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Re: Adrenals, thyroids and my lab results

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In frequent-dose-chelation sunshinep1969 wrote:

Since we talking about adrenals, my lab tests look like this:

Any comments will be well appreciated.

From my temp graph and these results I have figured my adrenals and

thyroid need help. Adrenals get treated first.

Male 38 yo

Adrenal stress profile (saliva) age group 30-39

Cortisol levels

Sample 1. 7-8am 10.8 ... ref 12-22

Sample 2. 11-12am 4.3....ref 4-8

Sample 3. 4-5pm 4.4....ref 3-7

Sample 4. 11-12pm 1.6....ref 1-3

----------Yes you are certainly low all day, especially your morning cortisol

should be much higher. You are low in range in afternoon/evening, do you feel

better then? I usually fell better at night, which is a common adrenal and

mercury symptom.---Jackie

Total daily cortisol 21.1......ref 20-40

DHEA levels

Sample 2 am 0.41.......ref 0.3-0.7

Sample 3 pm 0.30.......ref 0.3-0.7

DHEA : cortisol Ratio 1.9...ref 0.8-3.5

--------Your DHEA is on the lower side also, so you may want to consider

supplementing that too. It is OTC supplement here in the US. Mine is low

normal too, so I take DHEA Plus by Labs (Amni), which contains 25mg of

DHEA and 25mg of pregnenolone. I was taking one capsule in the morning, but we

just increased it to 1 in the am and 1 at noon, because my levels are still

lowish, and my testosterone is low. These are precursors to other hormones, so

hopefully they will help raise my levels. You can also get it without the

pregnenolone. My report says that " chronic low DHEA may suggest adrenal

fatigue, particulary if cortisol is also low and symtoms are indicative of low

adrenal function. " So DHEA and cortisol both being low, is pretty indicative of

adrenal fatigue.--------Jackie

(There was a comment about my adrenal stress type: " Cyclic

Variation " )

---------Not sure what that means, but may be referring to you being low in

the morning and in range in the evening, because you should be highest in the

morning, if your adrenals are working right.----------Jackie

Total Thyroid screen

Total Throxine (T4) 110.....ref 58-154

Thyroid stimulating hormone 1.16...ref 0.4-4.0

Free thyroxine (T4) 18.5....ref 10-22

Free T3 4.95....ref 2.8-6.5

Free T4 : Free T3 ratio 3.74..ref 3.0-5.0

-----------Your thyroid numbers don't look too bad, but probably aren't

optimum. You want Free T3 and T4 to be in the upper 1/3 or 1/4 of the range. I

don't consider myself a thyroid expert, so hopefully someone else will


Thyroid auto antibodies

Thyroglobulin <20.0 ...ref 0-40 (- optimal range <40)

Peroxidase(mircosomal): <10..ref 0-35 (- optimal range <35)

--------No antibodies, so that's good. So you don't have


Reverse T3 - 30.2.......ref 9.0-35.0

---------I don't remember exactly what Reverse T3 means. You may want to

google this, or hopefully someone else will comment.---------Jackie

Testosterone - Saliva 88 pg/ml...ref 70-250

-----------On the lower end of normal. Like I mentioned above, DHEA can help

bring this up. Not sure if the maca is affecting this though?--------Jackie

Ferritin - 212.........ref 30-400

--------Well this looks good. Mine was 4 two years ago. It's now up to


Vitamin B12, Cobalamin (serum) - 730 ...ref 193-982

Folate(serum) - 8.2......................ref 3.0-17.0


-----------I don't remember, are you working with a doctor or on your



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> Since we talking about adrenals, my lab tests look like this:

> Any comments will be well appreciated.


> From my temp graph and these results I have figured my adrenals


> thyroid need help. Adrenals get treated first.


> Male 38 yo


> Adrenal stress profile (saliva) age group 30-39

> Cortisol levels

> Sample 1. 7-8am 10.8 ... ref 12-22

> Sample 2. 11-12am 4.3....ref 4-8

> Sample 3. 4-5pm 4.4....ref 3-7

> Sample 4. 11-12pm 1.6....ref 1-3


> ----------Yes you are certainly low all day, especially your

morning cortisol should be much higher. You are low in range in

afternoon/evening, do you feel better then? I usually fell better at

night, which is a common adrenal and mercury symptom.---Jackie

Sunshine: I have always started the day real slow. don't really come

alive until 10am. yes i have always been an evening person.




