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Amalgams out today - but not quite!!!!!!!

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I just had my 4 amalgams removed today. I was very relieved when it

was over. But later at home I looked in my mouth with a dental

mirror, and I think I still have mercury in my mouth. So after

searching old posts, I believe that the occasional black/gray lines on

my teeth that previously had amalgams in them, are leaks from those

amalgams. I am so upset, the IAOMT dentist said he got all amalgam

out, didn't mention anything about my gray lines and what my options,

if any, would be to do about it. Don't you think he would warn me

that I still have mercury in my mouth? I thought I made it clear to

him that I wanted all mercury out of my mouth. So I'll call tomorrow

and see what answers I can get. My guess is he just doesn't

understand chelation and the need to have all amalgam removed. If he

can get the big, main chunk of amalgam, that's probably all he thinks

that matters.

So I won't be chelating. And not only that - I probably did more harm

than good by doing this procedure!!

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