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Re: Lead and DMSA,and silver, my chelation report

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In frequent-dose-chelation llamabb wrote:

You are correct about the silver. The whole family had it and mine

was way off the charts. You might think I should have been blue or

gray in color, but I had normal skin color.

My hair test was pubic hair instead of head hair. While I had used a

little bit of colloidal silver given to me by the naturopath during

the virus season, the one common exposure we all had was in our hot

tub. There is a " silver " cartridge that goes in by the filter.

Needless to say, I pulled that thing out and have never put one in

again. I figure that some of my extreme load in the hair sample may

have been because my pubic hair was totally immersed in the hot tub as

opposed to the head hair of my son and husband which never is immersed

in the hot tub. I avoid colloidal silver like the plague now.

-----------I was wondering if it was from a pool or hot tub.------------Jackie

I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

drop, wouldn't you say?

-------------Yes, quite a drop, to say the least. So during this time between

the two hair tests, you pulled out the silver cartridge from the hot tub, quit

using colloidal silver, got your amalgams removed, and started chelating? Did I

get that all right? Like you said, it would be interesting to know how much was

external contamination and how much was actually inside you.-----------Jackie

By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had known how

to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.

-----------Interesting. How did you know to get a hair test back then? I

asume your ND maybe? Were you looking for lead?----------Jackie

I have both Amalgam Illness and Hair Test Interpretation. My now

dog-earred books are filled with hand written notes, underlines,

post-its and tabs. I had to read the stuff a million times in my

stupid state in order to comprehend it all. I keep them in the kitchen

with my cookbooks for ready reference. I use these books more than

any book I ever had except the dictionary!

----------Now I remember you saying this before, with the cookbooks is what I

remember. Mine are tagged and flagged and highlighted too!-------Jackie

You are correct that I had symptoms consistent with those listed for

silver in the Hair Test Interpretation book. The vision problems were

huge for me. I still have problems with vision but it is better. (I

figure my eyeballs were full of mercury too from about 30 years of

thimersol containing contact lens solutions beginning in 1968.) I have

had the sensation of " pulling " from my eyeballs during some chelation

rounds over the past year.

------------I got that sensation with DMPS.--------Jackie

Besides the going crazy, fearful, and overall memory failure symptoms

that I had, the one symptom that I found really weird is, " ...serious

interest in the performing arts and may participate in them

professionally or as a hobby. " I am a musician. Go figure!

-----------I think it is so interesting to hear when actual people have the

symptoms listed in the book. Very interesting.----------Jackie

We are on well water which I have had tested over the years because of

my lead poisoning. (I think I remember that you, Jackie, are on well

water that you tested.)

-------------Yes, my well water is fine, EXCEPT for the ARSENIC. It makes me

angry, because like you, I thought I was drinking wonderfully healthy well

water, way better than people who had city water. And I could justify a water

purification system more, if I would have had city water and needed to get rid

of alot of bad stuff, like chlorine and fluoride. So it was hard for me to

justify the expense of a distiller, when there was only one thing I needed to

get out of my water, and it wasn't above EPA safe limits. But, when it showed

up high in my kids' hair tests too, and my second hair test was higher than the

first, red off the charts, like your silver, that was enough to finally convince

me to do it.------------Jackie

The most recent test was last winter. Our

water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

about the problem of tainted water.

-------------That's great that you're water is fine and metal free, and how

nice of you to want to share! It's probably better than most of the bottled

water people buy! Do you mind saying where you live? Just


I lived the bad water problem

when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the city.

It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

knew in 1981 what I know now!

----------Wow. That's terrible. Why didn't they treat you for lead poisoning

back then? I think that's what you said in your first post?---------Jackie

I have to agree with you that the combination of mercury, lead, and

silver could cause all sorts of problems. Who knows what may be worse

because the axis of evil toxic metals I am poisoned with.

------------I know someone else with three toxic metals, and it seems much

harder for her than others with just mercury. And I have mercury and arsenic,

and I think it may make chelation more difficult or slower.---------Jackie

I will send my most recent hair test to Dean for posting. Should have

done that back in November.

-----------Yes, it is always interesting to look at them.--------Jackie


> I have been chelating using the frequent dose protocol since November

> 2006,




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>>>>>>>>>>>I have put my answers in arrows so you can find them more

easily.>>>>>>>>>>> Llamabb

> I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

> from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

> drop, wouldn't you say?


> -------------Yes, quite a drop, to say the least. So during this

time between the two hair tests, you pulled out the silver cartridge

from the hot tub, quit using colloidal silver, got your amalgams

removed, and started chelating? Did I get that all right? Like you

said, it would be interesting to know how much was external

contamination and how much was actually inside you.-----------Jackie

>>>>>>>>>Yes I did all of that by Nov. 16, 2006.<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb



> By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had known how

> to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

> clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.


> -----------Interesting. How did you know to get a hair test back

then? I asume your ND maybe? Were you looking for lead?----------Jackie

>>>>>>>>> Yes it was the naturopath I was seeing at the time that gave

me the hair test. He looked for different things in the hair test

among the essential elements. I was having problems at the time. Now

I realize the crown I had just had put in probably was the cause of my

increased symptoms.<<<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb


> The most recent test was last winter. Our

> water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

> trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

> water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

> about the problem of tainted water.


