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Lab tests

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Dear group,

I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking the

candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

recommendations would be helpful. I am concerned about my poor sleep

patterns and excessive urination

Yours gratefully .

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, I am like you as it relates to the adrenal and thyroid

(sort off confused). I just know that adrenals must be treated

before thyroid

I think the adrenal tests run around $100-$125 as a starting point

melatonin has really helped my sleep and the recent combination of dpms

and HC-hydrocortisone (for adrenals) has I think helped my sleep as

well as general health . Jackeie thinks its more the Hydrocortisone for

the adrenals that have helped sleep. I am on a taper 100mgs HC for a

week, then 50 mgs for the next week then 20

I was having excessive urination problems when I was on heavy sulphur

diet...up 2-3 times a night. I haven't had any problems since I stopped


Good luck


> Dear group,

> I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

> the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

> know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

> average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

> I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

> to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking


> candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

> very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

> recommendations would be helpful. I am concerned about my poor sleep

> patterns and excessive urination

> Yours gratefully .


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, I am like you as it relates to the adrenal and thyroid

(sort off confused). I just know that adrenals must be treated

before thyroid

I think the adrenal tests run around $100-$125 as a starting point

melatonin has really helped my sleep and the recent combination of dpms

and HC-hydrocortisone (for adrenals) has I think helped my sleep as

well as general health . Jackeie thinks its more the Hydrocortisone for

the adrenals that have helped sleep. I am on a taper 100mgs HC for a

week, then 50 mgs for the next week then 20

I was having excessive urination problems when I was on heavy sulphur

diet...up 2-3 times a night. I haven't had any problems since I stopped


Good luck


> Dear group,

> I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

> the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

> know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

> average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

> I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

> to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking


> candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

> very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

> recommendations would be helpful. I am concerned about my poor sleep

> patterns and excessive urination

> Yours gratefully .


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, I am like you as it relates to the adrenal and thyroid

(sort off confused). I just know that adrenals must be treated

before thyroid

I think the adrenal tests run around $100-$125 as a starting point

melatonin has really helped my sleep and the recent combination of dpms

and HC-hydrocortisone (for adrenals) has I think helped my sleep as

well as general health . Jackeie thinks its more the Hydrocortisone for

the adrenals that have helped sleep. I am on a taper 100mgs HC for a

week, then 50 mgs for the next week then 20

I was having excessive urination problems when I was on heavy sulphur

diet...up 2-3 times a night. I haven't had any problems since I stopped


Good luck


> Dear group,

> I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

> the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

> know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

> average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

> I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

> to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking


> candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

> very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

> recommendations would be helpful. I am concerned about my poor sleep

> patterns and excessive urination

> Yours gratefully .


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In frequent-dose-chelation topbrokersf wrote:

, I am like you as it relates to the adrenal and thyroid

(sort off confused). I just know that adrenals must be treated

before thyroid

--------You're correct , adrenals first, and don't let a doctor tell

you otherwise. Many don't understand the adrenal connection, but it happened to

me personally, I had a DO willing to give me Armour thyroid but wouldn't do

adrenals, so I went ahead and tried it, and crashed very hard every afternoon

and started feeling worse after a few weeks on Armour and finally quit.

Needless to say, I'm not giving him my money anymore! knew right away

that my adrenals were in trouble. And both of you, don't feel bad, I also found

the adrenal and thyroid stuff very confusing, and it took me a really long time

of reading about it before it started to sink in and I did something about it.

But finding a doctor who gets it is the other problem.------Jackie

If you were women, I would recommend Dr. Lee's books, especially Hormone

Balance Made Simple, because other hormones besides adrenals and thyroid can be

out of whack too. Andy recommends them also. But, here are some other websites

you might find helpful.

There is alot of information at this website, but this chart helps you

determine whether you have adrenal, thyroid, or a mixture of both problems.


This website tells you about the 7 stages of adrenal fatigue, and helped me

understand how I got where I am. I think this one is linked to Diagnos-Techs as

far as testing.


This is the website for ZRT Labs which uses, and Dr. Lee

mentions this lab in his books. Check it out, because they have a hormone

symptom checklist, one for men too, so this might help you guys determine if

this kind of testing might be useful for you.


One thing I liked about my tests from ZRT Labs, was that when I had a second

test done, it showed the results of the first test right next to the second

test, for easy comparison. Very nice feature.--------Jackie

also mentioned the Canary Club, and *I think* they use these two labs.

