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Re: Lead and DMSA, my chelation report

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Thank you so much for this detailed report, and especially about seeing and

feeling the lead coming out of your bones. I have never heard anyone describe

it like that. Sounds like it has been a rough road, but you are getting things

figured out, and glad to hear that you have had improvements.

I peeked at your hair tests, and noticed the very elevated silver in all of you

(off the chart red). Have you identified the source of this? It sounds like

you have multiple toxicities, which I'm sure complicates things, and I think can

make chelation more difficult or slower than for others. I have mercury and

arsenic, and I beleive that is the case for me also. Anyway, the silver may be

a big part of your problem and adding to your symptoms also. On page 103 of

HTI, under silver, it says, " They may be concerned that they are losing their

mental faculties or that they are going crazy. " It lists lots of symptoms, but

from what you reported below, that one jumped out at me. Maybe chelation was

moving silver around, causing some of your symptoms. And if you have lead and

mercury also, who knows what that combination does. Anyway, since you have

multiple metals, I would recommend getting the Hair Test Interpretation book, if

you don't have it already. It's available at Andy's website:


It covers all the metals and minerals on the hair tests, and I find it very

useful and interesting.

Please keep us informed on how things go for you, I'm very interested in your

case, with multiple metals.


In frequent-dose-chelation llamabb wrote:

I have been chelating using the frequent dose protocol since November

2006, four days after finishing amalgam removal. I used 12.5 mg. of

DMSA. My symptoms were bad before the amalgam removal. They got

significantly worse during amalgam removal, despite the safe protocols

of a mercury free dentist.

I need to tell you that in addition to the mercury, I was diagnosed as

lead poisoned back in 1982. I was never treated for the lead

poisoning. Also, in July 2006 a naturopath gave me a DMPS shot for a

24 hour urine. Guess what!? He found mercury. He subsequently gave

me two IVs of EDTA before I figured out I was getting sicker and

started doing my own research as to what to do. In August 2006 I

found my way to this group. September 2006 I started getting my

amalgams removed.

At first, chelating felt okay. But as I soldiered on round after

round, I exhibited more and worse symptoms until I was nearly

completely loony. With each chelation I could feel and sometimes see

lead being pulled out of my body. I would exhibit dark patches at my

various joints. They would resolve after a couple of days. It did

not affect all of my joints with every chelation. Instead, it was as

if each joint took its turn alternating with each chelation. I could

handle the joint pain and such. But the psycho-absolutely-crazy

person I became was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I

spent days, even weeks where I couldn't even drive or leave the house.

After about three to four months of chelation, I started hearing

people talking when no one was around. More than once I got up from

my computer and went into another part of the house to see who was

there. Of course there was no one.

It wasn't until I stopped the DMSA and used ALA only that I had what I

would call a more comfortable and perhaps normal (if there is such a

thing) chelation experience. The craziness began to melt away.

I tried a couple of rounds in May of 2007 with both DMSA and ALA. For

me, it was as if I was on high speed. I became brilliant. I didn't

sleep much. WHOOSH! But it was not a good WHOOSH. I decided that

maybe I needed to work with ALA only for awhile. And doing that felt


Then in July, I went to my dentist for the first time since my amalgam

removal to get my teeth cleaned. A new panoramic xray was done. A

small amalgam on the gumline far in the upper back of my mouth was

discovered. The dentist had missed one! I couldn't believe it. All

of that time I had been chelating with an amalgam, albeit a very small

one. I got it taken out immediately.

I decided to continue with ALA after waiting only a month. This was

because I was afraid to use the DMSA after my previous experience and

because I felt like I really needed to chelate. I did three rounds in

August 2007 and another three in October-November 2007 with ALA only.

My naturopath talked me into using the DMSA again with the ALA.

Before trying that, I took a planned month off from any chelating.

Since resuming chelation January 1, I have done three rounds of ALA

and DMSA together. I have honed it down to 10 mg. ALA and 5 mg. DMSA

every three hours for either three or four day rounds.

Once again, like last winter I have had focused joint and bone

symptoms as the DMSA does its job pulling out lead. The symptoms have

expanded and intensified with each round. The first round

was okay. The second round I had some additional symptoms including

the appearance of a very large dark area just above my left ankle

which resolved at the end of the round. The the third and last round

was okay during the round but horrible afterward with psycho symptoms,

brain fog, and depression.

