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Re: unexpected results on hair test, feedback welcome

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I am not one of the great interpreters, hopefully one of them will

offer more. But I've been reading here for more than a year and I'm

sure that I have read about cases that did not meet the counting rules

that did improve on chelation. The counting rules are a statistical

likelihood, not an infallible answer. I believe that they usually

recommend a trial of chelation anyway, as that is the more definitive


But I think not meet the counting rules means that your mineral

transport is more normal and orderly, in which case the results of the

toxic elements can be more accurate than if mineral transport is

deranged. If I were you, I would go back and take another look in

both books on the sections on Uranium and Nickel, and see if they may

be contributing to your problems. The Uranium is in the yellow and

the Nickel is very high green. Also, the Aluminum is moderately high


IMO green doesn't mean ok, not when it comes to metals, and not when

it comes to several of them being above mid-range " normal " . Depending

on your own immune system, green could still be very toxic, for you.

But this last paragraph is my own thinking. I would recommend that

you continue on the path that you are on, and try chelation when you

get to that point. Given your symptoms and history, I certainly would

not turn aside based on the hair test results alone.



> My hair test #145 on

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html


> I got my hair test results in and from what I can tell(I have Andy's

> Hair test book) It does not meet any of the counting rules. I had

> been taking supplements regularly for 3 months before this hair test.


> Could the supplements have been responsible for me to not meet any of

> the counting rules?


> Is it still possible that I have mercury poisoning?


> I just want to be sure I am on the right path. Honestly me having

> mercury poisoning feels like my only hope. Because it's curable and I

> have tried everything else.


> Is there anything else useful that can be gained from the results?


> Thanks for your help

> More details about me below:


> 1) Current symptoms and medical history;



> PANDAS Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with

> Streptococcal Infections

> Celiac/Allergy to Gluten and Casien

> History of Severe Depression/Bipolar

> Severe Anxiety/Social Anxiety/Shyness

> Chronic Fatigue

> Paradoxical Response to Stress

> Brain Fog

> Insomnia








> 2) Last Amalgams Removed 11/19/07. Had 4 fillings and a gold crown.

> May have had more previously.


> 3) Supplements; medications and chelating schedule at the time of hair

> test;

> No chelation before hair test

> regular supplementation according to Andy's reccomendation 3 months

> before hair test I have now lowered the dosage of supplements

> Vitamin C - Ester C 2g x 5

> Milk Thistle Extract - Silymarin 80% 150mg x 5

> Folic Acid 800mcg x5

> Nacinamide 500mg x5

> Magnesium Citrate 200mg x 5

> L-Glutamine 1g x 5

> B-50 Complex x5

> L-Lysine 2g x 5

> Zinc Picolinate 50mg x 5

> Chromium Picolinate 200mcg x 5 with meals

> Inositol 500mg x5

> Vitamin E 1200 IU x1

> CLA 1600mg x1

> CoQ10 100mg x1

> Carotenoids x1

> Neptune Krill Oil 500mg x1

> Flax Oil 5-10g x1


> Probiotics 5 tablets x 2




> 4)Hydergine 4.5 x 5

> Forskolin


> Cod Liver Oil

> 60g day flax oil


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> My hair test #145 on

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html


> I got my hair test results in and from what I can tell(I have Andy's

> Hair test book) It does not meet any of the counting rules. I had

> been taking supplements regularly for 3 months before this hair test.


> Could the supplements have been responsible for me to not meet any of

> the counting rules?

Yes. It is also possible that mercury is doing more harm in your

brain than in your body, and this won't show up as deranged mineral

transport. However, you do have undetectable mercury, which is not

normal and suggests a mercury problem.

> Is it still possible that I have mercury poisoning?

Yes. Several rounds of chelation should confirm it. Have you

started chelating?

> I just want to be sure I am on the right path. Honestly me having

> mercury poisoning feels like my only hope. Because it's curable and I

> have tried everything else.


> Is there anything else useful that can be gained from the results?

There is no evidence of any metabolic problems, such as blood sugar

or adrenal/thyroid problems, but these issues don't always show up

on hair tests. I recommend you do other forms of testing for hormone

problems. Your Ca/P is on the low side meaning you are a slightly

fast oxidizer. A high fat diet and lots of vitamin D are supposed

to be good for this. Most of us are very deficient in vitamin D.

> Thanks for your help

> More details about me below:


> 1) Current symptoms and medical history;



> PANDAS Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with

> Streptococcal Infections

> Celiac/Allergy to Gluten and Casien

> History of Severe Depression/Bipolar

> Severe Anxiety/Social Anxiety/Shyness

If you haven't already, see Andy's advice about what to do for

depression in the files under Andy index subject links.

> Chronic Fatigue

> Paradoxical Response to Stress

> Brain Fog

> Insomnia








> 2) Last Amalgams Removed 11/19/07. Had 4 fillings and a gold crown.

> May have had more previously.


> 3) Supplements; medications and chelating schedule at the time of hair

> test;

> No chelation before hair test

> regular supplementation according to Andy's reccomendation 3 months

> before hair test I have now lowered the dosage of supplements

> Vitamin C - Ester C 2g x 5

> Milk Thistle Extract - Silymarin 80% 150mg x 5

> Folic Acid 800mcg x5

> Nacinamide 500mg x5

> Magnesium Citrate 200mg x 5

> L-Glutamine 1g x 5

> B-50 Complex x5

> L-Lysine 2g x 5

> Zinc Picolinate 50mg x 5

> Chromium Picolinate 200mcg x 5 with meals

> Inositol 500mg x5

> Vitamin E 1200 IU x1

> CLA 1600mg x1

> CoQ10 100mg x1

> Carotenoids x1

> Neptune Krill Oil 500mg x1

> Flax Oil 5-10g x1


> Probiotics 5 tablets x 2




> 4)Hydergine 4.5 x 5

> Forskolin


> Cod Liver Oil

> 60g day flax oil

Wow, that's a lot to add over the course of 3 months!

Are you finding benefits from these supplements?


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