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Re: IgG food allergies, leaky gut, and DMSA

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Hi Everyone,

I've been meaning to share my experience with food

allergies, which is similar to that of some others,

Dean for example.

I've had anaphylactic attacks, flushing, and hives

after bathing during much of my sickness. I've also

had digestive problems such as gastritis and diahrhea.

Because I keep records of how many hives I have each

day, and because they flare up soon after an allergic

exposure, I've made some progress in figuring out

what's causing them.

Before I had my amalgams out, I was having hives all

the time, along with anaphylactic attacks. Some of

the attacks immediately followed chelation or

unprotected filing removals, so I was pretty sure

metals were a trigger. After I got my amalgams out

(with protection), the hives disappeared really

quickly. At the same time I was on a

super-restrictive diet trying to figure out what was

messing me up. About 4 weeks before the hives and

attacks cleared up I started taking a very effective

anti-histimine called Zyrtec. This is sold over the

counter now. The hives cleared up for about 5 months,

and I have never had an anaphylcatic attack since


After my removal I recovered almost completely. I

started eating what I liked, but kept taking the

Zyrtec. If I stopped the Zyrtec I felt crummy and had

allergic symptoms. I didn't do any chelation for six

months after removal.

After 6 months I started feeling crummy and having

hives again, as well as some digestive complaints. A

couple of times I had very mild flushing, which can

lead to anaphylaxis. Based on what Dean said about

IgG food allergies and his recovery, I took a test

which assayed about 125 foods, and then I cut the ones

I was reacting to out of my diet. The hives went away

immediately, and my digestion improved dramatically.

My high blood sugar dropped to normal, and I lost ten

pounds of fat I had put on almost immediately.

During this period I didn't seem to be tolerating

chelation well, but most of my symptoms were flushing

and allergic reactions. After I eliminated allergic

foods I did some rounds of chelation and the absent

hives would return during the two days after

chelation. I take this as proof that the metals

mobilized during chelation are also allergens which

have effects similar to those of the foods. My guess

is the mercury got the reactions started, compromised

my gut, and that the foods then intensified these


So my advice would be 1) get an IgG allergy test for a

large number of foods from a place that says they will

turn it around quickly 2) take soluble fiber (Psylium)

and insoluble fiber (Cellulose) a couple times a day

to help your gut out. Take a break from chelation or

lower your dose until your gut has time to heal - once

the allergens are removed this can take one to six

months. Try Zyrtec and see if it makes a difference

in your symptoms. It certainly did in my case.

Getting these allergic symptoms under control allows

your gut to heal. While these reactions are affecting

your gut, they cause malabsorbtion and other secondary

problems. My goal is to be " non-allergic " all the

time except after a round of chelation. I take breaks

until my symptoms are gone, and then do a round and

wait for full recovery. I am taking 6-8mg DMSA.

My experience is that mercury triggers the same

alllergic reactions as certain foods. Interestingly,

runaway viral problems I sometimes have (coldsores)

also trigger these allergic reactions. One would

expect that eliminating the food allergy part would

allow one to tolerate more chelation.

Good luck,


--- Big O dcmaneu@...> wrote:

> I have developed leaky gut I believe from mercury

> (with adrenal

> fatigue and 's) and now react to a large

> number of foods. That

> list now includes DMSA (fever chills rash). I am on

> no thrroid meds

> but am taking cortef 15 mg/daily.


> Has anyone overcome this problem? I would like to

> continue regular

> rounds using both ALA and DMSA but the reactions are

> too strong.





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