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update on the poo monster

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Dear All,

SO many thanks for your kind thoughts and words of wisdom! I sneaked

into the study for a quick 'mail fix' yesterday having sat both DD's

down for their tea (awful I know but it's 5 mins to myself) Having

read all your mails I resolved to be a caring, even tempered mother

and tackle the problem from another angle. When I walked back into

the kitchen, Grace looked up from her tea and said,'I did a poo when

you were out. I couldn't tell you as you weren't here!'

AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH! I took her straight into the bathroom and made her

help me clean it up - she really did not like that at all, We made a

really big thing about handwashing etc afterwards.

Anyway,....I am taking her to the doctors to get a stool test just in

case. For those who have suggested lactose intolerance - funnily DH

and I were tested for food allergies just before the hols and as both

girls are very snotty it was suggested that we all reduce dairy

intake. I started this before the hols but we strayed whilst away and

also since our return. I will endeavour to re-introduce the diet with

immediate effect (despite the 'I hate that YUK milk mummy' whenever

her ladyship is given Soya milk - you can see what I'm dealing with!!)

Also (thanks for the suggestion Francesca) DD2 is just starting to try

and walk and talk so yes she is taking up far more of my attention.

It could well be an attention thing from DD1.

So..... today I have not just asked if she has needed the loo, even

when she says No I have taken her anyway and sometimes we got a wee -

as an aside, when she has had her afternoon nap for the last 2 days we

have had dry pull ups - yippee! I told her that if she continues to

poo in her knickers then she'll just have to wear a nappy to school -

she did not like this idea at all (brilliant suggestion) and informed

me that babies wear nappies and she is a big girl! Finally, this

evening when I was on the phone (NCT stuff what else) she tapped me on

the leg and said 'excuse me mummy but I need a poo!' and then went and

did one on the toilet! I could have cried I was so proud as I knew

she could do it! I know that Rome wasn't built in a day but I feel

that we have taken a positive step in the right direction (again!)

This is why I love this group so much. Reading all of your messages

calmed me down no end and made me realise that shouting was doing no

good to any of us. When you are at your wits end there is always

someone to help, give a good piece of advice, or make you realise that

maybe you area not such a c**p mummy after all!



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