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Amalgam Illness, a criticism of Andy's book...

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I'm spending the weekend working through the famed Amalgam Illness

book. Throughout, I can't help but wonder why the book is so different

than what we talk about here on this site in terms of dosages. I

understand that everybody is different and we need to find dosages

that work for each of us but it makes me wonder, when I'm advised at

almost every other post to " buy Andy's $40 book " , why his basic

treatment, the cornerstone of the whole protocol, disagrees with this

site.. Is the book out of date? Is there another edition in the works?

I mean, paying $40 for a desktop publishing edition, you'd assume the

thing would be totally up to date. and, btw, how about using an


When people are sick (brain-fogged) with this stuff, the obvious thing

is to want to read clear concise cut-to-the-chase stuff about what to

do to get our noggins working a little better. THEN we can read all

that high-falutin' fine-tuning scientific stuff about what to take for

what ailment; All these amazing pronouncements that only Andy seems to

know about EXACTLY how one's entire body functions.

But it is in Andy's protocol, the very treatment we sick patients are

seeking, that we are not to believe him as there seems to be a rather

large disagreement in terms of amounts/days of treatment.... why is

this? His dosages START at 400% of what I've been memorizing here on

this site where 12.5mg DMSA is the mantra. Mr. Cutler says that

50-200mg DMSA is an effective dose to start with and 10 days on and

3-4 days off is the way to go..

To make matters even more complicated, an NAET doctor of oriental

medicine here in town studied with Andy and told me that I should be

taking DMSA before and during my amalgam removal treatment. She swore

that was his recommendation. I didn't do that as per this site.

I had 9 crowns-over-amalgam/gold replaced a couple days ago, and am

consequently having a lot of brain fog/confusion but between this

tumid book, what I'm hearing and what I'm reading on the site, I'm

more confused than ever. I hardly know where to start to help my


I very much like what Cutler says about doctors treating patients and

about patients dealing with doctors; oh we all know that so well! But,

again, his rather dogmatic pronouncements on EXACTLY how the body

works and EXACTLY what to take for what thing makes me a bit

suspicious; He's doing the same thing as they! The same

high-and-mighty know-it-all overly-scientific diagrammed stuff that

doctors do to sort of scare you into thinking they know more than you

and so you should follow their advise lock, stock, and barrel. How can

anyone purport to know EXACTLY how the body works? Every part of it!

This problem alone makes me a bit nervous about following his


I surely don't mean to disparage any of the good work done by this

site or by Mr. Cutler. I simply have some problems with the advocacy

angle, a site advertising a book whose treatment differs from its own


Also, since hundreds of people are buying a $40 book because they are

desperate and instructed to do so by this site, you'd THINK the author

would either update his manuscript, add an addendum or, at least, come

visit more often in person or SOMETHING to show more support for his

advocacy group, the mediators of this informative site.

i'm sorry to not be so gung-ho about Andy but, really...


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Robin, I agree with you as far as what seems very contradictory, that the book

could've been better edited (lots of typos too), and that it needs to be

updated. I just started reading it yesterday myself, and it's a LOT of info to


I do know that in the introduction, I believe, is also where Andy says to

start slowly. It should be repeated and the protocol should include the kind of

info we find on this list.

Not just here, with this protocol, but with virtually everything dealing with

all these health problems, is confusing, often contradictory, or because

everyone's individual, it's extremely difficult to determine how to begin our

own course of action. I'm in the same boat you are. I'm already coming up with

a few questions, and once I finish what I need to read in the book, I'm hoping

I'll have enough info to start. I know it's going to be slow, if nothing else.

I'm looking forward to hearing responses on this from the people who know the

answers so well.

: Donna

Posted by: " robin ann " grainwreck@... grainwrecked Sun Jan 20, 2008

1:21 pm (PST) I'm spending the weekend working through the famed Amalgam


book. Throughout, I can't help but wonder why the book is so different

than what we talk about here on this site in terms of dosages. I

understand that everybody is different and we need to find dosages

that work for each of us but it makes me wonder, when I'm advised at

almost every other post to " buy Andy's $40 book " , why his basic

treatment, the cornerstone of the whole protocol, disagrees with this

site.. Is the book out of date? Is there another edition in the works?

I mean, paying $40 for a desktop publishing edition, you'd assume the

thing would be totally up to date. and, btw, how about using an


When people are sick (brain-fogged) with this stuff, the obvious thing

is to want to read clear concise cut-to-the-chase stuff about what to

do to get our noggins working a little better. THEN we can read all

that high-falutin' fine-tuning scientific stuff about what to take for

what ailment; All these amazing pronouncements that only Andy seems to

know about EXACTLY how one's entire body functions.

But it is in Andy's protocol, the very treatment we sick patients are

seeking, that we are not to believe him as there seems to be a rather

large disagreement in terms of amounts/days of treatment... . why is

this? His dosages START at 400% of what I've been memorizing here on

this site where 12.5mg DMSA is the mantra. Mr. Cutler says that

50-200mg DMSA is an effective dose to start with and 10 days on and

3-4 days off is the way to go..

To make matters even more complicated, an NAET doctor of oriental

medicine here in town studied with Andy and told me that I should be

taking DMSA before and during my amalgam removal treatment. She swore

that was his recommendation. I didn't do that as per this site.

I had 9 crowns-over- amalgam/gold replaced a couple days ago, and am

consequently having a lot of brain fog/confusion but between this

tumid book, what I'm hearing and what I'm reading on the site, I'm

more confused than ever. I hardly know where to start to help my


I very much like what Cutler says about doctors treating patients and

about patients dealing with doctors; oh we all know that so well! But,

again, his rather dogmatic pronouncements on EXACTLY how the body

works and EXACTLY what to take for what thing makes me a bit

suspicious; He's doing the same thing as they! The same

high-and-mighty know-it-all overly-scientific diagrammed stuff that

doctors do to sort of scare you into thinking they know more than you

and so you should follow their advise lock, stock, and barrel. How can

anyone purport to know EXACTLY how the body works? Every part of it!

This problem alone makes me a bit nervous about following his


I surely don't mean to disparage any of the good work done by this

site or by Mr. Cutler. I simply have some problems with the advocacy

angle, a site advertising a book whose treatment differs from its own


Also, since hundreds of people are buying a $40 book because they are

desperate and instructed to do so by this site, you'd THINK the author

would either update his manuscript, add an addendum or, at least, come

visit more often in person or SOMETHING to show more support for his

advocacy group, the mediators of this informative site.

i'm sorry to not be so gung-ho about Andy but, really...


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