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Re: NOT freaking out!!!! - To Deb

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Hi Deb -

The best link I can use is:


Top of this home page is " find past magazine issues "

and a drop-down menu. Click on " cancer " - then scroll


and next scroll a bit further to: LIES, DAMNED LIES,

AND STATISTICS. Look around for other cancer articles/editorials.

The links to each page are about 50 digits long and would

never work if I tried to post them as separate links.

Re my aunt:

I never thought about WHY her idiot doc showed her the

picture of her " classroom specimen " breasts, but it COULD

have been some half-baked way of getting consent. The only

problem was, they had her so doped up that she didn't even

know what was going on most of the time. I mean GOOD pain meds

are one thing, but demerol is more of a heavy duty tranquilizer than

a pain reliever--I know!!

If keeping her loaded on pain meds was to help relieve her pain,

I'd have been impressed. But it

turns out that each nurse was taking care of NINE patients at

once, and the patients were kept doped up on demerol, or something

very similar, so they were less bother (?!?)

I had to help her with her meals, as she could barely move her

arms after the surgery, because the nurses didn't have time.

And in fact, on day THREE, she was coherent

enough to tell me she thought she had bed sores, and I discovered her

sheets hadn't been changed since she was admitted!! *I* had to change

her friggin' sheets! Oh, yes, we filed a complaint about the

hospital AND the surgeons, but not much came of it - big surprise!!

Of course, the first 3 hours immediately after the surgery,

she couldn't get decent pain medication and was out of her

mind with what she described as the WORST pain she'd ever

been in, and it felt like " a cement truck sitting on my chest. "

And this lady is no stranger to surgical pain. She has been

through the ringer with surgeries. I'm surprised

she has much left of her innerds as it is.

Deb, you've got SOOOOO many red flags going on with this that you

should bring this to a screeching halt and go get another opinion,

and another, and another! An holist GP would probably be of more

help than money-grubbing surgeons.

As far as the reconstruction being covered by insurance, we were told

that there are usually clauses that reconstructive plastic surgery

after mastectomy is no longer considered " cosmetic " but is considered

as part of the mastectomy itself - like a very NECESSARY

part of it. I guess it took years to get this resolved, just like

everything else that makes good common sense does.

You can dig around and see if that clause is in your insurance's

policies. Not sure if that is a state law or what, but things have

changed on that definition, probably because people had to fight it

for years. This NEEDED to be separated from breast augmentation for

cosmetic reasons, because it became such a necessary part of

the " healing " process after mastectomy.

GUT INSTINCT has saved me and my loved ones on MANY occasions. Don't

ignore it!

I'll email you privately and see if we can figure something out.

Love ya,





> I found the email yesterday that you sent me, I am not sure what

day. It is

> the one, where you mention the Alternative Medicine Digest and some

links -

> breast cancer. I went back to the main board page and searched for

> ---probably 3 hours. I couldn't find it. I found one that pam b.

had put

> up, but I don't think that was it. If you have it handy can you

send it to

> me. Thanks.


> Well, it is 4 AM. I popped out of a sleep!!! I'm not thyroid

freaking out.


> When I was searching for the link last night, I came across the

post of your

> aunt. Where was my head that day!!! I totally missed it, when you


> it! I am really sorry those jerks did that to your aunt!!! My

opinion, they

> likely wanted some tissue for their class and decided your aunt was

the best

> candidate. The brought the picture in to her, likely because they

could not

> use the tissue as a specimin without some sort of consent, even

verbal, and I

> wouldn't put it past them to lie saying they have consent, when

they don't!!!!


> I don't know how you restrained yourself during that time, I would

have done

> some beating up of some people!!!!


> Prior to reading about your aunt, I am walking along in La-La Land

for a few

> weeks, due to the {{{{{{narcotics}}}}}} they had put me on....BIG

> MISTAKE!!!!! Then going thru the

{{{{{{{withdrawals}}}}}}}}.....just like

> hyper-hyper symptoms, etc. etc. Meet with the surgeon, read

everything I can

> find, everything matches up, doesn't seem like they are feeding me


> crap.....then I freak out, etc. etc.......Feeling much better

yesterday, more

> research, posting to the board.....


