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Re: Questions before beginning DMPS chelation

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> Howdy,

> Well I've been away and now I'm back because I'm ready, really READY

> to start chelating. My revisions were complete July '04 and I did an

> MD supervised adrenal supplementation with Hydrocortisol for a year to

> build up adrenals (this really helped but did not restore complete

> function). I have my scrip for DMPS and plan on starting very, very

> low dose for at least 4-5 rounds. With a body weight of 150 I'm pretty

> confident I can tolerate more than 12.5 mg dose but that's what I'm

> going to start. I've reviewed the links

> summarizing protocols and dosages but still have questions.


> 1)From what I can see the ideal dose ratio of DMPS to ALA is 1/1.

> What about a dose ratio of 1/2 DMPS to ALA? I don't know if a 12.5 mg

> dose of ALA could be had from anyone but a compounder but 25mg is

> readily available. Please reply especially if you have experience with

> the 1/2 dose ratio.


> 2)Which is the principal pathway via which DMPS/mercury compounds are

> excreted? Is it via liver/bile or kidney/urine? Is the same true

> with DMSA? (I seem to be producing lots of bile since my dental

> revisions). How does the inclusion of ALA alter excretion pathways?


> 3) DMPS only would tend to bind to HG in body stores but not the

> brain? So heart muscle, liver, where else would HG accumulate outside

> the brain? Connective tissue? Is the HPA considered outside the brain?

> Technically I think so. By adding ALA brain mercury can be moved

> across BBB and complexed by a chelator? Do I have this right? Most

> people start with chelator alone first to limit blood HG released from

> body stores being transported across BBB into brain by ALA? If this

> is correct are there any other reasons to start with chelator only?


> 4) Is it better to be faithful to a DMPS 8 hour protocol than to miss

> the occasional dose in the 3 hour DMPS/ALA dose schedule? How crappy

> does this make one feel? (OOPS... I slept through that 1 AM or 4 AM

> dose. This must happen quite often.) Personal experiences appreciated

> on this one.


> 5) I assume that I have been moving some small amount of HG back and

> forth across the BBB recently. Too bad that, I feel pretty psycho

> when this happens. I wonder if anyone thinks if soy may

> be protective in HG sick people. You see, I am a lacto/ovo vegetarian

> and for many years soy made up a large part of my diet. But

> recently food allergy test convinced me to go on a soy elimination

> diet. Well my sinus problems are dramatically better but I feel like

> I may have benefited from the phyto-estrogens in soy competing

> (successfully) with HG at hormone receptor sites. My HG symptoms from

> the start have included unpleasant aggressiveness/anger/impulse

> control testosterone related stuff. Since revisions completed these

> symptoms have been reduced in severity and frequency.


> Now back to the soy/phyto-estrogen hypothesis. Let me say first that

> there was plenty of soy in my diet. Perhaps as much as 80-150 grams of

> soy protein weekly (which I balanced for thyroid reasons with lots of

> iodine rich sea veges).

> Perhaps this is just a coincidence but since soy elimination not only

> are my sinuses better but the above described symptoms have become

> more prominent again. This is kind of another topic/thread perhaps

> but one I would appreciate feeback on. I am thinking of including a

> non-soy derived phyto-estrogen supplement in my daily routine.


> Peace to you all, looking forward to your feedback and references.


> Doug in NH


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