> -------------That's great that you're water is fine and metal

free, and how nice of you to want to share! It's probably better than

most of the bottled water people buy! Do you mind saying where you

live? Just curious.--------Jackie


>>>>>>>>>I live in western Oregon<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> I lived the bad water problem

> when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

> apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the city.

> It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

> knew in 1981 what I know now!


> ----------Wow. That's terrible. Why didn't they treat you for

lead poisoning back then? I think that's what you said in your first



>>>>>>>>>>>Because the level in my blood had dropped " of its own

accord " to just below the government's identified level for poisoning

which at the time was a whopping 50 mg (or mcg? I forget) per unit.

Nowadays it is much much lower than that. Since my blood level was

down, I was " Okay " . Ha! My doctor explored the lead poisoning angle

only because the vet had figured it out for my cat, if you can believe

that.<<<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb


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Wondering what water test you used? what company? thanks



> >>>>>>>>>>>I have put my answers in arrows so you can find them more

> easily.>>>>>>>>>>> Llamabb


> > I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

> > from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

> > drop, wouldn't you say?

> >

> > -------------Yes, quite a drop, to say the least. So during this

> time between the two hair tests, you pulled out the silver cartridge

> from the hot tub, quit using colloidal silver, got your amalgams

> removed, and started chelating? Did I get that all right? Like you

> said, it would be interesting to know how much was external

> contamination and how much was actually inside you.-----------Jackie


> >>>>>>>>>Yes I did all of that by Nov. 16, 2006.<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> >

> >

> > By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had

known how

> > to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

> > clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.

> >

> > -----------Interesting. How did you know to get a hair test back

> then? I asume your ND maybe? Were you looking for



> >>>>>>>>> Yes it was the naturopath I was seeing at the time that gave

> me the hair test. He looked for different things in the hair test

> among the essential elements. I was having problems at the time. Now

> I realize the crown I had just had put in probably was the cause of my

> increased symptoms.<<<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> >


> > The most recent test was last winter. Our

> > water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

> > trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

> > water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

> > about the problem of tainted water.

> >

> > -------------That's great that you're water is fine and metal

> free, and how nice of you to want to share! It's probably better than

> most of the bottled water people buy! Do you mind saying where you

> live? Just curious.--------Jackie

> >

> >>>>>>>>>I live in western Oregon<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb



> > I lived the bad water problem

> > when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

> > apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the


> > It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

> > knew in 1981 what I know now!

> >

> > ----------Wow. That's terrible. Why didn't they treat you for

> lead poisoning back then? I think that's what you said in your first

> post?---------Jackie

> >

> >>>>>>>>>>>Because the level in my blood had dropped " of its own

> accord " to just below the government's identified level for poisoning

> which at the time was a whopping 50 mg (or mcg? I forget) per unit.

> Nowadays it is much much lower than that. Since my blood level was

> down, I was " Okay " . Ha! My doctor explored the lead poisoning angle

> only because the vet had figured it out for my cat, if you can believe

> that.<<<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> >


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Wondering what water test you used? what company? thanks



> >>>>>>>>>>>I have put my answers in arrows so you can find them more

> easily.>>>>>>>>>>> Llamabb


> > I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

> > from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

> > drop, wouldn't you say?

> >

> > -------------Yes, quite a drop, to say the least. So during this

> time between the two hair tests, you pulled out the silver cartridge

> from the hot tub, quit using colloidal silver, got your amalgams

> removed, and started chelating? Did I get that all right? Like you

> said, it would be interesting to know how much was external

> contamination and how much was actually inside you.-----------Jackie


> >>>>>>>>>Yes I did all of that by Nov. 16, 2006.<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> >

> >

> > By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had

known how

> > to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

> > clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.

> >

> > -----------Interesting. How did you know to get a hair test back

> then? I asume your ND maybe? Were you looking for



> >>>>>>>>> Yes it was the naturopath I was seeing at the time that gave

> me the hair test. He looked for different things in the hair test

> among the essential elements. I was having problems at the time. Now

> I realize the crown I had just had put in probably was the cause of my

> increased symptoms.<<<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> >


> > The most recent test was last winter. Our

> > water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

> > trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

> > water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

> > about the problem of tainted water.

> >

> > -------------That's great that you're water is fine and metal

> free, and how nice of you to want to share! It's probably better than

> most of the bottled water people buy! Do you mind saying where you

> live? Just curious.--------Jackie

> >

> >>>>>>>>>I live in western Oregon<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb



> > I lived the bad water problem

> > when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

> > apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the


> > It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

> > knew in 1981 what I know now!

> >

> > ----------Wow. That's terrible. Why didn't they treat you for

> lead poisoning back then? I think that's what you said in your first

> post?---------Jackie

> >

> >>>>>>>>>>>Because the level in my blood had dropped " of its own

> accord " to just below the government's identified level for poisoning

> which at the time was a whopping 50 mg (or mcg? I forget) per unit.

