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Re: OT - From another group

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Hey Jody -

Thanks for sharing this with us. My sentiments exactly! Glad to see

it in print.

Everytime I hear the government, from the president on down,

complaining about the skyrocketing costs of health care in this

country, I just can't believe they are all THAT stupid!

They let the pharmas advertise on TV - recruiting new customers with

tantalizing little catch phrases--be t here, enjoy life again, get

your life back, blabbity, blah, blah. Then of course, many of the

docs have become pharma puppets--not ALL, but MANY! You are always

hearing news clips about the staggering inflation of drug costs.

Tapazole has doubled in just the past few years! Those who pay cash

for scripts can testify to THAT! Those who get scripts through their

insurance, well, SOMEBODY has to pay.... so the premiums are becoming

cost-prohibitive, as evidenced in Graves' " chit-chat " the past few


Add to that the unnecessary testing the docs put the patients

through. I've practically had to fight them off with a club to make

them get off my case about mammograms, bone density scans, RAIU's.

I've also had to fight my way through tring to avoid unecessary

surgeries. I even had one surgeon to whom I was referred for a non-

healing leg ulcer, look at my list of ailments and remark, " YOU are a

surgeon's dream! We could remove your thyroid and your gallbladder,

surgically repair your lumbar disk problem, and strip the veins out

of your leg. " Exit stage left!

Found a great GP who said I didn't need vein surgery, just needed to

do something about the edema in my legs, and the ulcer would heal

up. Well, after 11 years of this chronic non-healing wound that I

had been told would take a " miracle " to heal, it cleared up in 2

months' time and hasn't busted out again since. Of course, I'm

hanging on to this doc with all my might!

No wonder we have escalating medical costs in this country. Why

doesn't the govt quit bitching about it, and attack it at the roots--

just like weeds?? Investigate clinics and medical groups that start

off with diabetes, breast cancer, depression, and more recently,

thyroid " workshops " which are nothing more than new patient

recruiting stations. Go after hospitals that charge $25 for a single

valium or sleeping pill, specialists who charge $350 for an initial

consultation, where the patient knows more than the doctor does!

Then investigate WHY patients are put on diagnostic testing

treadmills, loaded up with drugs that cause innumerable side effects,

only to have more drugs thrown at them to help with those resultant

side effects. Then start removing or repairing the organs and

tissues that start deteriorating from overload of toxins........

What's so difficult about seeing what's wrong here?? But, what CAN

we do? Do you think our legislators have the incentive to clean this

up? Too many kick-backs going on here, I'm afraid. Remember

campaign contributions?

If they wanted to play their dirty little games to make money, that's

one thing. But to make this money off of human suffering is

inexcusable. No wonder they repress alternative medicine -- cures

would be the medical industry's biggest nightmare!

Thanks again for this info!


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Hey Jody -

Thanks for sharing this with us. My sentiments exactly! Glad to see

it in print.

Everytime I hear the government, from the president on down,

complaining about the skyrocketing costs of health care in this

country, I just can't believe they are all THAT stupid!

They let the pharmas advertise on TV - recruiting new customers with

tantalizing little catch phrases--be t here, enjoy life again, get

your life back, blabbity, blah, blah. Then of course, many of the

docs have become pharma puppets--not ALL, but MANY! You are always

hearing news clips about the staggering inflation of drug costs.

Tapazole has doubled in just the past few years! Those who pay cash

for scripts can testify to THAT! Those who get scripts through their

insurance, well, SOMEBODY has to pay.... so the premiums are becoming

cost-prohibitive, as evidenced in Graves' " chit-chat " the past few


Add to that the unnecessary testing the docs put the patients

through. I've practically had to fight them off with a club to make

them get off my case about mammograms, bone density scans, RAIU's.

I've also had to fight my way through tring to avoid unecessary

surgeries. I even had one surgeon to whom I was referred for a non-

healing leg ulcer, look at my list of ailments and remark, " YOU are a

surgeon's dream! We could remove your thyroid and your gallbladder,

surgically repair your lumbar disk problem, and strip the veins out

of your leg. " Exit stage left!

