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Re: Redistributing Mercury

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> If the one day on and one day off protocols are no good because this

> redistributes mercury does doing the Andy protocol still not

> redistribute mercury? If so can you explain why one is better than the

> other.


The other protocols use high doses. What happens with a high dose is

a large quantity of metals are picked up by the chelator, more than

the body can possibly excrete, and the metals start to move, but as

the blood level of the chelator falls the metals also fall out in

whatever area of the body they are in leading to redistribution,

cell/tissue/organ damage, and more symptoms. Only a very small

proportion of the metals that were stirred up actually get excreted

(it takes time from the time the metal is picked up until it moves all

the way to where it can be excreted).

With Andy's protocol small doses of chelator are taken at the half

life of the drug. This keeps the blood levels of chelator fairly

constant for the chelation round. Metals are continuously being

picked up and moving towards elimination. When one metal is dropped

by one chelator another chelator is right there to pick it up and the

metal doesn't get embedded in the tissue. This process continues for

the entire length of the round. The only redistribution that occurs

is at the end of the round, and the end of round redistribution is

minimized because the dose is so low (there also can be redistribution

if the dose is too high, which is why we emphasize to lower the dose

to that dose which is comfortable),

I have tested this over and over again on my body. As long as I take

DMPS, in small doses every 6-8 h, I have no side effects and even feel

much better as compared to when I am not taking DMPS. Whenever I stop

I get side effects (although recently I don't even get side effects

when I stop, indicating that I can increase the dose).

Clear as mud?


> thanks Margo


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In frequent-dose-chelation free2ridejones wrote:

If the one day on and one day off protocols are no good because this

redistributes mercury does doing the Andy protocol still not

redistribute mercury? If so can you explain why one is better than the


--------- explained this really well in her post already, but I'll just

add a few things. She mentioned the high dose protocols, which definitely cause

alot of redistribution, and is like doing a challenge test, and we have all

heard those horror stories.

But even if you did low doses taken frequently on Andy's protocol, but only

for a day or 12 hours as someone suggested, you will still get much more

redistribution and probably not much actual excretion of mercury doing it this

way. As said, it takes time for the metals to be picked up, and actually

escorted all the way out of the body. So starting and stopping too often would

interfere with this process, and metals would get picked up from one place and

get moved and dropped in another place , rather than actually getting excreted

out of the body.

And another way to look at it. If you did 3 separate one day rounds, you

would have 3 redistribution events for that 3 days worth of chelating. If you

did one straight 3 day round with no breaks, then you would only have 1

redistribution event, for the same 3 days worth of chelating. So less

redistribution, and a better chance of actually moving some metals out of your


So for people who actually feel better on round, that's one reason we

encourage them to do longer rounds, because they will have fewer redistribution


So some redistribution is inevitable, even with Andy's protocol, but his

protocol is designed to help minimize this.

You can read alot about this probably in the ANDY INDEX and onibasu/wiki and

by searching archives, but here is a couple links to posts by Andy that I have

printed out. They made a big impression on me.---------Jackie



thanks Margo

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In frequent-dose-chelation free2ridejones wrote:

If the one day on and one day off protocols are no good because this

redistributes mercury does doing the Andy protocol still not

redistribute mercury? If so can you explain why one is better than the


--------- explained this really well in her post already, but I'll just

add a few things. She mentioned the high dose protocols, which definitely cause

alot of redistribution, and is like doing a challenge test, and we have all

heard those horror stories.

But even if you did low doses taken frequently on Andy's protocol, but only

for a day or 12 hours as someone suggested, you will still get much more

redistribution and probably not much actual excretion of mercury doing it this

way. As said, it takes time for the metals to be picked up, and actually

escorted all the way out of the body. So starting and stopping too often would

interfere with this process, and metals would get picked up from one place and

get moved and dropped in another place , rather than actually getting excreted

out of the body.

And another way to look at it. If you did 3 separate one day rounds, you

would have 3 redistribution events for that 3 days worth of chelating. If you

did one straight 3 day round with no breaks, then you would only have 1

redistribution event, for the same 3 days worth of chelating. So less

redistribution, and a better chance of actually moving some metals out of your


So for people who actually feel better on round, that's one reason we

encourage them to do longer rounds, because they will have fewer redistribution


So some redistribution is inevitable, even with Andy's protocol, but his

protocol is designed to help minimize this.

You can read alot about this probably in the ANDY INDEX and onibasu/wiki and

by searching archives, but here is a couple links to posts by Andy that I have

printed out. They made a big impression on me.---------Jackie



thanks Margo

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Even if she is not keen on low dosing,frequent timing..you can take

the script..and divide it into what you need.

I put it this way on A-M when a mom asked about skipping night dosing.

(yes it would be so nice if I did not have to get up twice a night for

two days in row and dose the whole house, but....!) Here's the visual

I gave her to explain this.

Sample Round of dmsa:

Andy's protocol

Fri Sat Sun

8am 8am 8am

12n 12n 12n

4pm 4pm 4pm

8pm 8pm 8pm

12am 12am 12am

4am 4am End round= One redistribution

Altered Round/ dmsa 12 on 12off:

Fri: Sat Sun

8am 8am 8am

12n 12n 12n

4pm 4pm 4pm

8pm 8pm 8pm

End End End = Three redistributions for one round.

Do this 50 rounds and you get 150 redistributions versus only 50

redistributions on Andy's protocol. Since most of us will do more than

60 rounds..that's a lot of redistributions. It's almost like taking

one step forward and two back.