> Nowadays it is much much lower than that. Since my blood level was

> down, I was " Okay " . Ha! My doctor explored the lead poisoning angle

> only because the vet had figured it out for my cat, if you can believe

> that.<<<<<<<<<<<< Llamabb

> >


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Hi ,

She's talking about testing her well water for heavy metals. We had a long

exchange yesterday on this thread, talking about alot of stuff, because she has

mercury, lead, and silver. She got lead poisoning from the water in an

apartment she lived in a long time ago, mercury from her fillings, and silver

from her hot tub. Anyway, we discussed well water too, because mine has arsenic

in it, and she said she has tested their well water and it is clean. So that is

the test she is referring to now. She has had hair tests also. That's where

she found the silver.------------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation Klipfel wrote:

You still have not answered the question. What kind

of a test did you have done? Was it a urine test?

Was it a DMSA, or EDTA challenge, urine test? Was it

a hair analysis test? The price appears high. The

DirectLabs.com test that is recommended and analyzed

in Dr. Cutler's second book, costs about $100.

Please let us know what kind of test that you had this

lab perform. What was the sample you provided to them

and what was their name for the test they performed?


--- llamabb llamabb@...> wrote:

> I used an independent lab in our city that I have

> used previously for

> hay analysis as well. They are certified etc. We

> did a test they run

> for 8 toxic metals. It included bacteria and such.

> I think I asked

> for something additional too. It cost about $125 if

> I remember

> correctly. Coffey Laboratories Inc. in Portland,

> Oregon. Everything

> was done pretty quickly except for mercury. That

> took a lot more time

> before they got it done.




> >

> > llamabb,

> > Wondering what water test you used? what

> company? thanks

> >


> > > > The most recent test was last winter. Our

> > > > water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It

> has a barely

> registering

> > > > trace of Barium, an essential element. I am

> thankful for this good

> > > > water and wish I could share my good water

> with all of you who

> worry

> > > > about the problem of tainted water.

> > > >

> > > > -------------That's great that you're water

> is fine and metal

> > > free, and how nice of you to want to share!

> It's probably better than

> > > most of the bottled water people buy! Do you

> mind saying where you

> > > live? Just curious.--------Jackie

> > > >

> > > >>>>>>>>>I live in western Oregon<<<<<<<<<<

> Llamabb

> > > \




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My apologies to all. I did not scroll down to read

the original post. I need to have a cup of coffee

before I start surfing the web.



--- Jackie jtrunt@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> She's talking about testing her well water for heavy

> metals. We had a long exchange yesterday on this

> thread, talking about alot of stuff, because she has

> mercury, lead, and silver. She got lead poisoning

> from the water in an apartment she lived in a long

> time ago, mercury from her fillings, and silver from

> her hot tub. Anyway, we discussed well water too,

> because mine has arsenic in it, and she said she has

> tested their well water and it is clean. So that is

> the test she is referring to now. She has had hair

> tests also. That's where she found the

> silver.------------Jackie



> In frequent-dose-chelation

> Klipfel wrote:


> You still have not answered the question. What

> kind

> of a test did you have done? Was it a urine test?

> Was it a DMSA, or EDTA challenge, urine test? Was

> it

> a hair analysis test? The price appears high. The

> DirectLabs.com test that is recommended and

> analyzed

> in Dr. Cutler's second book, costs about $100.


> Please let us know what kind of test that you had

> this

> lab perform. What was the sample you provided to

> them

> and what was their name for the test they

> performed?


> K.

> --- llamabb llamabb@...> wrote:


> > I used an independent lab in our city that I

> have

> > used previously for

> > hay analysis as well. They are certified etc. We

> > did a test they run

> > for 8 toxic metals. It included bacteria and

> such.

> > I think I asked

> > for something additional too. It cost about $125

> if

> > I remember

> > correctly. Coffey Laboratories Inc. in Portland,

> > Oregon. Everything

> > was done pretty quickly except for mercury. That

> > took a lot more time

> > before they got it done.

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > llamabb,

> > > Wondering what water test you used? what

> > company? thanks

> > >

> >

> > > > > The most recent test was last winter. Our

> > > > > water is wonderful and toxic metal free.

> It

> > has a barely

> > registering

> > > > > trace of Barium, an essential element. I

> am

> > thankful for this good

> > > > > water and wish I could share my good water

> > with all of you who

> > worry

> > > > > about the problem of tainted water.

> > > > >

> > > > > -------------That's great that you're

> water

> > is fine and metal

> > > > free, and how nice of you to want to share!

> > It's probably better than

> > > > most of the bottled water people buy! Do you

> > mind saying where you

> > > > live? Just curious.--------Jackie

> > > > >

> > > > >>>>>>>>>I live in western Oregon<<<<<<<<<<

> > Llamabb

> > > > \

> >

> >





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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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No problem, we've all done it. I just wanted to clear it up, since I was

involved in the original thread.-------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation Klipfel wrote:

My apologies to all. I did not scroll down to read

the original post. I need to have a cup of coffee

before I start surfing the web.



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