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finishing chelating soon - recovered

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Hi I thought I better post this now, I should have months ago. I have

not been here for quite a while because all of my symptoms cleared

up. When the last few issues started to clear up I began to reduce

the supplements I took. I am not just taking a few supplements, B

comp, magnesium, zinc & selenium. I went from having issues with

arthritis, allergies to everything, diet was the bare minmum based on

low carb because of really bad digestion and related issues, really

bad fatigue, brain fog, chemical sensitivities to name a few. The

last things to clear were the digestive issues, e.g. 6 months in I

could tolerate carots, squashes, a few months later foods like leeks,

garlic, onions. Then rice, 3 months after that potatoes, another 3

months bread. At this point I was a good 15 months in. Then finally

casein (bovine protein). I had been fine all the way through with

fermented goats milk but could never tolerate anything from a cow.

Also worth mentioning throughout the time I was chelating I was

trying foods out and then all of a sudden I would not get fatigued,

or have digestive issues. So it was not just a one off, I think I

will try that and I was fine. Going back to the other issues, I had

been experimenting with things for 2 yrs before doing chelation

mainly because I was worried about it being dangerous and I was

hoping my issues were not mercury related. I had all sorts of people

like Bee with her diet, nutritionists, doctors etc advising or

promoting something, none of which worked. Not to say that what they

were saying was useless, each had a point but they just did not focus

on the root issues, just specific points. e.g. Doctors with

antibiotics for the gut, parasites, bacteria etc. Bee with her diet,

this could be any of the low carb diets though, hamptoms, atkins,

jordon rubin, body ecology, protein power you name it, again in this

instance I viewed this as something to help control gut

issues/symptoms and to also allow the gut to try and heal up whilst

chelating. The worst advise for me was probably from the nutrionists,

I am sure there are good ones out there though but none seemed to

even understand any of the issues. I was on practically 100% carb, 0

protein, 0 fat at one point, being given all sorts of things like

paragone, various herbs, primal defence etc. To me looking back these

sort of approaches seem crazy, I did not really know anything about

nutrition myself back then though. But I had to waste lots of money

on people before thinking right lets have a go myself because

everyone else just seemed interested in money. So I used low carb to

control symtoms with oils/fats for calories and then chelated to

resolve the issues. After 3 months I could run for 5 mins and walk

for a few miles. At first I had real recovery issues but after the

first few occasions I started to tolerate exercise better. I had all

the digestive issues clear gradually as mentioned above as did all

the other issues. But in comparision to everything I tried this was

very fast, don't get me wrong it was a good 6 months in before I

could really start doing things and it was not much but in comparion

to the previous 2-3 yrs I went no where. My weight is now normal and

I weight train again, I can also work long hours. Not to say this is

the norm just that I can do it. I can literally do very aggresive

training again with normal recovery times and this really surprised

me the most. I had various issues along the way as did and do most

people, you can find all the various posts though I expect in the

archives. I am now at round 107 just about 2yrs of chelation. Started

out at 25mg dmsa/4hrs. 5 rounds went to 50mg, 10 rounds went to 25mg

dmsa/50mg ala. Stopped DMSA round 45. Increase ALA to 100mg shortly

after but started getting issues with pains in my fingers after 8

rounds or so. So then just stayed at 50mg ALA per dose each round for

the rest of the time till now. During this time the only other thing

I could think of is my magnesium requirement went down, e.g diarrhea

so dropped down 100mg which resoved it. I started out a 600mg with

cider vinegar which I found helped with absorbtion. Saying that

without the vineger to bring it (mag glycinate) to base PH I could

not tolerate it anyway, it made me really tired. B comp did the same

at first, more pure versions were not too bad. Its difficult to cover

everything and I hope I have not waffled too much. But everyone

always posted at some point, wheres the recovery stories, not just

feeling better but 100% done. So I thought I would wait till this

point and post it. Hope this helps with any motivation with any of

your approaches. Obviously a big thanks to Cutler, he did help

me personally a few times with posts but his work on this and his

book for me was a life saver. The book was spot on. If I can help

with anything or if anyone has any specific questions please let me


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