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Frequent ALA seems to stop my Crohn's flares

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Hello Everyone,

Reason for writing this post:

I seem to be able to stop my occasional and serious gastrointestinal

symptoms (IBD, Crohns Disease (CD)) by using the frequent dose ALA

supplementation (100 mg, every 3-4 hours during ~4 days) recommended in

" Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis Treatment " .

Anyone here with a similar experience? Comments?

Quick summary of my interest in mercury chelation:

I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease 15 years ago. Have had

gastrointestinal (GI) problems since. Typical disease scenario: good

periods (lasting weeks to months) interspersed with bad periods (lasting

a few days to a couple of weeks) of the regular obstructional Crohn's

symptoms (one of them being waking up sweaty at night with GI-pain and

having to go urgently).

Reason for believing my symptoms could be related to mercury:

Father was a dentist. Mother worked as a dental assistant before, during

and after being pregnant. She had two misscarriages before she had me.

Amalgam was used extensively at this time (~1980). Mother had amalgan

fillings before, during and anfer I was born. As a teenager, I worked a

few hours every weekend cleaning my fathers dental practice. This went

on for maybe 5-6 years. I also vaguely remember playing with the mercury

from a broken thermometer at several occasions (indoors). I was diagnose

with CD when I was 13 years old.

Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid supplementation:

When I feel that I'm entering one of those 1-2 week long " bad periods " ,

if I then start a 4-5 day ALA chelation protocol, the GI-problems are

typically gone within a couple of days (i.e., after only a couple of

days of ALA chelation). Without the ALA, these flares last between 1-2

weeks, sometimes longer.

Best regards,


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