> Total daily cortisol 21.1......ref 20-40


> DHEA levels

> Sample 2 am 0.41.......ref 0.3-0.7

> Sample 3 pm 0.30.......ref 0.3-0.7

> DHEA : cortisol Ratio 1.9...ref 0.8-3.5


> --------Your DHEA is on the lower side also, so you may want to

consider supplementing that too. It is OTC supplement here in the

US. Mine is low normal too, so I take DHEA Plus by Labs

(Amni), which contains 25mg of DHEA and 25mg of pregnenolone. I was

taking one capsule in the morning, but we just increased it to 1 in

the am and 1 at noon, because my levels are still lowish, and my

testosterone is low. These are precursors to other hormones, so

hopefully they will help raise my levels. You can also get it

without the pregnenolone. My report says that " chronic low DHEA may

suggest adrenal fatigue, particulary if cortisol is also low and

symtoms are indicative of low adrenal function. " So DHEA and

cortisol both being low, is pretty indicative of adrenal fatigue.-----


Sunshine: ok, i don't know about this so i will research some more.




> (There was a comment about my adrenal stress type: " Cyclic

> Variation " )


> ---------Not sure what that means, but may be referring to you

being low in the morning and in range in the evening, because you

should be highest in the morning, if your adrenals are working right.-





> Total Thyroid screen

> Total Throxine (T4) 110.....ref 58-154

> Thyroid stimulating hormone 1.16...ref 0.4-4.0

> Free thyroxine (T4) 18.5....ref 10-22

> Free T3 4.95....ref 2.8-6.5

> Free T4 : Free T3 ratio 3.74..ref 3.0-5.0


> -----------Your thyroid numbers don't look too bad, but probably

aren't optimum. You want Free T3 and T4 to be in the upper 1/3 or

1/4 of the range. I don't consider myself a thyroid expert, so

hopefully someone else will comment.------Jackie




> Thyroid auto antibodies

> Thyroglobulin <20.0 ...ref 0-40 (- optimal range <40)

> Peroxidase(mircosomal): <10..ref 0-35 (- optimal range <35)


> --------No antibodies, so that's good. So you don't have


Sunshine: Oh Happy dayz! Not very often do i discover stuff that i do

that have;-)





> Reverse T3 - 30.2.......ref 9.0-35.0


> ---------I don't remember exactly what Reverse T3 means. You may

want to google this, or hopefully someone else will comment.---------





> Testosterone - Saliva 88 pg/ml...ref 70-250


> -----------On the lower end of normal. Like I mentioned above,

DHEA can help bring this up. Not sure if the maca is affecting this


Sunshine: this test was before the maca powder. My libido was

nonexistent but the maca powder brought that up fairly quickly. I

have no idea if maca has long term or short term effects, but I am

much happier taking herbs, rather than products, although with so

many things needing attention it is difficult to avoid.




> Ferritin - 212.........ref 30-400


> --------Well this looks good. Mine was 4 two years ago. It's

now up to 51.-----Jackie




> Vitamin B12, Cobalamin (serum) - 730 ...ref 193-982


> Folate(serum) - 8.2......................ref 3.0-17.0


> Sunshine


> -----------I don't remember, are you working with a doctor or on

your own?-------Jackie

sunshine: Well, I did ask my local Doctor but he said…and I

quote " Good news. All your tests are within range, so there is

nothing wrong with you. You can go home and relax. You are in good

health! " I did then list out my troubles, but he waved me away saying

not to worry, that the tests said i was fine.

No need for me to waste anymore time seeing doctors like him!

So, I'm on my own at the moment, but I am seeing a specialist in

January. A Dr. Peatfield who comes high recommended........I

quote " Please note that I relinquished my registration with the GMC

and now practice as a complementary therapist in the field of

nutrition. " He sounds like just like my kinda man, but time will


Thx, Sunshine

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