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Re: Gadolinium-heavy metal MRI contrast agent-toxicity & preparation

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I was mostly worried that those who have had problems with

metals and nerves enough to find their way to chelating are

possibly most likely to have problems with the gadolinium,

which is essentially a heavy metal, and I was worried that could

somehow " put me over the top " as far as knocking out nerves

or significantly worsening my already tenuous adrenals,

thyroid, and metals problems. It sounds like you were in our

" canary " category but didn't find it a problem to use the gadolinium,

and that's comforting. Have any others out there used this

for high contrast MRI and not been " knocked out " or significantly

affected by this exposure? This would be comforting to me.

How would you prepare for and respond after this large dose

by a heavy metal that is supposed to be rough on your kidneys?

I've been thinking I should take a lot of antioxidants before and

for days after the MRI to neutralize the oxidative distress this

would impose, and perhaps kidney/liver support like same before

and also for a week or two after. I'm also wondering if ALA is

risky to use for a while, even though it's a great antioxidant and

liver support, the problem is it could carry the gadolinium into

cells easier, that is if gadolinium needs carrying (it might already

get into cells easily like mercury and perhaps I should take ALA for

liver support and to get stuff out through the liver/gut rather than

kidneys too. Should I take charcoal just before the procedure like

Andy advises for mercury filling removals?



> I can only tell you what my experiences have been, and what I have

> picked up from reading and following chelation groups.


> I was having some serious problems in 1991. At the time the two major

> possibilities the doctors wanted to rule out were MS or a tumor on the

> spine. If I had a tumor on the spine, it could have been removed

> surgically, so I saw the MRI as being a good thing. I had an MRI at

> that time using gadolinium for contrast. The MRI showed one lesion,

> that they knew was active at the time because it was gadolinium

> enhancing, and there was swelling around it. I would say that the

> piece of mind I got from knowing that there wasn't a tumor on my spine

> made the MRI and gadolinium worthwhile. Knowing that the swelling was

> likely causing most of my symptoms, and that the swelling would likely

> go down, made me feel better too.


> Since then I have had at least 3 more MRIs. For each one I have

> allowed gadolinium injections. I have not had any reactions to the

> gadolinium. On my hair tests, which were taken after having at least

> 3 MRIs, maybe more (I've had so many I forget), gadolinium was not

> significant.


> If I remember correctly Andy has a section on gadolinium in his " Hair

> Test Interpretation " book. Reading that may be helpful. He probably

> says there how to get gadolinium out of the body.


> I know several people who have had tumors on their spine or brain

> tumors removed successfully and have gone on to lead normal lives.

> Some of these people are friends, relatives, acquaintances, and some I

> meet when I hang out in hospital waiting rooms.


> If the MRI does show MS, you will at least know that you are on the

> right track with chelation. I know that metal poisoning is a cause of

> MS and I know that MS can be cured with chelation.


> Kidney damage occurs with acute mercury poisoning and with improper

> chelation methods (like DMPS IVs, once a day DMSA, etc). Andy's

> chelation protocol is the gentlest possible way to get heavy metals

> out of the body and will therefore be the mildest on the kidneys. I

> am actually quite happy that the mercury is attached to DMPS when it

> is going through my kidneys because I know the DMPS will hold on

> tighter than anything else would (and by taking the DMPS at 6-8 h

> intervals I know the mercury keeps moving). ALA takes mercury out

> mainly through the feces, bypassing the kidneys.


> J



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