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Re: More dental office vapor

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In frequent-dose-chelation fats_malone2002 wrote:

Hi, I typed about this a while back when I had one side of my mouth

replaced with porcelain last year. I do not have amalgams, but my

composites were old and required replacing.

I felt, after the first visit last year, worse and pretty ill and was

reluctant to go again. To me it just felt like I had breathed a load

of mercury vapor into myself (yet I don't have amalgams).

The effects were pretty bad, but I felt I would be ok as time wore

on. So I went to the next appointment to finish the other side of

the mouth.

This was late December last year and since that time (two months), my

health has totally and utterly plummeted. I have stuck to an

excellent strict healthy diet during all this time to no avail. My

symptoms are the following:

I have pain and stiffness throughout my body. I have ongoing

abdominal cramps that don't let up and cannot stand or walk for long

(this is not abnormal, I have a problem there anyway, but it is now


I have a feeling of chest tightness/restriction and have been getting

wheezing in the lungs.

I am utterly exhausted/drugged. My depression has gotten so much

worse I can hardly cope. I have lost all interest and motivation and

I am all but bedridden. I just barely function and find myself

sitting or lying down. I cannot exercise, I break down in tears when

I try because there is absolutely zero energy or strength. I can

sense and taste metal and feel it sometimes trying to push out.

Now, I wasn't great to start with but this has devastated me. Last

visit was bad enough, this was obviously the clincher. I cannot make

headway and cannot afford chelation. I might be able to get ALA and

wondered if I'd get away with this?

I cannot stand much more of what I'm suffering and this is part of

the reason why I got cerec porcelain dental materials so I'd not have

to go back to a dentist again. THis is the story of my life. One

visit and I " m FINISHED. But this time I think has been the worst.

Everyday I wake up and hope I'll feel better and I don't. At times I

feel my body's attempt at excreting something, I can feel toxic

metal. I even taste it and sometimes cry a bit and my eyes can sting

with it.

It is not the porcelain in case anybody is wondering, similar happens

to me from just walking into a dental office, even for consultation.

------------I remember you reporting this before, so it makes me wonder if you

have an actual *allergy* to mercury, as reported in Melisa tests

www.melisa.org That would explain the severe reaction to just mercury vapor

from a dentist office.----Jackie

But I guess this time it was just double the burden and I'm down for

the count. I have even had to get tests for hormones to try and get

support for that.

-------------Many of us do need a variety of hormonal support, and do feel

better if we get this figured out. What kind of tests did you have done? Could

you post the results here?-----------Jackie

I'm on excellent supplements - A quality

vitamin/mineral base powder, vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc,

fish oil (mercury free), milk thistle etc.

What the heck do I do? It's been two months and this has become

chronic. People are trying to help me making suggestions and I try,

but frankly nothing is really working so far.

I cannot go back into a dental office again, this is almost ruining

my life. I cannot even go in for a routine check up or clean. I've

proven that. Sorry to go on, I just feel desperate and angry and

regret going at all, yet at the sametime, my existing materials would

have required replacement at some point soon anyway.

----------Hopefully like you say, you have gotten all the dental work behind

you and won't have to go back, and can hopefully move forward now, once you get

past this current setback. I know how devastating they can be, been there

myself and so have others, but things do eventually get better :) So keep

plugging along being good to yourself with your supplements and diet and getting

plenty of rest, and try to work on other things like your hormones, and

chelation, and hopefully things will start to improve. Hang in there :)


Again, it's been two months, am I a candidate for ALA? Please help.

-----------There has been some recent debate about that. I think in your

case, being that you have had your amalgams out for a long time and this was

just a dental office exposure, that a couple months is probably long enough to

use ALA. What do others think? If you could get some DMSA that would probably

be best. Also, have you used ALA in the past, and how well did you tolerate


Thanks for listening to my rant.

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My $0.02:

> I cannot go back into a dental office again, this is almost ruining

> my life. I cannot even go in for a routine check up or clean. I've

> proven that. Sorry to go on, I just feel desperate and angry and

> regret going at all, yet at the sametime, my existing materials would

> have required replacement at some point soon anyway.