I have never ordered through them, but they may be cheaper, you'll have to check

it out. http://www.canaryclub.org

I think the adrenal tests run around $100-$125 as a starting point

--------4X/day Cortisol from ZRT is $120, $150 with DHEA.---------Jackie

melatonin has really helped my sleep and the recent combination of dpms

and HC-hydrocortisone (for adrenals) has I think helped my sleep as

well as general health . Jackeie thinks its more the Hydrocortisone for

the adrenals that have helped sleep.

----------I just want to make this clear, that we were talking about DMPS and

HC, when I made that comment. I wasn't comparing HC to melatonin. Melatonin

helps many people with sleep problems, and it is also a good antioxidant, so is

a good thing to take, if it helps you. I personally think that getting hormones

supported or balanced also helps with lots of things, including sleep. My

overall sense of well being has been better since working on balancing hormones,

and not just adrenals. And keep in mind that we are all different, so what

works for one, may not work for another.---------Jackie

I am on a taper 100mgs HC for a

week, then 50 mgs for the next week then 20

---------Wow. I didn't know they go that high. My taper was 60-40-20, and I

was zinging on 60. The only time I've had 100 was a stress dose right before my

recent surgery. To make sure others understand, these are not doses you take on

a regular basis, and should probably never do a taper without a doctor, IMO.

Most people feel that 20mg a day is a safe physiological dose to be on long

term, if necessary, to give the adrenals a rest and a chance to


I was having excessive urination problems when I was on heavy sulphur

diet...up 2-3 times a night. I haven't had any problems since I stopped


-----------That's interesting. is correct that this is or can be

diabetes insipidus, and Andy talks about it in AI, just look in the


Good luck


> Dear group,

> I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

> the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

> know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

> average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

-----------If you have insurance, sometimes you can get a regular doctor to

test some things for you, like thyroid, especially if you bring in a list of

symptoms. I don't think you'll get a regular doctor to do saliva testing of any

kind for you though. And standard blood tests are fine, to see if anything

shows up there. I have been able to get my regular doctor to check my Vit D

levels also, and ferritin, which is body store of iron. I was low on both.

Otherwise, I would do some reading at the links I gave you above, especially the

symptoms, to help you determine if hormone testing would be helpful to


> I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

> to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking


> candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

> very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

> recommendations would be helpful.

----------Given above.----------Jackie

I am concerned about my poor sleep patterns

-----------There have been recent discussions about this, and I think Jada had

a really good post about using ACE (adrenal cortex extract) during the day and

melatonin at night, to help correct this. I think I remember insomnia getting

worse for me during amalgam removal time, so things may settle down for you also

as time goes on. There are suggestions in AI about what to try, and besides

melatonin, I recall some people saying magnesium and/or taurine at bedtime

helped them sleep better. And I also believe that hormone imbalance affects

this also.---------Jackie

and excessive urination

-----------Think we covered that above, diabetes insipidus. Will probably

improve with proper chelation. According to AI, it is caused by a poisoned


> Yours gratefully .



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In frequent-dose-chelation topbrokersf wrote:

, I am like you as it relates to the adrenal and thyroid

(sort off confused). I just know that adrenals must be treated

before thyroid

--------You're correct , adrenals first, and don't let a doctor tell

you otherwise. Many don't understand the adrenal connection, but it happened to

me personally, I had a DO willing to give me Armour thyroid but wouldn't do

adrenals, so I went ahead and tried it, and crashed very hard every afternoon

and started feeling worse after a few weeks on Armour and finally quit.

Needless to say, I'm not giving him my money anymore! knew right away

that my adrenals were in trouble. And both of you, don't feel bad, I also found

the adrenal and thyroid stuff very confusing, and it took me a really long time

of reading about it before it started to sink in and I did something about it.

But finding a doctor who gets it is the other problem.------Jackie

If you were women, I would recommend Dr. Lee's books, especially Hormone

Balance Made Simple, because other hormones besides adrenals and thyroid can be

out of whack too. Andy recommends them also. But, here are some other websites

you might find helpful.

There is alot of information at this website, but this chart helps you

determine whether you have adrenal, thyroid, or a mixture of both problems.


