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Hi everyone:

I'm on my way now. Two rounds of ALA only have gone well. I want to

thank everyone on this list for sharing their knowledge and answering

my questions. I noted the following.

I started with 10 mgs of AlA r - (which I purchased from my doctor)

I had quite a strong reaction to it for the first 5 doses - (every 3

hours) ear buzzing increased, unsteadiness, and drained energy - all


Once my body adjusted to it by round 2 I could take a high dose - up to

40 mgs. with few symptoms. So round 2 was at 40 mgs and I intend to

hold on that dose for many more rounds as I want to take it very slowly.

I'm electric sensitive too which complicates things for me as I feel

quite drained after going into big box stores etc. and this does not

mix well with the demands of chelation on my body.

After round 2 finished - I noticed a slight increase in energy. I

should mention that I've been on a program to ensure good drainage and

health of kidneys, liver etc. had all the blood tests and am eating an

organic diet, juicer drinks and hormone free meat - so I was

really " ready " to start this.

Except for....still need to have root canals removed and cavitations

cleaned. - wanted to get stronger from chelation before I do this and

it seems to be working.

Two Questions

1) What is the difference been R+ Lipoic Acid and the regular Lipoic

Acide which I ordered from Kirkman Labs. On the bottle it says R+ is

superior and that regular Lipoic acid only has 50% strength and is not

as potent a chelator as R+. I have both now and am confused about

which one is the best to chelate with.

2) Has Andy said that ALA chelates mercury from all organs in the body

including intestines? I can find anything in his book that

specifically addresses that issue. He does mention that it chelates

from the brain and nervous system. I'm considering adding DMSA after a

few months more of the ALA if needed.

Appreciate feedback on this. Thanks again everyone for your help and


Best wishes,


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