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ALA side effects normal? am I getting better or worse?

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It's been just over 3 months since last amalgam removal. I've

chelated about 4/5 rounds of DMPS 50mg for last 2. I am almost

finished with my first round of 50DMPS(6hrs)/12.5 ALA(3hrs) and it's

not as pleasant as just DMPS by itself. It's not really horrible side

effects, they have just been preventing me from living normal

lifestyle and getting things done I want to get done.

The side effects are exactly what Andy says ALA exacerbates in AI as

folllows: increase urine volume, obsessive thinking patterns, more

emotional volatility, more difficulty relating to people and

understanding their feelings/intentions, apathy and lack of

motivation, euphoria

Does having these side effects confirm I have mercury poisoning? Does

having these side effects mean I am getting better and removing

mercury from brain? How can I be sure that the ALA is moving the

mercury out of the brain and not in? Based on if I feel better or

worse a day after the round ends?

I'm thinking I should go down to an even lower dose of ALA or not use

ALA for a couple more rounds, just because it's not very pleasant and

I can't as much done and enjoy life as much. Or is it possible that

the next round of the same dose of ALA will be more tolerable since

some mercury has been removed? I'm not asking for chelation to be a

joy ride but I don't want to let it take over my life.

Any thoughts?

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> It's been just over 3 months since last amalgam removal. I've

> chelated about 4/5 rounds of DMPS 50mg for last 2. I am almost

> finished with my first round of 50DMPS(6hrs)/12.5 ALA(3hrs) and it's

> not as pleasant as just DMPS by itself. It's not really horrible side

> effects, they have just been preventing me from living normal

> lifestyle and getting things done I want to get done.

Sounds like you were fine using the 50 mg DMPS, is that right?

> The side effects are exactly what Andy says ALA exacerbates in AI as

> folllows: increase urine volume, obsessive thinking patterns, more

> emotional volatility, more difficulty relating to people and

> understanding their feelings/intentions, apathy and lack of

> motivation, euphoria

My symptoms used to include some of these. I have found supportive

supplements that help me feel good on rounds. I expect you would

need different supplements than I do and I suggest you start by

looking at Andy's comments on depression in the files section (Andy

index subject links).

> Does having these side effects confirm I have mercury poisoning?



> having these side effects mean I am getting better and removing

> mercury from brain? How can I be sure that the ALA is moving the

> mercury out of the brain and not in? Based on if I feel better or

> worse a day after the round ends?

As I understand it, symptoms that occur on the round, but end within

a day or two after stopping the chelators are due to the movement of

metals through and out of the brain/body. Depending on the nature

and severity of the symptoms, you may want to suppress them by

reducing your dose and/or by taking supportive supplements.

> I'm thinking I should go down to an even lower dose of ALA or not use

> ALA for a couple more rounds, just because it's not very pleasant and

> I can't as much done and enjoy life as much.

I would at least reduce the dose and see if that helps. 6.25 mg would

make sense. Of course you can use DMPS only for awhile, or you can

use ALA only part of the time as you try to find a strategy for

managing symptoms.

Or is it possible that

> the next round of the same dose of ALA will be more tolerable since

> some mercury has been removed? I'm not asking for chelation to be a

> joy ride but I don't want to let it take over my life.


> Any thoughts?

I stuck with 8 mg ALA (along with DMSA up to 75 mg and even 100 mg

a few times) for over a year because the symptoms did not get any

easier for me. It was not until I found appropriate supportive

supplements that I have been able to increase the dose of ALA.

You may be different than I am. Perhaps a reduction in dose for

awhile will remove enough mercury that you will be able to increase

the dose without problems.


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