This website tells you about the 7 stages of adrenal fatigue, and helped me

understand how I got where I am. I think this one is linked to Diagnos-Techs as

far as testing.


This is the website for ZRT Labs which uses, and Dr. Lee

mentions this lab in his books. Check it out, because they have a hormone

symptom checklist, one for men too, so this might help you guys determine if

this kind of testing might be useful for you.


One thing I liked about my tests from ZRT Labs, was that when I had a second

test done, it showed the results of the first test right next to the second

test, for easy comparison. Very nice feature.--------Jackie

also mentioned the Canary Club, and *I think* they use these two labs.

I have never ordered through them, but they may be cheaper, you'll have to check

it out. http://www.canaryclub.org

I think the adrenal tests run around $100-$125 as a starting point

--------4X/day Cortisol from ZRT is $120, $150 with DHEA.---------Jackie

melatonin has really helped my sleep and the recent combination of dpms

and HC-hydrocortisone (for adrenals) has I think helped my sleep as

well as general health . Jackeie thinks its more the Hydrocortisone for

the adrenals that have helped sleep.

----------I just want to make this clear, that we were talking about DMPS and

HC, when I made that comment. I wasn't comparing HC to melatonin. Melatonin

helps many people with sleep problems, and it is also a good antioxidant, so is

a good thing to take, if it helps you. I personally think that getting hormones

supported or balanced also helps with lots of things, including sleep. My

overall sense of well being has been better since working on balancing hormones,

and not just adrenals. And keep in mind that we are all different, so what

works for one, may not work for another.---------Jackie

I am on a taper 100mgs HC for a

week, then 50 mgs for the next week then 20

---------Wow. I didn't know they go that high. My taper was 60-40-20, and I

was zinging on 60. The only time I've had 100 was a stress dose right before my

recent surgery. To make sure others understand, these are not doses you take on

a regular basis, and should probably never do a taper without a doctor, IMO.

Most people feel that 20mg a day is a safe physiological dose to be on long

term, if necessary, to give the adrenals a rest and a chance to


I was having excessive urination problems when I was on heavy sulphur

diet...up 2-3 times a night. I haven't had any problems since I stopped


-----------That's interesting. is correct that this is or can be

diabetes insipidus, and Andy talks about it in AI, just look in the


Good luck


> Dear group,

> I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

> the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

> know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

> average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

-----------If you have insurance, sometimes you can get a regular doctor to

test some things for you, like thyroid, especially if you bring in a list of

symptoms. I don't think you'll get a regular doctor to do saliva testing of any

kind for you though. And standard blood tests are fine, to see if anything

shows up there. I have been able to get my regular doctor to check my Vit D

levels also, and ferritin, which is body store of iron. I was low on both.

Otherwise, I would do some reading at the links I gave you above, especially the

symptoms, to help you determine if hormone testing would be helpful to


> I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

> to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking


> candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

> very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

> recommendations would be helpful.

----------Given above.----------Jackie

I am concerned about my poor sleep patterns

-----------There have been recent discussions about this, and I think Jada had

a really good post about using ACE (adrenal cortex extract) during the day and

melatonin at night, to help correct this. I think I remember insomnia getting

worse for me during amalgam removal time, so things may settle down for you also

as time goes on. There are suggestions in AI about what to try, and besides

melatonin, I recall some people saying magnesium and/or taurine at bedtime

helped them sleep better. And I also believe that hormone imbalance affects

this also.---------Jackie

and excessive urination

-----------Think we covered that above, diabetes insipidus. Will probably

improve with proper chelation. According to AI, it is caused by a poisoned


> Yours gratefully .



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In frequent-dose-chelation topbrokersf wrote:

, I am like you as it relates to the adrenal and thyroid

(sort off confused). I just know that adrenals must be treated

before thyroid

--------You're correct , adrenals first, and don't let a doctor tell

you otherwise. Many don't understand the adrenal connection, but it happened to

me personally, I had a DO willing to give me Armour thyroid but wouldn't do

adrenals, so I went ahead and tried it, and crashed very hard every afternoon

and started feeling worse after a few weeks on Armour and finally quit.

Needless to say, I'm not giving him my money anymore! knew right away

that my adrenals were in trouble. And both of you, don't feel bad, I also found

the adrenal and thyroid stuff very confusing, and it took me a really long time

of reading about it before it started to sink in and I did something about it.

