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Re: round 10 having problems.. esophageal varices liver congestion

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Liver problems: Are you taking milk thistle four times a day?

Everyday? Please bear in mind that some prescriptions are also hard on

the liver.


> I was doing so well on the last couple rounds @ 12.5mg DMSA so I

> added 12.5mg ALA on Monday night. First day felt great, (except for a

> little bit of some almost immediate sensitivity in my chest.) Then

> yesterday afternoon I had overwhelming (more than the usual) fatigue

> to where I had to stay in bed much of the afternoon. (There were a

> lot of other reasons -- major stress -- for that though..) Last night


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> I was doing so well on the last couple rounds @ 12.5mg DMSA so I

> added 12.5mg ALA on Monday night. First day felt great, (except for a

> little bit of some almost immediate sensitivity in my chest.) Then

> yesterday afternoon I had overwhelming (more than the usual) fatigue

> to where I had to stay in bed much of the afternoon. (There were a

> lot of other reasons -- major stress -- for that though..) Last night

> I woke up because no matter which way I turned my chest hurt. Mood

> was great throughout all this. Felt really happy, peaceful even...

> And thrilled that the ALA was working out...


> I'm guessing that my liver is just so congested trying to process

> metals that it's pushing out into my ribs and up through my

> esophagus? (I felt it in my lower throat too last night.)

> I know I have a strong liver, genetically -- I mean how can my

> parents be alcoholics for 60 years? But I'm worried that when the

> liver gets so full and tight it can cause these things like " varicose

> veins " in the esophagus?? I think it's called esophageal varices?

There is no reason to think this would happen with chelation.

Esophageal varices is a very serious condition, often caused by

portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis.

What you have described sounds very much like reflux, so I would

try taking care of it as I described in my other reply - take

the ALA in a capsule, take it with food or at least with alkaline

stuff such as sodium bicarb or mag citrate. If it is reflux,

those things should help.


> The other times I've felt I had too much chelator it always involved

> dizziness and a kind of brainfog and emotional weirdness so I backed

> off right away. Not so this time, this med.


> So this problem is more mechanical in nature, tnherefore simpler in a

> way. I wonder if I need to stop. One more 24 hour period and I will

> have gone 3 days. I scheduled acupuncture for the liver and vitamin C

> (meyers) that last day (tomorrow) as well as a phosphatadyl

> choline " push " . I wanted it to jibe with the going-off off the

> round...


> I don't mind taking it easy just to help get through. I'm fast phase

> I slow phase II and wonder if an epsom salt bath would help?


> I took extra vitamin C during the night (and Klonopin to help me

> sleep) and now just took milk thistle. I'll have my other supplements

> next -- the NAC, Sam-e and aminos, B's..


> I know the process of elimination will be hard on the liver no matter

> what but don't want to do damage. Any help appreciated!!


> ~robin


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