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Grand Finale Re: big problems here. need help. please. Robin

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> Read p 120 of AI, bottom right corner. " Your doctor or someone who

> has experienced it needs to explain gastroesophageal reflux to you

> repeatedly.... " The solution Andy gives is to sip on 1-2 tsp baking

> soda dissolved in water and sitting upright.

Yes, I read that earlier but it didn't register when I needed it.

It's obvious to me now that by drinking the half capsule of ALA in

water I was somehow " burning " my esophagus and upper chest cavity..

> I agree with others who have suggested stopping ALA and continuing

> with DMSA for this round. Others have mentioned esophogeal problems

> with ALA. On the next round I would use a lower dose, be sure to

> take it in a capsule, and take a sip of alka seltzer or baking

> soda with every dose. Andy says to reduce the chance of reflux do

> not eat any food 2-3 h before bedtime. If you do take food with

> night doses be sure to take little and something that would be

> quickly absorbed.

Thanks. All good. Because I was doing so well initially with the 12.5

mg. ALA I was more concerned, at the time, that I might be releasing

too much metal too fast and so (without advice) I decided on my own

to keep the same level of ALA (afraid of redistribution) while

increasing the DMSA by 50%.

So I raised the DMSA from 12.5 mg to about 20 mg. and took it with

the 12.5 mg ALA. Even when I took the ALA in water I felt a lot

better after that change and so I'm guessing at least SOME of my

problem was not enough DMSA to create the tighter bond with the

released mercury.

Then I read everyone's wonderful posts (sorry I cried out!) and took

the 12.5 mg ALA in a CAPSULE. But daring me still took 12.5 mg. along

with the 20mg. DMSA (always the scientist!) and I felt better yet. So

12.5 ALA MIGHT be ok.. but I think I'll go down just in case...

The last two doses of my round were all DMSA 20mg, no ALA at all. I

felt fine today, in fact better than I usually do when I stop the

rounds.. Of course the Vitamin C IV helped but that was later and

mainly improved my energy.

> The fatigue with the round indicates adrenal problems and would

> likely be less if you use a lower dose of ALA next time.

Yes I agree but I'm also thinking the fatigue had a LOT to do with my

coming off that stupid court case (and all the prep that led up to

it) the day before.

--btw I'm also having issues with THIS place I'm renting as the door

to the garage doesn't seal and they won't repair it. Man, I forgot

what a hassle renting can be!

And about the moderating of the group: I think you are superb. All of

you. I've never encountered a better monitored site and I've used a

lot of these Yahoo groups. So, thanks!

I screamed out only because I was desperate and realize that posts

can slip through the cracks. In a million years I would never think

it was because you didn't care.

You guys care here, you REALLY do and I so much appreciate that!

~robin, who called the office and will start up with in Seattle

as soon as I can get a hair test.

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