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Dental appointment next week .... and update ....

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I have an appointment next week for a routine cleaning ... probably

a new set of x-rays. My dentist is the bio one who took out my

fillings originally. I do have a concern ... should I refrain from

chelating next week .... just in case I get a little bit of mercury

exposure from being in the office? He filters his air ... but I just


He of course will have a lot of questions for me about how my

chelation is going ... now that I am 7 months post removal ... I am

definitely in the " dump phase. " The dumping seems to hit me in

waves. It sucked over Christmas. I had some " electric shock "

feelings in my face for a very brief period one night ... and my

right eye was twitching like crazy. Unfortunately I couldn't chelate

because we were out of town over Christmas and New Years. But by the

time we got home ... everything had subsided. I feel good right now!

Anyhoo ... I am still on 3 mg. ALA only ... usually feel good on

round and great for a few days after a round ... but then feel the

twitchys/leg tiredness returning until either the next round or for

maybe a week. Don't know if that's redistribution or just more

dumping. Epsom salt baths help quite a bit ...as well as plenty of

B12. Although today I'm typing like crap ... I actually feel more

focused than before .... less ear-ringing ... better bowel issues.

The damn twitching/tingling/buzzing gets irritating, though, when it

flares up. Still doing all the AI supplements ... including 6-8

grams of C, a 1:1 cal/mag supplement (about 1200 mg. of that) ...

plus a little Epsom salt orally (not when I take the cal

supplement) ... I think about 2000 mcg. of B12.

Of course ... I always fear .... because dentists are human ... " did

he get out every last crumb? " I always worry that he missed

something. I never have had a root canal or a crown .... but some of

my original fillings were big and deep. So that is what I will be

asking him .... again.

I am assuming that if I *did* still have something in my mouth ...

that I would not have had the three month " vacation " after

removal ... and that chelation would make me feel worse on round? My

body is following Andy's book ... I am just afraid of hurting

myself ... and the improvements have, to me, been small. Then

again ... I've been only at this about 12 rounds.

Thanks for all your help!

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