I have concluded that the DMSA causes me the additional symptom

troubles because of the lead. (Of course I don't know this to be the

fact but it is what I feel.) I have read that it is customary to

chelate less often for lead (I don't mean frequency of doses!),

usually just one round a month. So I think I will try doing that now.

I do want to dump the lead along with the mercury. I don't want to

be sick and crazy. So my plan is to chelate with ALA only except for

one round per month when I will add the DMSA. That will give my body

more time to recover from the lead while still going after mercury

with the ALA.

I have to tell you that compared to where I was before and during

amalgam removal, and since the dark days of DMSA chelation last

winter, I am soooo much improved. My husband tells me this often.

For a couple of years, I could barely walk I had so much leg pain.

Now I walk up and downstairs confidently and with strength and no

pain. My face/skin looks healthier. There is " life " in my cheeks and

eyes. I think more clearly now and enjoy more days where I am able to

accomplish things because I can stay focused on what I am doing.

Reading is becoming easier for me more of the time, and I am glad of

that as I have missed reading. I have taken on some significant

volunteer responsibilities that would have been no problem for me

years ago, but which while challenging me now, would not have been

mentally possible for me to do the last couple of years.

While chelating lead complicates the situation, I will continue to

chelate and expect to see more improvements over time.

See my hair test at


I am hair test #25. My husband is #26. My son is #27. We all had

amalgams removed and we all are chelating.

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You are correct about the silver. The whole family had it and mine

was way off the charts. You might think I should have been blue or

gray in color, but I had normal skin color.

My hair test was pubic hair instead of head hair. While I had used a

little bit of colloidal silver given to me by the naturopath during

the virus season, the one common exposure we all had was in our hot

tub. There is a " silver " cartridge that goes in by the filter.

Needless to say, I pulled that thing out and have never put one in

again. I figure that some of my extreme load in the hair sample may

have been because my pubic hair was totally immersed in the hot tub as

opposed to the head hair of my son and husband which never is immersed

in the hot tub. I avoid colloidal silver like the plague now.

I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

drop, wouldn't you say?

By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had known how

to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.

I have both Amalgam Illness and Hair Test Interpretation. My now

dog-earred books are filled with hand written notes, underlines,

post-its and tabs. I had to read the stuff a million times in my

stupid state in order to comprehend it all. I keep them in the kitchen

with my cookbooks for ready reference. I use these books more than

any book I ever had except the dictionary!

You are correct that I had symptoms consistent with those listed for

silver in the Hair Test Interpretation book. The vision problems were

huge for me. I still have problems with vision but it is better. (I

figure my eyeballs were full of mercury too from about 30 years of

thimersol containing contact lens solutions beginning in 1968.) I have

had the sensation of " pulling " from my eyeballs during some chelation

rounds over the past year.

Besides the going crazy, fearful, and overall memory failure symptoms

that I had, the one symptom that I found really weird is, " ...serious

interest in the performing arts and may participate in them

professionally or as a hobby. " I am a musician. Go figure!

We are on well water which I have had tested over the years because of

my lead poisoning. (I think I remember that you, Jackie, are on well

water that you tested.) The most recent test was last winter. Our

water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

about the problem of tainted water. I lived the bad water problem

when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the city.

It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

knew in 1981 what I know now!

I have to agree with you that the combination of mercury, lead, and

silver could cause all sorts of problems. Who knows what may be worse

because the axis of evil toxic metals I am poisoned with.

I will send my most recent hair test to Dean for posting. Should have

done that back in November.


> I have been chelating using the frequent dose protocol since November

> 2006,




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You are correct about the silver. The whole family had it and mine

was way off the charts. You might think I should have been blue or

gray in color, but I had normal skin color.

My hair test was pubic hair instead of head hair. While I had used a

little bit of colloidal silver given to me by the naturopath during

the virus season, the one common exposure we all had was in our hot

tub. There is a " silver " cartridge that goes in by the filter.

Needless to say, I pulled that thing out and have never put one in

again. I figure that some of my extreme load in the hair sample may

have been because my pubic hair was totally immersed in the hot tub as

opposed to the head hair of my son and husband which never is immersed

in the hot tub. I avoid colloidal silver like the plague now.

