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Re: , iodine/thyroid/progesterone, was Re: O/T? Does Andy ever recommend Iodine for anything?

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In frequent-dose-chelation mmc2315 wrote:

> ----------I don't remember hearing this before. Do you mind telling me where

you >heard or read this? I'm not disputing it, I just don't think I've heard

this before.----Jackie

Hi Jackie, re: progesterone levels rising with iodine supplementation. I first

read about it

over at the Hormones and Health Naturally Yahoo Group.

----------I should probably join, I just kind of hate to though, because I

can't even keep up with the mercury groups! Do they have a high


My understanding is the connection between iodine and progesterone (and

thyroid) was made because someone was doing regular monitoring of hormone levels

via saliva testing in their patients. The sweet spot for iodine supplementation

varied from 1/8 tablet of Iodoral to 3-4 tablets per day. The proper dosing

resulted in a patient's well-being, as well as beautiful scores in their saliva


-----------So their progesterone levels went up with only supplementing

iodine, they weren't using any progesterone cream?-------Jackie

----------Ok, so they did see quite a variation in the amount of iodine

needed. So they never tested iodine levels, they went by saliva tests and how

they felt?-------Jackie

I was taking 1 tablet of Iodoral for awhile, and certainly didn't feel any

worse on it, but for some reason I decided to drop to half a tablet, to see how

I did on that, and that certainly didn't make me feel any better. So I think I

may be one that does need a higher dose, at least for awhile. I certainly can't

say that I feel more hypothyroid. I haven't been tracking my temps regularly,

but the last few times I've taken it, it's been in the low 98's, so not bad.

It's 98.2 right now.---------Jackie


> ------------This is very interesting , because I was *severely

deficient* on my first saliva test for progesterone, and I have had no problem

with taking 6 or 12mg of iodine a day. I have not tried higher doses, because I

have never done the loading test, and didn't recommend it. She actually

didn't *recommend* the Iodoral, I was already taking it on my own, but she

didn't tell me to stop either. But maybe my tolerance of it has to do with my

low progesterone levels. Interesting.-----Jackie

----------It was awhile ago that and I discussed iodine, and I don't

remember all the details, but I think she mentioned that she liked kelp for

that, and she also had me try a 's Thyroid Syndrome supplement that had

iodine in it, but I didn't seem to tolerate it well, but that was awhile ago,

and I should probably give it another go. And I think I asked her about the

iodine loading test, and I don't remember the details, but she didn't recommend

doing it. I just wanted to mention this stuff, in case I made it sound above

like she didn't agree with any iodine supplementation.--------Jackie

Is or anyone following up on your progesterone levels via saliva


------------Yes, we have tested them twice so far, last time was in November.

I started using progesterone cream after my first test a year ago, and my levels

did come up, but still in the lower end of the normal range. Some of my other

hormones are still low too. Did they mention iodine affecting any of the other

hormone levels?-----Jackie

According to Lee and Zava (What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast

Cancer), keeping progesterone levels optimal is very important to our well

being, thyroid function, bone health and cancer prevention.

------------Yes I know Dr. Lee is very big on the progesterone cream. I have

read some of his stuff, but my sister has my book right now, and I don't think

I'm getting it back, so I just ordered another one, his Hormones Made Simple



> ------------I am not taking any thyroid meds, and I'm not sure what has done

what, but my thyroid antibodies have gone down during this process of amalgam

removal, chelation, and supplementation.-----------Jackie


> -----------Can you elaborate more on this ? What doses did you

actually take, and for how long, before you crashed? Did it feel like a thyroid

crash or adrenal crash, or what?----------Jackie

I started out at one tablet of Iodoral per day. When I began to feel poorly, I

dropped to 1/2 tablet. If I remember correctly, I fooled around with it for

about a month or so, then dropped it completely.

I felt very good for a few days, then felt myself getting more hypothyroid. A

cold, depressed, anxious bump on a log, with acne. :)

Also, one side of my throat/neck felt swollen, with a burning sensation.

---------No, I haven't noticed any symptoms like that. I was/am really low on

alot of things, so it wouldn't surprise me if I'm really low in iodine too, and

probably why I have tolerated what I have tried so far. I have not tried going

above one tablet a day though. Maybe I should.---------Jackie


> ----------Keep us posted, now you got me curious about this progesterone


Sure will. I'm going to stick with ~2 mg of iodine per day (lots of wee

tablets) and do the Expanded Female Hormone Panel (eFHP) from Diagnos-Techs.

It's 11 vials which map your hormones throughout your cycle.

Now that I've dumped gluten, and have healed some gut infections, my periods

are normal again. I've been waiting to have several normal periods in a row, and

to stablilize on a comfortable iodine dose before taking the test.

------------Well if you get everything back to normal *before* the test, the

test might not show much! :) -----------Jackie

I'd like to see for myself if I can get my progesterone where it needs to be

with iodine, and if a feeling of well-being matches my saliva test scores.

------------Yes, definitely keep us posted. So to be clear you are taking

iodine, but you are not using progesterone and never have? Have you ever had

your saliva progesterone level tested before? It would be interesting to see

the change, when you do this other test.---------Jackie

---------Also, the source you're getting this from, do they recommend only the

Iodoral tablets, or what do they think about the Lugol's liquid?--------Jackie

The kids and I will be going on round 70 soon.

-----------You go girl !!!!!!!!!! (and kids!) I'm back at it


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