But finding a doctor who gets it is the other problem.------Jackie

If you were women, I would recommend Dr. Lee's books, especially Hormone

Balance Made Simple, because other hormones besides adrenals and thyroid can be

out of whack too. Andy recommends them also. But, here are some other websites

you might find helpful.

There is alot of information at this website, but this chart helps you

determine whether you have adrenal, thyroid, or a mixture of both problems.


This website tells you about the 7 stages of adrenal fatigue, and helped me

understand how I got where I am. I think this one is linked to Diagnos-Techs as

far as testing.


This is the website for ZRT Labs which uses, and Dr. Lee

mentions this lab in his books. Check it out, because they have a hormone

symptom checklist, one for men too, so this might help you guys determine if

this kind of testing might be useful for you.


One thing I liked about my tests from ZRT Labs, was that when I had a second

test done, it showed the results of the first test right next to the second

test, for easy comparison. Very nice feature.--------Jackie

also mentioned the Canary Club, and *I think* they use these two labs.

I have never ordered through them, but they may be cheaper, you'll have to check

it out. http://www.canaryclub.org

I think the adrenal tests run around $100-$125 as a starting point

--------4X/day Cortisol from ZRT is $120, $150 with DHEA.---------Jackie

melatonin has really helped my sleep and the recent combination of dpms

and HC-hydrocortisone (for adrenals) has I think helped my sleep as

well as general health . Jackeie thinks its more the Hydrocortisone for

the adrenals that have helped sleep.

----------I just want to make this clear, that we were talking about DMPS and

HC, when I made that comment. I wasn't comparing HC to melatonin. Melatonin

helps many people with sleep problems, and it is also a good antioxidant, so is

a good thing to take, if it helps you. I personally think that getting hormones

supported or balanced also helps with lots of things, including sleep. My

overall sense of well being has been better since working on balancing hormones,

and not just adrenals. And keep in mind that we are all different, so what

works for one, may not work for another.---------Jackie

I am on a taper 100mgs HC for a

week, then 50 mgs for the next week then 20

---------Wow. I didn't know they go that high. My taper was 60-40-20, and I

was zinging on 60. The only time I've had 100 was a stress dose right before my

recent surgery. To make sure others understand, these are not doses you take on

a regular basis, and should probably never do a taper without a doctor, IMO.

Most people feel that 20mg a day is a safe physiological dose to be on long

term, if necessary, to give the adrenals a rest and a chance to


I was having excessive urination problems when I was on heavy sulphur

diet...up 2-3 times a night. I haven't had any problems since I stopped


-----------That's interesting. is correct that this is or can be

diabetes insipidus, and Andy talks about it in AI, just look in the


Good luck


> Dear group,

> I have never had any lab tests done so far; probably because with all

> the amalgam removals Ihaven't had the money. However, I would like to

> know what the most useful tests are,are they understandable to the

> average person like myself? and how much they would cost.

-----------If you have insurance, sometimes you can get a regular doctor to

test some things for you, like thyroid, especially if you bring in a list of

symptoms. I don't think you'll get a regular doctor to do saliva testing of any

kind for you though. And standard blood tests are fine, to see if anything

shows up there. I have been able to get my regular doctor to check my Vit D

levels also, and ferritin, which is body store of iron. I was low on both.

Otherwise, I would do some reading at the links I gave you above, especially the

symptoms, to help you determine if hormone testing would be helpful to


> I am now one month after amalgam removals and have had a bad response

> to DMSA so am reluctant to try that again. I am presently attacking


> candida problem with Aloe, Caprylic acid and diet. Andy's book AI is

> very complex, especially in the areas of adrenals and hormones so any

> recommendations would be helpful.

----------Given above.----------Jackie

I am concerned about my poor sleep patterns

-----------There have been recent discussions about this, and I think Jada had

a really good post about using ACE (adrenal cortex extract) during the day and

melatonin at night, to help correct this. I think I remember insomnia getting

worse for me during amalgam removal time, so things may settle down for you also

as time goes on. There are suggestions in AI about what to try, and besides

melatonin, I recall some people saying magnesium and/or taurine at bedtime

helped them sleep better. And I also believe that hormone imbalance affects

this also.---------Jackie

and excessive urination

-----------Think we covered that above, diabetes insipidus. Will probably

improve with proper chelation. According to AI, it is caused by a poisoned


> Yours gratefully .



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