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Re: Re: Hg & exercise/thyroid

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In frequent-dose-chelation mle_ii wrote:

Another thing. I noticed in Andy's HTI book, page 111, that low hair

potassium is possibly related to low thyroid.

This page seems to confirm it:


Yet, it's conflicting. As it indicates I am low thyroid (thyroid

tests indicate otherwise) but says I cannot supplement with thyroid

as I'm a fast motabolizer. As indicated by my Ca/P ratio of 1.54.

Yet on page 113 of HTI my ratio of Na/K indicates I'm within range

for thyroid. And again on page 113 my ratio of K/Ca .02 indicates

low thyroid.

----------The hair test thyroid signs are just indicators that there might be

a problem and that further testing and investigation is warranted. I don't

think Andy promises that these things are set in stone, they are just indicators

of possible problems. And it may be saying that your thyroid isn't working

optimumly, but isn't too bad yet also. I have no idea if Andy agrees with Dr.

or not.----------Jackie

I do have symptoms that indicate low thyroid (cold hands/feet and low

body temperature) and low adrenal (difficulty in stressful

situations, anxiety).

--------------Symptoms are usually more accurate to go on than blood tests,

especially for mercury toxic people. Finding a doctor who understands this, can

be the hard part. There is a good chart at Dr. Rind's website, showing whether

symptoms are thyroid, adrenal, or a mixture of both. www.drrind.com I think

it's called the metabolic scorecard, or something like that.---------Jackie

So darn confusing.

---------Yes it can be. Just keep reading and learning and asking questions.

It took me a long time to start to grasp this adrenal and thyroid thing, and I'm

still no expert by far!-------Jackie


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