There are 2 kinds of dentist: The serial killers ones, unenlightened

about mercury (even defending it's use), and the healers (called Biological

or Mercury Free Dentistry). The latter understands mercury toxicity and

its proper disposal. My 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dentist were the serial killer kinds,

one step in their office and I paid *DEARLY* for months to come. If you ever

have to use a dentist again, make sure they are mercury free and knowledgeable

about toxicity issues. They have special equipment and know how to help

you without killing you.

If you get that sick, like me, with minimal exposure, you are probably

genetically predisposed to be allergic to mercury. Something to keep

in mind.

There's something really important that you *NEED* to know:


I suffered the most heinous depression for almost 3 years, and I found

myself suicidal.

If you find yourself *DEPRESSED* and are *CONTEMPLATING SUICIDE*, please,

please, call the suicide hotline at: 1-. They saved my life

more than once. Remember: *IF YOU DIE, YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER, AND


who has been there.

> ----------Hopefully like you say, you have gotten all the dental work

> behind you and won't have to go back, and can hopefully move forward

> now, once you get past this current setback. I know how devastating

> they can be, been there myself and so have others, but things do

> eventually get better :) So keep plugging along being good to yourself

> with your supplements and diet and getting plenty of rest, and try to

> work on other things like your hormones, and chelation, and hopefully

> things will start to improve. Hang in there :) ---------Jackie


As always great advice worth pursuing, I would add the following:

1. Get the cheapest Juicer you can afford, and juice plenty of fruits

and vegetables.

2. If you can, try to get some sunlight and fresh air.

3. Try to surround yourself with positive, loving, and caring people.

4. Aside from your supplements, your diet is one of the most important

tools to manage your symptoms. Do the usual: Avoid processed foods,

eat as natural as possible, lots of veggies and fruits, and watch your

bad fats and sugars.

5. As previously mentioned by Jackie, *REST*, *REST*, and don't stress

your endocrine system. 8)

6. Your adrenal are *REALLY* important. Diagnosing and treating your

adrenal could save you from a lot of physical and emotional discomfort.

7. *READ*, *READ*, *READ*, everything and anything pertaining to

mercury toxicity and recovery: knowledge is power!



> Again, it's been two months, am I a candidate for ALA? Please help.


> -----------There has been some recent debate about that. I think

> in your case, being that you have had your amalgams out for a long

> time and this was just a dental office exposure, that a couple months

> is probably long enough to use ALA. What do others think? If you could

> get some DMSA that would probably be best. Also, have you used ALA in

> the past, and how well did you tolerate it?--------Jackie


My humble opinion: I would wait up to four months, this based on my

experience. If you are as allergic to mercury as I am, your body is

probably very thrashed, requiring more caution, and longer periods of

recuperation. Your supplements, diet, and prescribed medications are your

tools to repair your body and get it ready for the next assault (chelation).

*YOU* should listen to your body. It is you who is going to live with

the symptoms of mercury redistributing later on when you start and stop

chelation, choose wisely, be kind to yourself, when in doubt: go slow.


> Thanks for listening to my rant.


You are a beautiful child of creation please don't forget that.

Here you are surrounded by *VERY* knowledgeable and caring

people. If there is a place to be, is here!, and remember:




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My $0.02:

> I cannot go back into a dental office again, this is almost ruining

> my life. I cannot even go in for a routine check up or clean. I've

> proven that. Sorry to go on, I just feel desperate and angry and

> regret going at all, yet at the sametime, my existing materials would

> have required replacement at some point soon anyway.

There are 2 kinds of dentist: The serial killers ones, unenlightened

about mercury (even defending it's use), and the healers (called Biological

or Mercury Free Dentistry). The latter understands mercury toxicity and

its proper disposal. My 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dentist were the serial killer kinds,

one step in their office and I paid *DEARLY* for months to come. If you ever

have to use a dentist again, make sure they are mercury free and knowledgeable

about toxicity issues. They have special equipment and know how to help

you without killing you.

If you get that sick, like me, with minimal exposure, you are probably

genetically predisposed to be allergic to mercury. Something to keep

in mind.

There's something really important that you *NEED* to know:


I suffered the most heinous depression for almost 3 years, and I found

myself suicidal.