Found a great GP who said I didn't need vein surgery, just needed to

do something about the edema in my legs, and the ulcer would heal

up. Well, after 11 years of this chronic non-healing wound that I

had been told would take a " miracle " to heal, it cleared up in 2

months' time and hasn't busted out again since. Of course, I'm

hanging on to this doc with all my might!

No wonder we have escalating medical costs in this country. Why

doesn't the govt quit bitching about it, and attack it at the roots--

just like weeds?? Investigate clinics and medical groups that start

off with diabetes, breast cancer, depression, and more recently,

thyroid " workshops " which are nothing more than new patient

recruiting stations. Go after hospitals that charge $25 for a single

valium or sleeping pill, specialists who charge $350 for an initial

consultation, where the patient knows more than the doctor does!

Then investigate WHY patients are put on diagnostic testing

treadmills, loaded up with drugs that cause innumerable side effects,

only to have more drugs thrown at them to help with those resultant

side effects. Then start removing or repairing the organs and

tissues that start deteriorating from overload of toxins........

What's so difficult about seeing what's wrong here?? But, what CAN

we do? Do you think our legislators have the incentive to clean this

up? Too many kick-backs going on here, I'm afraid. Remember

campaign contributions?

If they wanted to play their dirty little games to make money, that's

one thing. But to make this money off of human suffering is

inexcusable. No wonder they repress alternative medicine -- cures

would be the medical industry's biggest nightmare!

Thanks again for this info!


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Ah!!!! It's my turn to be cynical. Is there the possibility that

" wellness " remedies have been sold to consumers, who are in turn voters (the

figure quoted was 50% use) who then clamour for their legislators to make

the necessary changes to get what they want passed. The legislators are

under the threat of being voted out if they don't do what the voters want.

Politics is a dirty business. Somehow, I doubt that the politicians

suddenly saw the light.

I've seen lots and lots of advertising to the public for natural remedies.

They're very expensive and they don't have to spend their dollars on

research like the pharmaceutical industry has to so the profits are theirs

free and clear. There is no uniform quality control because they aren't


If you think of the proprietors of natural medicine as big industry too

(which they are), then it doesn't seem as wonderful especially since they

pocket the money that ordinarily goes into research. And they can put

anything out they like and say it works. Personally, I think both

industries pander to peoples' misery and desperation. Cynical? You bet!

" Here's a sign of hope. Ontario, the most populous province in Canada, had a

law that said that physicians who provide non-traditional therapies or

alternative forms of medicine were guilty of professional misconduct or

incompetence, and could lose their licenses. But on 21 December 2000, that

was reversed by the unanimous passage of Bill Two.

Why? Legislators see what's happening. They see the economic and health

devastation being inflicted by drugs, and they are accommodating the

proliferation of alternatives with appropriate legislation.

A new day "

Just my thoughts. Show me it works scientifically, and I'll take a chance

on it.

Take care,

dx & RAI 1987 (at age 24)

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In a message dated 12/2/2002 12:06:11 PM Central Standard Time,

grannychristine@... writes:

> Well, after 11 years of this chronic non-healing wound that I

> had been told would take a " miracle " to heal, it cleared up in 2

> months' time and hasn't busted out again since


If the wound should come back, consider treating it with oxygen. Some

clinics do hyperbaric oxygen treatment with good results. Actually, if you

can get an oxygen bottle, DIY works just as well. A friend saved her

father's toe, that the doctors wanted to amputate, by putting his foot into a

bread wrapper and flowing industrial oxygen into it. I used it on a badly

mangled finger that then healed beautifully.


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In a message dated 12/2/2002 12:06:11 PM Central Standard Time,

grannychristine@... writes:

> Well, after 11 years of this chronic non-healing wound that I

> had been told would take a " miracle " to heal, it cleared up in 2

> months' time and hasn't busted out again since


If the wound should come back, consider treating it with oxygen. Some

clinics do hyperbaric oxygen treatment with good results. Actually, if you

can get an oxygen bottle, DIY works just as well. A friend saved her

father's toe, that the doctors wanted to amputate, by putting his foot into a

bread wrapper and flowing industrial oxygen into it. I used it on a badly

mangled finger that then healed beautifully.


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