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Hi, new, first post...long

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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a bit, and finally decided to post. I've been

reading, highlighting, re-reading and reading some more of AI and am

pretty convinced that mercury is my issue. I'll try to be as brief

and succinct as possible...of course we all know how difficult that

can be for some of us. :)

I was sick as a kid...pneumonia a few weeks after I was born (my

mother smoked...any relation?), allergies (and allergy shots in the

'70's), hospitalized for ear infections, raging eczema, bronchitis,

trips to the ER for wheezing attacks...and then a Crohn's disease dx

in 1982. Was in and out of remission for the next 10 years, with one

abdominal resection and finally and ileostomy was required. Following

that, over the next 4 years I started to have food intolerance and

allergy issues, along with candidiasis and various " Crohn's " symptoms,

although active Crohn's was NEVER detected (and hasn't been to this

day since 1992). Treated the candidiasis and went on a

wheat/corn/dairy (except yogurt) free diet. Within those 4 years, I

was finally " back to normal " and was eating whatever I wanted, feeling

good, etc. Then I developed a soy allergy (I was eating tofu and

soybeans daily, 'cuz soy is so beneficial!) I'm rambling...in any

event, food intolerances increased, old symptoms started to return, so

I broke out the Nystatin and cleaned up my diet...much better for a

little while. The cycle kept continuing, only getting worse with each

bad spell. So getting to today, I am now only able to tolerate three

foods. I'm high sulfur, salicylate/amine intolerant and badly so.

The neuro/psych symptoms are making life extremely difficult. I've

been following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for the past year;

however, it hasn't done much. I'm not able to eat the foods that are

allowed, let alone the ones that aren't.

Yesterday I met with a physician that does chelation therapy. I was

there for three hours talking with him and testing...he's great in

that he is working with me on the tests that I asked for, adding in

tests of his own. We did a hair analysis test (I'll post results),

I'm doing the saliva/urine today, and he is doing an amino acid

profile, hormone checks as well as a liver detox profile. He wants to

muscle test me for possible IV therapy, as well. Recent bloodwork

revealed high TSH, so he has prescribed Armour Thyroid. Now the bad

news...if the hair test comes back negative, he will want to do a

challenge test. I already told him I'm against it, which is why we

did the hair test. I'm prepping for a " what if it comes back

negative? " scenario, and I'd like to tell him that I'd like to do a

round of DMSA as a test instead. Need your help here...if I am indeed

toxic, what can I expect from doing a round of DMSA? (Formulating my

pitch for the doctor here :)) I'd really like to get his support so

that he can supervise, but mostly prescribe the drugs that I need to


I'm definitely nervous about self-treating with chelation; however,

I'll do it if need be. He is predominantly an IV chelator, but his

office mgr. told me he will do oral therapy as well. (Just didn't

feel the need to go into it with him yesterday.)

Oh, and I had my amalgams removed last Wednesday...that's probably

important for you to know. :)

I'm sure that this is the first of many posts I'll be making, but I'd

appreciate your help in formulating my pitch for now. Oh, just

remembered another question: in AI, says that taking thyroid

meds without adrenal assistance isn't a good idea. Should I wait on

taking the Armour Thyroid until my adrenal test results come back?

I don't want to in case there's any chance of the Armour making me

feel the slightest bit better; however, I'll do what's best.

Thanks so much, and apologies if this was scattered and confusing.


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