If you find yourself *DEPRESSED* and are *CONTEMPLATING SUICIDE*, please,

please, call the suicide hotline at: 1-. They saved my life

more than once. Remember: *IF YOU DIE, YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER, AND


who has been there.

> ----------Hopefully like you say, you have gotten all the dental work

> behind you and won't have to go back, and can hopefully move forward

> now, once you get past this current setback. I know how devastating

> they can be, been there myself and so have others, but things do

> eventually get better :) So keep plugging along being good to yourself

> with your supplements and diet and getting plenty of rest, and try to

> work on other things like your hormones, and chelation, and hopefully

> things will start to improve. Hang in there :) ---------Jackie


As always great advice worth pursuing, I would add the following:

1. Get the cheapest Juicer you can afford, and juice plenty of fruits

and vegetables.

2. If you can, try to get some sunlight and fresh air.

3. Try to surround yourself with positive, loving, and caring people.

4. Aside from your supplements, your diet is one of the most important

tools to manage your symptoms. Do the usual: Avoid processed foods,

eat as natural as possible, lots of veggies and fruits, and watch your

bad fats and sugars.

5. As previously mentioned by Jackie, *REST*, *REST*, and don't stress

your endocrine system. 8)

6. Your adrenal are *REALLY* important. Diagnosing and treating your

adrenal could save you from a lot of physical and emotional discomfort.

7. *READ*, *READ*, *READ*, everything and anything pertaining to

mercury toxicity and recovery: knowledge is power!



> Again, it's been two months, am I a candidate for ALA? Please help.


> -----------There has been some recent debate about that. I think

> in your case, being that you have had your amalgams out for a long

> time and this was just a dental office exposure, that a couple months

> is probably long enough to use ALA. What do others think? If you could

> get some DMSA that would probably be best. Also, have you used ALA in

> the past, and how well did you tolerate it?--------Jackie


My humble opinion: I would wait up to four months, this based on my

experience. If you are as allergic to mercury as I am, your body is

probably very thrashed, requiring more caution, and longer periods of

recuperation. Your supplements, diet, and prescribed medications are your

tools to repair your body and get it ready for the next assault (chelation).

*YOU* should listen to your body. It is you who is going to live with

the symptoms of mercury redistributing later on when you start and stop

chelation, choose wisely, be kind to yourself, when in doubt: go slow.


> Thanks for listening to my rant.


You are a beautiful child of creation please don't forget that.

Here you are surrounded by *VERY* knowledgeable and caring

people. If there is a place to be, is here!, and remember:




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Hi Vince, thanks for your $0.2 cents worth lol. You gave much more

value than that. Really appreciate your kind comments too.


> My $0.02:


> >

> There's something really important that you *NEED* to know:



> I suffered the most heinous depression for almost 3 years, and I


> myself suicidal.


> If you find yourself *DEPRESSED* and are *CONTEMPLATING SUICIDE*,


> please, call the suicide hotline at: 1-. They saved my


> more than once. Remember: *IF YOU DIE, YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER,



> who has been there.

*****Yep, I know how this feels. I've suffered it alot over the last

20 years of my life. Been close many times. Sorry you've suffered

this also. I'm very lucky that I have such supportive parents, such

great people over the internet, and my faith.



> >

I would add the following:

> 1. Get the cheapest Juicer you can afford, and juice plenty of


> and vegetables.

> 2. If you can, try to get some sunlight and fresh air.

> 3. Try to surround yourself with positive, loving, and caring


> 4. Aside from your supplements, your diet is one of the most


> tools to manage your symptoms. Do the usual: Avoid processed foods,

> eat as natural as possible, lots of veggies and fruits, and watch


> bad fats and sugars.

> 5. As previously mentioned by Jackie, *REST*, *REST*, and don't


> your endocrine system. 8)

> 6. Your adrenal are *REALLY* important. Diagnosing and treating your

> adrenal could save you from a lot of physical and emotional


> 7. *READ*, *READ*, *READ*, everything and anything pertaining to

> mercury toxicity and recovery: knowledge is power!



***** Thanks for that. I cannot have any fruit at all. I have

severe bacteria/yeast problems and one piece of fruit can cause a

relapse. So I'm stuck with vegetables (excluding potatoes and corn

due to high carbs). I can of course juice those! I don't have a

juicer as yet. We have vegetable juice here called V8 in

supermarkets, which may not be ideal, but apparently it's good stuff.