I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

drop, wouldn't you say?

By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had known how

to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.

I have both Amalgam Illness and Hair Test Interpretation. My now

dog-earred books are filled with hand written notes, underlines,

post-its and tabs. I had to read the stuff a million times in my

stupid state in order to comprehend it all. I keep them in the kitchen

with my cookbooks for ready reference. I use these books more than

any book I ever had except the dictionary!

You are correct that I had symptoms consistent with those listed for

silver in the Hair Test Interpretation book. The vision problems were

huge for me. I still have problems with vision but it is better. (I

figure my eyeballs were full of mercury too from about 30 years of

thimersol containing contact lens solutions beginning in 1968.) I have

had the sensation of " pulling " from my eyeballs during some chelation

rounds over the past year.

Besides the going crazy, fearful, and overall memory failure symptoms

that I had, the one symptom that I found really weird is, " ...serious

interest in the performing arts and may participate in them

professionally or as a hobby. " I am a musician. Go figure!

We are on well water which I have had tested over the years because of

my lead poisoning. (I think I remember that you, Jackie, are on well

water that you tested.) The most recent test was last winter. Our

water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

about the problem of tainted water. I lived the bad water problem

when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the city.

It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

knew in 1981 what I know now!

I have to agree with you that the combination of mercury, lead, and

silver could cause all sorts of problems. Who knows what may be worse

because the axis of evil toxic metals I am poisoned with.

I will send my most recent hair test to Dean for posting. Should have

done that back in November.


> I have been chelating using the frequent dose protocol since November

> 2006,




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You are correct about the silver. The whole family had it and mine

was way off the charts. You might think I should have been blue or

gray in color, but I had normal skin color.

My hair test was pubic hair instead of head hair. While I had used a

little bit of colloidal silver given to me by the naturopath during

the virus season, the one common exposure we all had was in our hot

tub. There is a " silver " cartridge that goes in by the filter.

Needless to say, I pulled that thing out and have never put one in

again. I figure that some of my extreme load in the hair sample may

have been because my pubic hair was totally immersed in the hot tub as

opposed to the head hair of my son and husband which never is immersed

in the hot tub. I avoid colloidal silver like the plague now.

I had a new hair test in October 2007. My silver levels had dropped

from 38 to 2.1. Still high but down by 95%. That is a significant

drop, wouldn't you say?

By the way, I had a Hair Elements test in 1999. (Wish I had known how

to read it back then.) My silver on that test was only .04 though I

clearly met counting rules for deranged mineral transport even then.

I have both Amalgam Illness and Hair Test Interpretation. My now

dog-earred books are filled with hand written notes, underlines,

post-its and tabs. I had to read the stuff a million times in my

stupid state in order to comprehend it all. I keep them in the kitchen

with my cookbooks for ready reference. I use these books more than

any book I ever had except the dictionary!

You are correct that I had symptoms consistent with those listed for

silver in the Hair Test Interpretation book. The vision problems were

huge for me. I still have problems with vision but it is better. (I

figure my eyeballs were full of mercury too from about 30 years of

thimersol containing contact lens solutions beginning in 1968.) I have

had the sensation of " pulling " from my eyeballs during some chelation

rounds over the past year.

Besides the going crazy, fearful, and overall memory failure symptoms

that I had, the one symptom that I found really weird is, " ...serious

interest in the performing arts and may participate in them

professionally or as a hobby. " I am a musician. Go figure!

We are on well water which I have had tested over the years because of

my lead poisoning. (I think I remember that you, Jackie, are on well

water that you tested.) The most recent test was last winter. Our

water is wonderful and toxic metal free. It has a barely registering

trace of Barium, an essential element. I am thankful for this good

water and wish I could share my good water with all of you who worry

about the problem of tainted water. I lived the bad water problem

when I became lead poisoned. It turned out that the water in the

apartments where I lived had the most lead of any tested in the city.

It made my cat sick too and caused her to have seizures. I wish I

knew in 1981 what I know now!

I have to agree with you that the combination of mercury, lead, and

silver could cause all sorts of problems. Who knows what may be worse

because the axis of evil toxic metals I am poisoned with.

I will send my most recent hair test to Dean for posting. Should have

done that back in November.


> I have been chelating using the frequent dose protocol since November

> 2006,




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