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Re: Re: Moredental office vapor

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In frequent-dose-chelation fats_malone2002 wrote:

< >

====> Interesting you should say this. I developed a severe

bacterial infection/disease in 2003 (viral or what I don't know). I

am female. I was using an infected mascara bottle and didn't realise

it. The eye cosmetic was obviously badly contaminated with some kind

of vicious bacteria and this bacteria entered both my eyes and I

developed severe eye infection. It didn't stop there. I got flu

like symptoms and then the infection spread from the eyes, into the

brain (dizzy spells, slurred speech, feelings of movement throughout

the head, chill like sensations, unable to think fast or properly).

Then it spread into the rest of my body. Left me with ongoing sore

throat, fever and intolerance to exercise and brain symptoms.

===> since that time, I have felt like someone with an aids like

conditon. I stopped healing, whereas before I was healing well from

years of mercury poisoning. Now I had this instead, which was worse

than the mercury. This finished me and has done since. No test has

detected it, nothing has helped it. Exercise makes it worse. I came

to a standstill from that moment on.

===> ON top of this, I developed periodontal gum disease, which I

believe was related to this systemic infection or indirectly from

lowered immunity. It is also been suggested I have gangrene in the

left side of my jaw after wisdom tooth removal (voll testing showed

this). However, no other test has been clear cut enough for a

dentist to take any notice. Plus we don't have cavitation dentists

readily available here. Voll test clearly detects wet gangrene in

that area, yet xray doesn't show anything too evident. Cavitat scan

shows problems on the upper areas instead. Yet, I coincidentally got

worse after the lower wisdom tooth was removed, which seems to

confirm the voll results.

**********The cavitations might be something you'll have to pursue at some

time. DeanSA has said he has seen many people have much improvement from having

these cleaned out. But if you don't have access to someone to do it, and if

you're feeling so poorly already, it's hard to even consider having another

procedure done. But I think you need to keep this in mind.-----------Jackie

===> As you can see, I am probably dealing with multiple infections

of one kind or another. This is when I plummeted and this is why my

adrenals/thyroid are probably also now suffering and why I

cannot " heal " . Though I eat an excellent diet, efforts only take me

so far or not at all! I did find after using gum treatment off the

internet, that after weeks it " felt " as though symptoms were

improving all over, not just the gums...I thought perhaps I was

imaginging it. I'd stop and the improvement woudl remain until I got

hit down again by something and it would be back. Unfortuantely this

stuff is expensive over the long term. You get a small bottle for a

pretty steep price. I do not find anything else has helped. This

stuff helped because I used an irrigator to penetrate the stuff right

into the gum. I am wondering if colloidal silver would actually be a

good alternative...? Either way, I am not in a position to keep

purchasing the internet one.

************With your reaction to metals and possible allergy to many of them,

I would be very leary of you trying colloidal silver. Andy does not recommend

using it, you are just exposing yourself to another metal.

There are many natural immune boosters and anti-viral/fungal/bacterial things

you could try. There is a Viral File over at A-M that has alot of info on this.

Go there and print it out. I also feel like I have ongoing virus and immune

problems, and I take a variety of stuff to help. One of the simplest/cheapest

is probably Vit A. 25,000 IU a day will help boost your immune system, and you

can take more for a few days when you are sick. I also use echinacea and

astragulus each one week a month to boost my immune system, and take them both

and elderberry when I get sick. And plenty of Vit C and zinc. I have also used

things like Colostrum and OLE (olive leaf extract). And I am a very big

believer in oil of oregano. I use it any time I feel like I'm getting sick, and

often feels like I avert more severe illnesses with it. And the latest was

Berberis Formula (berberines, like barberry, oregon grape, and goldenseal).

told me to take oil of oregano, OLE, and Berberis Formula after

my recent surgery as a trio of natural antibiotics. Anyway, I think these

things can really help, and there are others, and you don't have to take them

all, but finding ones that you feel work for you can be very


===> I was given antibiotics last year after a bad flu bug that I

coudln't recover from. I had infection from that and coughing up

green mucous, so I had not much choice. The antibiotics worsened my

gut problems and candida. So that was yet another belt on my health

and now of course, the recent dental office visits have compounded

things even further.

===> The problem is, my body is so weakened it cannot bounce back,

so one thing tends to mount on top of another. Add some mercury to

it too I'm sure and you got a multi-factoral problem going on.

************I understand and really feel for you, been there myself when my

appendix ruptured 1-1/2 years ago. It can take a long time to heal when the

body has been hit so hard, and from multiple things as you say. You're going to

have to be very kind and gentle with yourself, and realize your body needs as

much rest and care as it can get, and that this is going to take


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