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Re: High Blood Sugar, was- Specific Carbohydrate Diet & Hypoglycemia??

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In frequent-dose-chelation Nicola wrote:

Hi Jackie

thanks for your comments. I have to confess to being in a bit of a

panic about this. My blood sugar is averaging between 6-7mmol today,

going down to 5.5 after a meal, and rising before the next one. It

is very bizarre, but apparently that is insulin resistance or pre-


---------Hi Nicola. I don't have a meter, so haven't been able to track my

levels, so I can't compare to what's happening to you.--------Jackie

I have taken my pred doses differently today, in the hope of getting

a longer spread of efficacy, and therefore be able to lower the dose,

but I would love to know how long this is going to take.

---------I really don't know, since I'm just starting this also. told

me to get down to as low a dose of HC as possible. I think she consulted Andy

about my problem, because I asked about the arsenic/blood sugar connection, and

he suggested I try taking Adrenal Cortex Extract, to see if that would help me

lower my dose of HC. So I am working on building up my dose of that also. But

too soon to tell. At least I tolerate it now. I had tried it a long time ago,

and didn't tolerate it back then. So maybe that is something you could try

also. And if the arsenic is affecting my blood sugar, then he said as low a

carb of a diet, such as Atkins, that I can stand, and to take Biotin 8mg, 4X a

day, is what to do to help with that. It has something to do with pyruvates. I

do feel best when I eat meat and vegetables, so this does make sense in my


I am also

stopping my calcium supplement, because I know that this makes my

blood sugar problems worse.

----------If you know it makes it worse, then I would stop it also. I haven't

made any correlation with that, so I don't know if it's part of my problem or


I really really don't want to have

diabetes on top of everything else, but it looks like I am heading

that way.

-------------I know what you mean. I really didn't want to hear that I had

one more thing wrong with me. Especially right after my mom had passed away.

It was pretty hard to accept. So I'm hoping that the HC was the big culprit and

this won't be a life-long problem. And I'm really hoping that chelation will

correct these types of things that are out of whack in my body. I'm tired of

being a mess.-------Jackie

I don't know what else to do - my diet is already reduced

to meat, eggs and vegetables and has been for 2 years, so it sure

isn't caused by that! It MUST be the steroids - I also take Florinef

at a fairly high dose.

--------Wow, your diet certainly doesn't sound like it's contributing at all.

I do feel best when I also eat meat, eggs, and vegetables, but I do eat some

carbs, but try to limit them. I would suspect the steroids in your case also.

I have no idea if the Florinef would affect this too. I have had a couple

people with medical backgrounds, besides my doctor, say that high blood sugar

can be steroid-induced. So it probably is a big factor in our


The funny thing is that I have no signs of too much cortisol - no

buffalo hump, no high blood pressure (it's still low), no swelling,

nothing. And I wouldn't mind if I got the euphoria effect of too

much steroid, but I still feel rubbish!!

----------So what is a buffalo hump? Haven't heard that one. If you still

don't feel well, then it is probably the high blood sugar or something else. I

think I made the mistake that if I didn't feel good, then more HC would fix it.

I think sometimes I got it right, and other times it wasn't what I needed. So

maybe that is what is happening to you too. And in AI, Andy says that if your

problem is more pituitary, then it can be very hard to dose HC correctly, like

if you have that ACTH paradoxical response to stress. So I'm wondering if that

is my problem also.---------Jackie

I also have Metformin, but I need to go to my GP and get some proper

testing before starting that. :-((((

-----------Did you ever try it? How long ago did he prescribe it? I may have

been leary of a prescription just from my regular doctor, but suggested

it, and I have also read about it at the VRP website, and the doctor there

recommends it also. Someone there said it helped them lose weight, so I hope

that happens to me! I've only been taking it for a week, but I think it might

be helping, and I think I may be less hungry and eating less too, so maybe it

will be a real good thing. So it is probably worth you pursuing


18 months after amalgam

removal I really hoped I was on an upward path to better health, not

getting worse!!

-------------I know exactly what you mean! I really thought I'd be farther

along by now too. But I have to remember in my case that I have had alot of

stress during this whole time, and other medical issue/problems/emergencies that

I don't think are related to this at all, so I guess setbacks are inevitable for

me. And I have an upcoming surgery next week, so something to sidetrack me

again. So I guess we have to just keep plugging along, and hopefully will turn

the corner soon. Let's hope for a much better year in 2008!---------Jackie

The hair analysis showed my Ca/Mg ratio of 55 a year before I started

the steroids, it also showed very low sodium / potassium, so my

adrenals were beaten up for sure. So all these was there before I

got on the steroids, but has probably been made worse by them. Like

I said, I always had problems with low blood sugar until recently, so

this is all new to me.

-----------My Ca/Mg ratio was in range on both of my hair tests, so no

indication there of blood sugar problems. My adrenals go the other way, low Ca

and Mg, but still shows the signs of adrenal stress too. So I think the

steroids are very suspect in our cases.--------Jackie

I guess exercise is the only thing left - and I can't really do that

either. Fed up. Good to know I'm not on my own though...

------------Yes exercise and losing weight is supposed to really help and can

be enough to control it, along with diet, for some people. I know what you mean

about the exercise thing, I can't do it like I used to either, and I'm not good

at trying to make myself do little bits. But if you (we) could tolerate short

walks or get a mini-trampoline or try yoga or something like that, that would

probably help.

I found some notes from on what to do to help control this:

----get HC dose as low as possible

-----study glycemic load and index

-----get at least 30 grams of fiber a day, supplement if necessary

-----exercise, even just walking

-------lose weight, even 5% helps

-------prescription for Metformin

I hope this helps. We'll have to keep in touch on this issue. Good luck, and

hang in there!--------Jackie


> --------I am back at my maintenance dose of HC and will certainly

be much more careful about stress-dosing in the future.

recommended I ask my regular doctor for a prescription for Metformin,

to help control/lower my blood sugar, so I just started that one week

ago. I think it is probably helping, but it hasn't been long enough

yet to do any follow-up testing. And of course I'm watching what I

eat, avoiding sweets and limiting carbs.---------Jackie




> Will blood sugar levels correct themselves if you

> reduce your HC dosage?


> ------------Theoretically, yes they should. But I may just be

more genetically prone to this problem, because I was told a couple

years ago that I was insulin resistant. How much the heavy metals

has to do with this, I don't know. And like I said, it hasn't been

long enough to do follow-up testing, and now that I'm taking the

Metformin, I won't know if they came down because of that or from

reducing the HC or diet or what.----------Jackie




> My Ca/Mg was out of range in my last hair test (44) and has been


> high as 55, so I expect blood sugar problems. But they have


> been hypo rather than hyper, so this is a bit new to me. In any


> I don't know whether my problems are due to this ratio being out


> whack, or too much cortisol. Is there any way of knowing?


> -----------I really don't know the answer, Nicola. Have you had

hair tests before and after starting to take prednisolone

(cortisol)? If the ratio was out of whack before you ever started

taking prednisolone, then I would think the problem was already there

and not *caused* by the prednisolone. But this is not to say that it

did not exacerbate the problem though. And since my hair test didn't

show this out of range, I can't say what caused my problem either,

but it certainly appears that the excess cortisol (HC) I took this

fall was what pushed it over the edge.------Jackie


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