, and I am actually surprised at

all of this.

What a great day for several of us.

Clair..I was you had a light bulb moment too. Fun Huh ?

And and showing us how great our group is, by learning so much so


Oh BTW... Luci...You too. Your post the other day was so great.

So I guess all of you new gals now see why I keep hangin' around here. With this

group and Elaine..I was able to get to this point today !

...I love the names. I had an Auntie Eleanor... one of my favorites. And

have always just liked Arthur.

I'm sure I am leaving someone out, that I wanted to say something too..but I am

sure you are all tied of reading by now if you made it this far.

-Pam L- who still has slight room for improvement...didn't even think...should

have got a phone number out all that....tee hee...hoping I have only lost my

touch temporarily :-) Hummm you know...they were all my age ??? Interesting...

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