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Re: Re: More dental office vapor

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In frequent-dose-chelation fats_malone2002 wrote:

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your response.


> ------------I remember you reporting this before, so it makes me

wonder if you have an actual *allergy* to mercury, as reported in

Melisa tests www.melisa.org That would explain the severe

reaction to just mercury vapor from a dentist office.----Jackie

I haven't had the Melisa test done, but I already know I have an

allergy to mercury and other metals due to my reactions throughout my

whole life. I can't wear metal. Plus I used to get severe rashes

when my body was eliminating mercury via my skin. So, for me I

wouldn't need to do a test to find that out. I think this is a big

part of the problem with mercury, allergy as well as the fact I don't

eliminate it properly. I retain it.

**********Yes, that was my thought too, after I sent this, that she probably

doesn't need to waste money on that test, because you probably already know that

you have a mercury allergy. So yes, a double whammy.----------Jackie

> -----------There has been some recent debate about that. I think

in your case, being that you have had your amalgams out for a long

time and this was just a dental office exposure, that a couple months

is probably long enough to use ALA. What do others think? If you

could get some DMSA that would probably be best. Also, have you used

ALA in the past, and how well did you tolerate it?--------Jackie

I haven't really used much ALA in the past. When I was poisoned with

mercury, I used DMSA Cutler style and got well (at least I thought I

had). So I never bothered with ALA.

***********I thought I remembered you using DMSA, but I couldn't remember if

you had used ALA, or how you did on it. I guess my concern is that without

prior experience with ALA, you won't know how you'll react to it and what will

be a good dose for you. So if you do try it, I would use a very low dose,

otherwise, DMSA would probably be your safest bet, because you know you tolerate


Unfortunately I got a severe

viral/bacterial infection and never recovered. This had more impact

on me than the mercury and did so much damage to me, that everything

else from there went down hill.

************Yes it can take a long time to recover from things like this. My

appendix ruptured 1-1/2 years ago, and not sure if I'm back to where I was

before that either. I am definitely better though, but it's been a long


I also believe I may have

cavitations, but this is something else I need to look at later on.

Im unable to get things done in that area as yet. I also find that

testing tends to be a bit contradictory as well and not overly clear


************I agree. I haven't done anything about cavitations yet either.

Kinda keeping that one in my back pocket. If I had any root canals, I would

have taken care of them for sure, but I don't, so wisdom teeth extractions would

be my only possiblilities. And besides the money and not being sure if I have

them or not, my body has been through enough this last couple of years, that I'm

not ready to subject it to more surgery just yet.-----------Jackie

I used ALA once or twice and used it at the wrong time I believe. I

used it after a massive redistribution of mercury from a garlic

supplement, which was a bad move. The ALA then made matters worse.

But apart from that, I haven't really used it much at all. So I

can't say how helpful it could be.

--------------Yes, with little prior experience, it's hard to say. Like I

said, if you do try it, try a very low dose of it. Good luck-----------Jackie

Thanks for your post!




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In frequent-dose-chelation fats_malone2002 wrote:

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for your response.


> ------------I remember you reporting this before, so it makes me

wonder if you have an actual *allergy* to mercury, as reported in

Melisa tests www.melisa.org That would explain the severe

reaction to just mercury vapor from a dentist office.----Jackie

I haven't had the Melisa test done, but I already know I have an

allergy to mercury and other metals due to my reactions throughout my

whole life. I can't wear metal. Plus I used to get severe rashes

when my body was eliminating mercury via my skin. So, for me I

wouldn't need to do a test to find that out. I think this is a big

part of the problem with mercury, allergy as well as the fact I don't

eliminate it properly. I retain it.

**********Yes, that was my thought too, after I sent this, that she probably

doesn't need to waste money on that test, because you probably already know that

you have a mercury allergy. So yes, a double whammy.----------Jackie

> -----------There has been some recent debate about that. I think

in your case, being that you have had your amalgams out for a long

time and this was just a dental office exposure, that a couple months

is probably long enough to use ALA. What do others think? If you

could get some DMSA that would probably be best. Also, have you used

ALA in the past, and how well did you tolerate it?--------Jackie

I haven't really used much ALA in the past. When I was poisoned with

mercury, I used DMSA Cutler style and got well (at least I thought I

had). So I never bothered with ALA.

***********I thought I remembered you using DMSA, but I couldn't remember if

you had used ALA, or how you did on it. I guess my concern is that without

prior experience with ALA, you won't know how you'll react to it and what will

be a good dose for you. So if you do try it, I would use a very low dose,

otherwise, DMSA would probably be your safest bet, because you know you tolerate


Unfortunately I got a severe

viral/bacterial infection and never recovered. This had more impact

on me than the mercury and did so much damage to me, that everything

else from there went down hill.