*****Yeah, it seems gland wise, my issues according to my doctor are

thyroid more than adrenal related. Nt sure about that, but I'm

willing to try the stuff she's already given me. Thyroid (natural

from a pig), iodine and of course supportive supplements.

*****I don't have much choice than to rest, I am actually so

exhausted I can barely move around. If I try exercising, I usually

break down. It's pointless. I also get symptoms of worsening with

the viral infection I have. I've had the bacterial infection since

2003. It has never improved. Even with all exhaustive efforts.

*****My diet is excellent. I follow mainly the Weston Price type

diet. It's all I can handle. I eat eggs, meats/chicken/liver,

vegetables, acidophilus yoghurt, raw nuts, butter, olive oil, mercury

free fish oil. The fats I eat are proven to aid healing. I've done

a lot of reading about it and it's the only one that has helped me at

all. any deviation causes an even worse problem. I do not eat

sugars of any kind, I do not eat wheat/gluten or any processed type

foods. I avoid caffeine for the most part. I have herbal teas,

lemon juice in water with vitamin C and just plain water. My

supplements include a powdered multi vitamin/mineral complex

supplement from a reputable lab, I have magnesium, zinc, vitamin E,

milk thistle, fish oil (mercury free). and of course the glandular

support, which I haven't started on yet.

*****I am also taking my temperature daily and noting this down.

I'll do this for a week before I start the gland stuff. Then I'll

check it again and see the difference.


> My humble opinion: I would wait up to four months, this based on my

> experience. If you are as allergic to mercury as I am, your body is

> probably very thrashed, requiring more caution, and longer periods


> recuperation. Your supplements, diet, and prescribed medications

are your

> tools to repair your body and get it ready for the next assault


> *YOU* should listen to your body. It is you who is going to live


> the symptoms of mercury redistributing later on when you start and


> chelation, choose wisely, be kind to yourself, when in doubt: go


*****Thanks I think I'll take your advice. I am highly allergic to

mercury and any metals. My system has been stuffed even more from

virus and infections, which has done even more damage than the

mercury did. At least with mercury I coudl detox it back then, since

these infections, things came to a standstill. I almost stopped

healing. I was doing pretty darned well before them and healing from

my many years of being mercury poisoned.


> >

> >


> You are a beautiful child of creation please don't forget that.

> Here you are surrounded by *VERY* knowledgeable and caring

> people. If there is a place to be, is here!, and remember:



*****Thanks Vince, this means a lot. Great to get on here and

receive such support, as well as helpful advice. I think a lot of my

issues are infection related these days, but problem is, entering a

dental office with mercury in there is enough to penetrate my

vulnerable system and poison me easily and remain there for a long


PS, Since my viral infection (whatever it is, bacterial), I have had

this issue with dental office mercury vapor. This is something so

bad that I stopped going into a dental office, even for routine clean

ups. But from time to time I went for other reasons (retesting of

composites and consultation for replacement to get more biocompatible

materials). I was in a biologic dental office for that and this

office was not only NEW, but the guy uses the most sophisticated

extraction system for removing airborne mercury. He is extremely

careful and knowledgeable, and I STILL got poisoned. I was only in

there for about an hour or so.

Eventually I didn't go back because of that, but also because I

couldn't keep travelling 9 hours to get there.

So this time I searched for a local dentist to get cerec porcelain,

so that I would not require (hopefully) any future visits to an

office again. I needed something more permanent. At any rate, this

dentist was not biologic, but he was highly experienced in replacing

cerec. I needed someone like that.

He did a brilliant job of my teeth, he also found a bit of residue

amalgam under one of my old top composites! So that was an

unpleasant discovery. Luckily there was no more. He is not

biologic, but he was kind enough to clean things out for me.

However, again, the visits to him for this have left me in a very bad

way as I've said. So if the biologic dental office hurt me, then

year I guess this has flattened me! Either that or perhaps I was in

a more vulnerable state when I saw this one. I also was in there for

4 hours and had anaesthetic too, so that would have made things worse.


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