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round 10 having problems.. esophageal varices liver congestion

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I was doing so well on the last couple rounds @ 12.5mg DMSA so I

added 12.5mg ALA on Monday night. First day felt great, (except for a

little bit of some almost immediate sensitivity in my chest.) Then

yesterday afternoon I had overwhelming (more than the usual) fatigue

to where I had to stay in bed much of the afternoon. (There were a

lot of other reasons -- major stress -- for that though..) Last night

I woke up because no matter which way I turned my chest hurt. Mood

was great throughout all this. Felt really happy, peaceful even...

And thrilled that the ALA was working out...

I'm guessing that my liver is just so congested trying to process

metals that it's pushing out into my ribs and up through my

esophagus? (I felt it in my lower throat too last night.)

I know I have a strong liver, genetically -- I mean how can my

parents be alcoholics for 60 years? But I'm worried that when the

liver gets so full and tight it can cause these things like " varicose

veins " in the esophagus?? I think it's called esophageal varices?

The other times I've felt I had too much chelator it always involved

dizziness and a kind of brainfog and emotional weirdness so I backed

off right away. Not so this time, this med.

So this problem is more mechanical in nature, tnherefore simpler in a

way. I wonder if I need to stop. One more 24 hour period and I will

have gone 3 days. I scheduled acupuncture for the liver and vitamin C

(meyers) that last day (tomorrow) as well as a phosphatadyl

choline " push " . I wanted it to jibe with the going-off off the


I don't mind taking it easy just to help get through. I'm fast phase

I slow phase II and wonder if an epsom salt bath would help?

I took extra vitamin C during the night (and Klonopin to help me

sleep) and now just took milk thistle. I'll have my other supplements

next -- the NAC, Sam-e and aminos, B's..

I know the process of elimination will be hard on the liver no matter

what but don't want to do damage. Any help appreciated!!


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