> >

> >

> > If the one day on and one day off protocols are no good because

> this

> > redistributes mercury does doing the Andy protocol still not

> > redistribute mercury? If so can you explain why one is better

> than the

> > other.

> >

> > --------- explained this really well in her post already,

> but I'll just add a few things. She mentioned the high dose

> protocols, which definitely cause alot of redistribution, and is like

> doing a challenge test, and we have all heard those horror stories.

> >

> ----rest of message deleted----


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In frequent-dose-chelation free2ridejones wrote:

Thanks and Jackie. Yep clear as mud but I will read over and

over until it sticks.

----------Yes, that is what it takes sometimes, hearing and reading it over

and over, and then it finallly sinks in and makes sense. and I will both

attest to that!------Jackie

I have found a naturopath that knows about DMSA & DMPS but is not

aware of the Andy protocol. I am giving her the book today to look

over as she is very keen to learn about it. So with any bit of luck

I might get either on script. I have suggested that DMPS might be

better for me for sleep reasons. Not getting my hopes up though.

-----------I hope this ND turns out to be open-minded enough about Andy's

protocol and will help you. Not sure if things are different there, but here

DMPS is by prescription only, and it is very expensive. But it is nice for

getting more sleep. After you add in ALA, it doesn't really matter, because

you're getting up anyway. And some people just tolerate one chelator better

than another, so you just never know until you try them.----------Jackie

Thanks again for your help. I will feel legless without my book for

a few days.




> If the one day on and one day off protocols are no good because


> redistributes mercury does doing the Andy protocol still not

> redistribute mercury? If so can you explain why one is better

than the

> other.


> --------- explained this really well in her post already,

but I'll just add a few things. She mentioned the high dose

protocols, which definitely cause alot of redistribution, and is like

doing a challenge test, and we have all heard those horror stories.


----rest of message deleted----

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In frequent-dose-chelation free2ridejones wrote:

Thanks and Jackie. Yep clear as mud but I will read over and

over until it sticks.

----------Yes, that is what it takes sometimes, hearing and reading it over

and over, and then it finallly sinks in and makes sense. and I will both

attest to that!------Jackie

I have found a naturopath that knows about DMSA & DMPS but is not

aware of the Andy protocol. I am giving her the book today to look

over as she is very keen to learn about it. So with any bit of luck

I might get either on script. I have suggested that DMPS might be

better for me for sleep reasons. Not getting my hopes up though.

-----------I hope this ND turns out to be open-minded enough about Andy's

protocol and will help you. Not sure if things are different there, but here

DMPS is by prescription only, and it is very expensive. But it is nice for

getting more sleep. After you add in ALA, it doesn't really matter, because

you're getting up anyway. And some people just tolerate one chelator better

than another, so you just never know until you try them.----------Jackie

Thanks again for your help. I will feel legless without my book for

a few days.




> If the one day on and one day off protocols are no good because


> redistributes mercury does doing the Andy protocol still not

> redistribute mercury? If so can you explain why one is better

than the

> other.


> --------- explained this really well in her post already,

but I'll just add a few things. She mentioned the high dose

protocols, which definitely cause alot of redistribution, and is like

doing a challenge test, and we have all heard those horror stories.


----rest of message deleted----

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So, are you suggesting it is better to do 4 hr through out the cycle.

Please let me know what you think????

Thanks in advance!!!


> Even if she is not keen on low dosing,frequent timing..you can take

> the script..and divide it into what you need.


> I put it this way on A-M when a mom asked about skipping night dosing.

> (yes it would be so nice if I did not have to get up twice a night for

> two days in row and dose the whole house, but....!) Here's the visual

> I gave her to explain this.


> Sample Round of dmsa:

> Andy's protocol

> Fri Sat Sun

> 8am 8am 8am

> 12n 12n 12n

> 4pm 4pm 4pm

> 8pm 8pm 8pm

> 12am 12am 12am

> 4am 4am End round= One redistribution


> Altered Round/ dmsa 12 on 12off:

> Fri: Sat Sun

> 8am 8am 8am

> 12n 12n 12n

> 4pm 4pm 4pm

> 8pm 8pm 8pm

> End End End = Three redistributions for one round.


> Do this 50 rounds and you get 150 redistributions versus only 50

> redistributions on Andy's protocol. Since most of us will do more than

> 60 rounds..that's a lot of redistributions. It's almost like taking

> one step forward and two back.





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So, are you suggesting it is better to do 4 hr through out the cycle.

Please let me know what you think????

Thanks in advance!!!


> Even if she is not keen on low dosing,frequent timing..you can take

> the script..and divide it into what you need.


> I put it this way on A-M when a mom asked about skipping night dosing.

> (yes it would be so nice if I did not have to get up twice a night for

> two days in row and dose the whole house, but....!) Here's the visual

> I gave her to explain this.


> Sample Round of dmsa:

> Andy's protocol

> Fri Sat Sun

> 8am 8am 8am

> 12n 12n 12n

> 4pm 4pm 4pm

> 8pm 8pm 8pm

> 12am 12am 12am

> 4am 4am End round= One redistribution


> Altered Round/ dmsa 12 on 12off:

> Fri: Sat Sun

> 8am 8am 8am

> 12n 12n 12n

> 4pm 4pm 4pm

> 8pm 8pm 8pm

> End End End = Three redistributions for one round.


> Do this 50 rounds and you get 150 redistributions versus only 50

> redistributions on Andy's protocol. Since most of us will do more than

> 60 rounds..that's a lot of redistributions. It's almost like taking

> one step forward and two back.





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