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feeling nutty with HC Taper or could it just be MM-mercury Moblization

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Hi all

thi is sort of a long post so thank you for reading and any input

I started with a taper on Monday of this week per . In

posting yesterday, Jackie said that the dosage seemed high. I started

at 100 mgs for a week, then will do 50 for next week then 20 for last


I have been getting more and more depressed and more head problems

(head fog, anxiety, slightly agitated , do not feel like talking-

thinking) while feeling slighly physically better. My sleep for

instance is better

Could too much HC cause this??

I also switched to dpms at same time (Monday the 7th), and think I

felt better on Monday-Wednesday am. I was on 15 mgs every 8 hrs and

recently went to 23 mgs (every 8 hours)

DUMB MEAL-WALLEYE,GREEN-BEANS AND MENTO'S (whatever they are called)

I did something probebly dumb on wednesday am. I was flying back home

and during stop over in minneapolis airport, had walleye (fish) with

green beans (sulphur food). I had I think bad problems with sulphur 3-

4 months ago just prior to starting AI protocol, so I have been

pretty much off all sulphur foods since then. I thought post amalgam,

things would be different... I grew up eating a lot of walleye which

I have read has the highest levels of mercury concentrations

Immediately prior to the fish meal, i was feeling really good and had

walked back and forth between the terminals for over an hour and a

half. Nothing too strenuous but felt good before and after walk

However I know even before the meal, I was almost nauseaus with

airplane fuel smell on the first leg of my trip. However this did not

seem to cause any ongoing problems as I felt good emotionally and

physically both before and after my walk in airport (this occured

after the fumes exposure)

By the time I got on my second flight (40 mins after fish meal) I was

beginning to have burning legs and some head problems (anxiety, etc)

Flying doesn't bother me so it seemed to be related to the meal as

opposed to just flying nerves

I added mento's to the equation as I bought and ate a whole box

(thought i needed it after fish meal-lol). I happened to be reading

the box contents and it said they included EDTA. Geesus...

so rest of Wednesday I was pretty nutty, light headed..some tightness

in head, that band of tightness that seems to wrap around from

temples to ears to jaw. when i open my mouh my jaw, and skull bones

creak and pop. some slihght burning in back and quite constipated

(mercury mobilization seemed to really make me constipated when I was

on bad protocol, 4 months ago). Also my hearing and ear pain/tinnitus

is I think a little worse

Then Thursday morning was still bad (again physically did not feel

that bad). By Thursday pm felt pretty good again, went out and

screamed my head off at a Sharks (hockey game)..maybe was a little

agitated feeling (cannot tell if it was mercury or just the hockey


Friday all day and night though Saturday..still nutty and anxious and

depressed..cannot think straight

So questions

A) could the HC dosage be too high and contributing to me being a

little nutty

B) could the combination of food and mento's a few days ago have

caused mercury movement maybe in conjunction with body dump (I am

about 45-50 days post amalgam removal)

C) I do not think dpms is part of the problem... said some

people have mouth sores if they are allergic to dpms and therefore

should stop

Thank you

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>. I was flying back home

> and during stop over in minneapolis airport, had walleye (fish) with

> green beans (sulphur food).

I'd guess that any meal you had in an airport would be full of preservatives and


that would make me feel pretty ill.

And maybe a taper has much different effects than being on low-dose HC, but a


game would probably shrivel my adrenals into nothingness!

Question for the group: do you also have a whole set of things that you enjoyed

or at least

could have done before you got sick, that are just not possible now? For me,

things like

swimming in the ocean and going to any event with crowds and loud noise are on

the list. For

a while I couldn't even go to a movie.


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>. I was flying back home

> and during stop over in minneapolis airport, had walleye (fish) with

> green beans (sulphur food).

I'd guess that any meal you had in an airport would be full of preservatives and


that would make me feel pretty ill.

And maybe a taper has much different effects than being on low-dose HC, but a


game would probably shrivel my adrenals into nothingness!

Question for the group: do you also have a whole set of things that you enjoyed

or at least

could have done before you got sick, that are just not possible now? For me,

things like

swimming in the ocean and going to any event with crowds and loud noise are on

the list. For

a while I couldn't even go to a movie.


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