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Re: Dental--Can I chelate with my crown and inlay in?

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After hearing many horror stories about amalgam

beneath crowns, I had my gold crown removed and

replaced. My dentist believes that gold crowns can

become contaminated with mercury. Although there were

some " small black pockets which were possibly

amalgam " , for the most part the area under the crown

was fine. This is one of the toughest decisions for

people who want to chelate...

Good luck,


--- " jennifer.robinsong "

jennifer.robinsong@...> wrote:

> Hi.


> I think I have the same type of question as

> " cfiatzph. " I just had my 3 amalgam fillings

> removed in Dec., and I was looking forward to

> getting on with the DMSA + ALA. But now,

> after reading a little more on another site, I

> wonder. I have one inlay that is supposed to be

> top of the line gold fused to the tooth, an

> expensive, anti-bacterial, high-tech inlay called

> " Captek. " Actually, maybe it's a crown rather than

> an inlay. On another tooth I have a cheaper

> type of crown, which the lady at the dentist's

> office called " porcelain fused to high noble

> metal. " That one is over the top of a root canal. So

> where do I go from here? Can I chelate

> with a pure gold crown? For total security and

> chelation safety, under what circumstances do

> I keep these things in; under what circumstances do

> I get them removed or replaced with

> something else? If they need to be replaced --what

> materials can replace a crown and/or

> inlay and allow me to safely chelate?


> Abrenica



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The only serious concern is to chelate with amalgam under the crowns.

As for the material of the crowns, it seems it doesn't matter too much

for chelation.


> Hi.


> I think I have the same type of question as " cfiatzph. " I just had

my 3 amalgam fillings

> removed in Dec., and I was looking forward to getting on with the

DMSA + ALA. But now,

> after reading a little more on another site, I wonder. I have one

inlay that is supposed to be

> top of the line gold fused to the tooth, an expensive,

anti-bacterial, high-tech inlay called

> " Captek. " Actually, maybe it's a crown rather than an inlay. On

another tooth I have a cheaper

> type of crown, which the lady at the dentist's office called

" porcelain fused to high noble

> metal. " That one is over the top of a root canal. So where do I go

from here? Can I chelate

> with a pure gold crown? For total security and chelation safety,

under what circumstances do

> I keep these things in; under what circumstances do I get them

removed or replaced with

> something else? If they need to be replaced --what materials can

replace a crown and/or

> inlay and allow me to safely chelate?


> Abrenica


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