> THEN....... I COME ACROSS AND READ what you wrote about your aunt!

I am

> thinking ..OH....MY.....GOSH......HOW COULD THEY DO THAT TO

> SOMEONE!!!!!.......


> I think, I better do a little more research on this surgeon, not

enough info

> on him!


> I find some PRETTY good info., but uncover some more lies that I

had been

> told, regarding the other surgeons I had met with for the possible


> surgery way back when....


> this surgeon for this surgery now is from Minnesota, new to my

hospital. Has

> 1 law suit on his record for the past 30 years, settled out of

court and the

> person recieved average payment, etc. etc. He has been involved


> different research. One with technitium 99, using a filtered

method, in

> which they use to identify the lymphatic system, in that study, the


> involved felt, more research necessary, due to excess lymph nodes


> being removed needlessly because this filtered method makes


> lymphnodes show up also. (I thought that's good)


> He was or is, I can't seem to find it, on the Board of Directors

for the

> American Cancer Society. hmmmm that could be good...maybe...


> I go to my insurance site to see what is covered, to make sure all

the I's

> are dotted and T's are crossed in that area......I come

across... " No cosmetic

> surgery coverage " ....now I am thinking....If this situation, makes

me in a

> bad way...would this be covered?....prep...in case semi-worse or


> senarios.....I figure, I better talk to them to find out


> phone call.....


> etc. etc. I still have this funny feeling, I tell my hubby, last


> everything seems smooth and the right thing, BUT.....something

doesn't feel

> right.....my instinct is telling me something.....my hubby


> thinks I am starting to freak.....because I was talking louder....I


> freaking, I was focusing out loud, intense, trying to find what my


> was saying.....we talk for a few minutes.....He says I should get

> rest....yadda, yadda....


> Then after reading until, everything was too blury...I go watch


> Channel.....watch some cool mummies and stuff on King Tut and fall



> NOW it's 4 AM.....I POP out of sleep........


> 1) Drug induced sleep anestisia? (unless something doesn't work

out like I

> freak? then general?) EXCUSS ME?????? ----it was the look on the

> anestisiolgists face when he said that was the standard

practice,etc. etc.~

> I been in drug induced sleep, you FEEL it!!! I don't think



> It dawns on me...


> 2) Are talking about the right surgery?......(in the begining,

there were

> some miscommunications as to the type of surgery it was to

> be.....nurses.....my gyn, etc......thought sterostatic.....this is

> excisional---2-3inch incision!!!!~~~~sterostatic uses drug induced


> they use that type of ansestisia...)


> The biggest RISK to excisional is the.....GENERAL ANESTESIA!!!! ON

> EVERYTHING I HAVE READ!!!!!....NO talk about drug induced sleep for

this type

> of surgery!!!!


> 4) Then I get to thinking.......WAIT A MINUTE....when I met with

the surgeon,

> he says the incision will be here or here, based on where they do


> needles.....HERE OR HERE!!!!~2-3 inch?.......EXCUSE ME????


> 5) The radiologist......when I called and talked again to her

regarding how

> many needles exactly, 1 or 3?...miscommunication....etc.....she

didn't have

> the films....and told me, " if I told you 3 than it

would " " " " likely " " " " " be 3

> needles " .........LIKELY????........EXCUSE ME!......That is the


> between a quarter size tissue, and a golf ball

size!!!.....especially when I

> don't have much in that area, without my EXTRA - TOOO MUCH






> EXUUUSE MEEE......these are tiny pen point dots, all close



> I do think that should be PRE-COORDIATED!!!!....and I should know




> Does this sound more like meeee????


> I got some calls to make in the morning, I better get back to bed!


> Thanks Chris!!!


> Deb










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