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Re: Root canal removal - reactions

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I had 4 root canals removed under sedation also but no mercury in

mouth at that time(in mexico, due to price here) I believe I was out

for a total of 4-5 hrs. I had this done end of sept 07. I had 3 areas

of cavitations cleaned out also. I could not walk from the car to

the hotel room without help that day. It has taken about 3 months to

feel the diff, less body pain, esp my chest area, my shoulders. 2 of

the root canals were infected and contained nickel brackets, one was a

poss infection or beginning. The dentist thought that the bacteria was

draining into my chest muscles and I think he was rt, I dont have that

particular pain anymore , but I have others. I think overall what you

do is remove the offending elements, one at a time; mercury, root

canals, chemicals and then with chelation over some time, you have

progress. Its slow at times and difficult. But what is the other

choice??? I didnt feel better rt after either, I felt like my

adrenals were shot for about a month or two, I slept 14 hrs a day.

I think in time with continual work in the rt direction, diet, rest,

supplements, less toxic everything, water,food etc. YOu will but it

might take some adjustments and some work. Everything takes work.

Hang in there , continue , go slow and easy but continue. Years will

pass by anyway. Good Luck.


> > I went to the Huggins clinic in Montreal for a massive one-time

> > dental revision. I DO NOT RECCOMMEND THIS PROCEDURE. I was under

> > conscious sedation for close to 12 hours. They lied and told me I

> > would be under no more than 6 hours and if it took longer they would

> > stop and do the rest the next day. I woke up feeling horrible. And

> > angry.

> > Anyway, during this procedure I had 4 root canals pulled. I did

> > have alot of acne right after the procedure which they said were

> > toxins being released. However, I noticed NO improvements in my

> > health. In fact, I experienced a decline. I think it fried my

> > adrenals/thyroid more than anything else.

> > I had read all the stories about miraculous recovery when root

> > canals are removed but I can tell you personally - I had 4 removed

> > with cavitations by a Huggins trained dentist and NO IMPROVEMENT.

> > Sorry.

> > Val


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