************Yes it can take a long time to recover from things like this. My

appendix ruptured 1-1/2 years ago, and not sure if I'm back to where I was

before that either. I am definitely better though, but it's been a long


I also believe I may have

cavitations, but this is something else I need to look at later on.

Im unable to get things done in that area as yet. I also find that

testing tends to be a bit contradictory as well and not overly clear


************I agree. I haven't done anything about cavitations yet either.

Kinda keeping that one in my back pocket. If I had any root canals, I would

have taken care of them for sure, but I don't, so wisdom teeth extractions would

be my only possiblilities. And besides the money and not being sure if I have

them or not, my body has been through enough this last couple of years, that I'm

not ready to subject it to more surgery just yet.-----------Jackie

I used ALA once or twice and used it at the wrong time I believe. I

used it after a massive redistribution of mercury from a garlic

supplement, which was a bad move. The ALA then made matters worse.

But apart from that, I haven't really used it much at all. So I

can't say how helpful it could be.

--------------Yes, with little prior experience, it's hard to say. Like I

said, if you do try it, try a very low dose of it. Good luck-----------Jackie

Thanks for your post!




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In frequent-dose-chelation fats_malone2002 wrote:

Hi Jackie, I forgot to answer one of your questions below.

-------------Many of us do need a variety of hormonal support, and do

feel better if we get this figured out. What kind of tests did you

have done? Could you post the results here?-----------Jackie




I haven't got a scanner up and running, so I would need to type them

all out. This test was done by taking iodine and collecting urine

over 24 hours.

Urine free cortisol:

Urinary free cortisol: 265 nmol/day (50 -250) H

volume of collection: 1130 mL

Creatinine Urine Timed: 10.4 mmol/24h (6.2 - 17.7)

**********Most of us get saliva testing for cortisol, so I'm not used to

looking at urinary measures, but according to this, you're a little high. But I

have no idea how that relates to saliva. I think saliva tests more what is

actually getting into your cells, not just floating around in your


UT Creatine:

Time of collection: 24 hours

Volume of Collection: 1130 mL

Creatine Urine " 9.2 mmol/L

Creatinine Urine Timed: 10.4 mmol/24h (6.2 - 17.7)

Insulin Growth F1: (growth hormone levels). I am 35 years of age,

my levels were apparently about as low as someone well into middle


Insulin Growth F1: 148 (93.53-320.16).

***********I remember someone telling me that you should get your IGF1 tested,

because she was very low, and it can help you feel better to raise it. Have

never done this though.-----------Jackie

Cortisol serum test:

Cortisol - 8.30 am: 501 nmol/L (250-700)

***********Once again, we usually use saliva, so not sure how relevant this


Thyroid antibodies:

Thyroid Microsom Abs: Negative

Antithyroglobulin Ab: Negative

(adrenal hormone)

Aldosterone (plasma) 309 (100-800)

Thyroid function

T3 (Free): 3.0 pmol/L (4-6.8) A

T4 (Free): 13.7 pmol/L (12.8-20.4)

T.S.H.: 1.00 mlU/L (0.4-3.8)

**************Yes your T3 is very low, and your T4 is low too. They say you

usually want these in the upper 1/3 to 1/4 of the range to feel best. But if

you need adrenal support, you need to do that first, or taking thyroid could

make you feel worse.--------Jackie

I hope this makes some sense, I am not familiar with testing like

this, so just typing some of it out for you to look at.

My doctor basically told me that I have low T3 (thyroid). That my

cortisol was at good decent levels. That my growth hormone was very

low for my age.

***************Sounds about right, except like I said about the cortisol, we

usually use saliva testing 4X/day. I'm just curious, I can't remember where you

are, and what kind of doctor is this?------------Jackie

She has prescribed me natural thyroid from a pig (60 mg to start),

Lugols iodine (4 drops daily) and something for the adrenals, because

I'm complaining of constantly wanting to sit or lie down, I cannot

seem to get up. But she only wants me taking half a tab of it.

************Sounds like probably Armour for the thyroid, and possibly Cortef

for the adrenals? Do you know how many mg of that? It sounds like this doctor

understands the adrenal and thyroid connection, so that is great. If you want

to do some more reading about this on your own, I think we have some adrenal and

thyroid links in the Links section, and DeanSA has some great info at his

website. Look for some recent posts by him and about adrenals, thyroid, and/or

ACE. Good luck, and let us know how you do.-----------Jackie

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