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Re: Paradoxical Weight Loss Response?

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> All:


> My body type is endomorphic and I gain weight

> very easily. Every since I had my Amalgams

> put in I have steadily gained weight.

> After removal of the amalgams I lost

> about 40lbs in 3 years without any effort

> -other than eating healthy.


> My dilemma:

> Every-time after chelation, or the start of a walking

> program, or cut my food intake (non-voluntary), or

> if in any way, shape, or form I start loosing weight,

> I feel like I'm being re-exposed to mercury, I feel like

> crap!


> Questions:

> Why do I feel really bad when I lose weight?


> What is the relationship between adipose tissue,

> mercury exposure, and weight gain/loss?


Mercury is attracted to fatty tissues, so there is probably some

mercury released during weight loss. I remember one other person in

particular who complained of huge deterioration of health during a

loss of a dramatic amount of weight. There was even mercury measured

to be in her blood. (I think eating tuna was part of her weight loss

program, which may have exposed her to significant amounts of mercury,

but still it does make sense that stored mercury will be released

during weight loss).

> Is it true that in an attempt to help itself

> the body will 'lock' mercury up in fat cells

> and can be released during weight loss?


I believe so.

> I have *LOTS* of weight to loose, is this going

> to be a problem as I chelate and become more

> healthy an fit?


> Ideas and suggestions welcomed and thanked in advance.


It will be more of a problem if you lose weight and don't chelate.

If you can keep chelation going fairly smoothly during the weight

loss, the chelator will trap the mercury and take it out. The trick

will be to lose weight gradually, and keep chelating. DMPS might be

an ideal chelator for this because it can be taken every 6-8 h, so can

be taken for longer rounds. Some people even use very low dose DMPS

continuously (only if they feel lots better with the DMPS).

I am actually in the same dilemma. I gained a large amount of weight

in the last couple of years because of stress and infections (and

possibly eating too much?) and now I am losing it - and chelating with



> Cheers,


> Vince


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