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Re: chemical sensitivities, Dean

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I came into this post a little late, but I am not sure what NAC is

etc...My mother is getting her dental revision next week because she

has been suffering for years with idiopathic stuff, but recently she

has been chocking and couphing all day when certain odors are

present. My dad can not make coffee or it will send her couphing and

gagging for hours and I cannot make popcorn for my kids when she is

around. Growing up I remember her being unable to tolerate cleaning

chemicals etc...

Doctors have been telling her it is " reflux " yet none of the meds

help, so I thought this was all related to her mouthfull of amalgams

and gold crowns...etc.

Dean, is there something I am missing? Will the removal and

chelation ultimately help? We are even concerned she will " choke "

during her revision next week.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.!



> Hi Dean

> thanks for your response. is there anyone who isn't sensitive to


> fumes? I combed through Amalgalm iIlness looking up everything


> MCS and did come accross the bit about NAC. I am good with that and

> have used it in the past and willing to do so again, but now the


> bigger problem is the fragrance, since it is even more ubiqutous in

> daily life intereaction. I couldn't definitively pin down any other

> things to take, listed in Andy's book for the fragrance


> and haven't yet been able to quite get my head around the phase one

> and phase 2 of the detox in the body. except to know that there


> apparently 2 phases. I will read that part again!!!


> I don't take milk thistle, perhaps that would help. (I Keep trying


> find the essential things to take. I take so much already and I


> to tailor it, also to fit the pocket)


> But do you also reckon that it is the MCS is likely caused by the

> " Dumping " and that continued chelation will ease it.


> thanks

> deborah



> >Hi Deborah,

> >This sounds like you have problems with your liver phase pathways.

> >Usually fast phase1 and slow phase two for MCS (Multiple Chemical

> >Senstivities). I think knows a lot about this (and just


> >everything else:))?

> >You should look into improving them.

> >Somewhere in Amalgam illness Andy suggest if you are intolerant

of paint

> >fumes you need NAC (I think!!!), assuming you are not sensitive

to sulphur.

> >Or is it your methylating pathway that needs help in this case?


> >rememeber?


> >DeanSA



> >I am in the dump phase I think. 8months post amalgalm removal and


> >just started using only ALA.... Maybe that's a bad idea?? at

about 6

> >months, I started to get really stepped up chemical


> >to fragrances and washing powder fumes even if on somebodies

> >clothes... I suspect it's just certain brands. Before I only have


> >sensitivities to paint fumes and stuff (who doesn't) and


> >I had been working with them for many years. Anyways, this


> >really sucks. It can make a tai chi class very unpleasant with

> >everybody doused up to their eyeballs in some kind of

fragrance ...

> >yuggg


> >I am hoping and praying that continued chelation will cure this

as I

> >never had it before I removed the fillings.


> >I am on round 20 75mg ALA every 3 hours for 5 days on and 5 days


> >I also will be adding in dmsa @ 50mg about once a month.


> >(The sensitivities started before I switched to only ALA)


> >anybody have similar experiences?


> >thanks

> >deborah


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Thank you Dean, I don't think I could stop her from getting her

revision...this 2 week trip to Mexico was booked with the dentist

almost 7 months ago. She has been slow to come around to the whole

amalgam connection, so I think I could scare her off completely. Is

there any smart way to do this with the revision still scheduled?

She has committed to chelating per Cutler protocol, but doesn't

really want to " learn " anything too in depth.

Other health issues, mainly thyroid. For years she struggled with

Dr.'s who could not agree on what the problem with her thyroid

was...yes elevated, no elevated ...yes synthroid...no synthroid. It

was sad. Finally a Holistic Dr. (Brownstein) located a huge goiter

on her thyroid within 5 minutes of seeing her. A biopsy showed it

was benign. He has her on Iodoral and DHEA etc...I niavely though

he was giving her enough support.

Now, I am overwhelmed, but am so wanting to help her. I just don't

want her to crash.



> > I came into this post a little late, but I am not sure what NAC


> > etc...

> N-Acetyl Cysteine - to provide cysteine. Some people may not

tolerate it due

> to sulphur.


> >My mother is getting her dental revision next week because she

> > has been suffering for years with idiopathic stuff, but recently


> > has been chocking and couphing all day when certain odors are

> > present. My dad can not make coffee or it will send her couphing


> > gagging for hours and I cannot make popcorn for my kids when she


> > around. Growing up I remember her being unable to tolerate


> > chemicals etc...


> Sounds very much like MCS and liver pathway issues. What else is


> reacting too?

> I remember that the taurine pathway might have something to do

with those

> issues? Have you tried supplementing that?

> If you read this link




> you'll see you should make sure the gut and hormones are addressed


> before tackling the liver phases. But adding sulphate (epsom salt

baths) and

> taurine and TMG is usually helpful. Most people tolerate them, but


> slow anyway.




> > Doctors have been telling her it is " reflux " yet none of the meds

> > help, so I thought this was all related to her mouthfull of


> > and gold crowns...etc.


> Sounds like the Dr's are refluxing guesswork without knowing what

is going

> on.


> > Dean, is there something I am missing? Will the removal and

> > chelation ultimately help? We are even concerned she will " choke "

> > during her revision next week.

> > Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.!


> Nahla, from experience I would not go into a dental revision

without been

> sure at the very least that her adrenals and thyroid are

functioning well.

> That may mean postponing the treatment for a months or two and


> saliva tests and charting temperatures. You might want to follow

some gut

> healing and thereafter liver support.

> What other information have you gathered on her health?

> I would worry in this situation, as it sounds like the


> channels are already overwhelmed if she is reacting to such common

> food-stuffs. How will she handle really toxic stuff like mercury?

> If you get her to feel a bit better before the dental work, it

will help a

> lot.


> DeanSA


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